2 Lynn F. Little Lynn F. Little, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Sciences Washington County Lynn F. Little Lynn F. Little, Extension Educator Family & Consumer Sciences Washington County
3 How is Your Wellness & Quality of Life? 2
4 Health and Finance “Issues” Good health and wealth are related to: Higher productivity, fewer work absences Higher productivity, fewer work absences Lower medical expenses to erode wealth Lower medical expenses to erode wealth Live long enough to collect Social Security benefit Live long enough to collect Social Security benefit
5 Overeating: An “Issue” for Many
6 Overspending: Another Common “Issue”
7Today Discuss relationships between health & wealth Discuss relationships between health & wealth Discuss common behavior change strategies Discuss common behavior change strategies
8 Set realistic goals Identify small, do-able “action steps” Identify obstacles and overcome them “Put your mind to it” and take action After Today
10 Track Your Current Habits (Exercise, Eating, & Spending) Use a pedometer: Use a pedometer: To determine current number of steps- then build up gradually To determine current number of steps- then build up gradually “Use your feet more and you can eat more” “Use your feet more and you can eat more” Track foods eaten & calories consumed: Track foods eaten & calories consumed: Use a “Calorie Counter” book for unlabeled foods Use a “Calorie Counter” book for unlabeled foods Track monthly income, expenses, & cash flow Track monthly income, expenses, & cash flow Is spending or eating related to emotions?
11 Convert Calories & Spending Into Labor Health: How many hours of exercise are needed to burn off extra food? Health: How many hours of exercise are needed to burn off extra food? Is eating a certain food “worth the calories?” Is eating a certain food “worth the calories?” Finances: How many hours of work are needed in order to buy something (use after-tax dollars)? Finances: How many hours of work are needed in order to buy something (use after-tax dollars)? Is buying something worth the time worked? Is buying something worth the time worked?
12 Meet Yourself Halfway… Health: Decrease portion sizes of favorite foods by 1/3 to 1/2 and/or increase exercise Health: Decrease portion sizes of favorite foods by 1/3 to 1/2 and/or increase exercise Eat half as much as you do now…gradually Eat half as much as you do now…gradually Take leftovers from restaurant meals home Take leftovers from restaurant meals home Finances: Reduce discretionary spending by 1/3 to 1/2 and/or increase income Finances: Reduce discretionary spending by 1/3 to 1/2 and/or increase income Spend less than you do now Spend less than you do now Look for less expensive options Look for less expensive options
13 Save the Money Spent on Unhealthy Behaviors Fewer alcoholic beverages Fewer alcoholic beverages Fewer “empty calorie” foods Fewer “empty calorie” foods Smaller portion sizes; more leftovers Smaller portion sizes; more leftovers Give up smoking Give up smoking
14 “The Latte Factor” (David Bach) It’s not just about giving up pricey coffee It’s not just about giving up pricey coffee It’s about “finding” money to save by reducing everyday expenses It’s about “finding” money to save by reducing everyday expenses What are your “lattes”? What are your “lattes”? _______________
15 Just One Example $1.50 a day (junk food) saved from $1.50 a day (junk food) saved from age 18 to 67 = $290,363 age 18 to 67 = $290,363
16 Downsize and Substitute Health: “Just eat less” (than you do now) Health: “Just eat less” (than you do now) Buy less food Buy less food Eating out? Try lunch portions and appetizers Eating out? Try lunch portions and appetizers Buy low-calorie versions of foods Buy low-calorie versions of foods Control your condiments Control your condiments Finances: “Just spend less” (than you do now) Finances: “Just spend less” (than you do now) Buy fewer items Buy fewer items Track spending to understand habits Track spending to understand habits Shop smart to buy things for less Shop smart to buy things for less Buy lower-cost brands Buy lower-cost brands
17 Just Say “No” to Super-Sizing Health: Steer clear of “meal deals” in restaurants and order smaller portions Health: Steer clear of “meal deals” in restaurants and order smaller portions People often eat all the food they are given People often eat all the food they are given Finances: Avoid “buy three and save” offers when you only need one item Finances: Avoid “buy three and save” offers when you only need one item Scrutinize offers to trade-up to a costlier item (bait and switch?) or buy more items Scrutinize offers to trade-up to a costlier item (bait and switch?) or buy more items
18 Compare Yourself With Experts’ Recommendations Health: Health: Body Mass Index (BMI) Body Mass Index (BMI) “Five a day” (fruits and vegetables) “Five a day” (fruits and vegetables) Total cholesterol < 200 mg/dl Total cholesterol < 200 mg/dl
19 Compare Yourself With Experts’ Recommendations Finances: Finances: Consumer debt-to-income ratio < 20% Consumer debt-to-income ratio < 20% Age X gross income divided by 10 Age X gross income divided by 10 (Stanley & Danko net worth formula in The Millionaire Next Door) (Stanley & Danko net worth formula in The Millionaire Next Door) Suggested asset allocations by age Suggested asset allocations by age
20 Learn the Standards For Health and Financial Advice Health: Health: Compare portion sizes to objects Compare portion sizes to objects 3 oz of meat or fish = size of deck of cards 3 oz of meat or fish = size of deck of cards 1 cup of rice or pasta = size of a tennis ball 1 cup of rice or pasta = size of a tennis ball Weekly fitness guidelines: Weekly fitness guidelines: 30 minutes of daily exercise for adults; 30 minutes of daily exercise for adults; 60 minutes daily for youth 60 minutes daily for youth
21 Learn the Standards For Health and Financial Advice Finances: Finances: Follow guidelines for saving Follow guidelines for saving Emergency fund of 3 to 6 months expenses Emergency fund of 3 to 6 months expenses Retirement income of at least 70% to 80% of pre-retirement amount Retirement income of at least 70% to 80% of pre-retirement amount
22 Put Good Habits On “Automatic Pilot” Health: Routine health screenings, nutritional shakes and “points” programs for weight loss, short programmed workouts (e.g., Curves) Health: Routine health screenings, nutritional shakes and “points” programs for weight loss, short programmed workouts (e.g., Curves) Finances: Finances: Dollar-cost averaging investment deposits, employer retirement savings plan, Save More Tomorrow concept, direct deposit
23 Control Intake and Outgo Health: “Budget” your daily calories Health: “Budget” your daily calories Reduce the amount of food consumed Reduce the amount of food consumed Increase exercise to burn off more calories Increase exercise to burn off more calories Do both Do both
24 Control Intake and Outgo Health: “Budget” your daily calories Health: “Budget” your daily calories Reduce the amount of food consumed Reduce the amount of food consumed Increase exercise to burn off more calories Increase exercise to burn off more calories Do both Do both Finances: Develop a written spending plan Finances: Develop a written spending plan Reduce household expenses Reduce household expenses Increase income or benefits in lieu of income Increase income or benefits in lieu of income Do both Do both
25 Small Remedies Make a Difference Health: Health: Use less butter or salad dressing Use less butter or salad dressing Drink less soda Drink less soda Cut portion sizes Cut portion sizes Share an entrée Share an entrée Get two meals from one Get two meals from one Make time to exercise Make time to exerciseFinances: Save $1/day + pocket change Add $1/day to the minimum payment due on a credit card Add $1/day to the minimum payment due on a credit card Save an extra 1% of pay in a 401(k) Save an extra 1% of pay in a 401(k) Buy EE bonds monthly for $25 Buy EE bonds monthly for $25
26 Think Balance-Not Sacrifice Need to balance intake and outgo Weight: Burn more calories than consumed Savings: Earn more money than spent More people today are “out of balance” Changing just one habit can have big impact
27 Commit to Making a Change
28 Live “The Power of 10” Lose 10% of body weight Walk 10,000 steps/day Eat 100 calories less per day Exercise in 10- minute intervals Save $10 a week or month Add $1/day to credit card payments Invest some money in stock (average 10% return)
29 Kick It Up a Notch! Ramp up physical activity Work up to 10,000 steps Increase fruits & vegetables in diet Transfer credit card balances to lower rate Automatically increase savings at regular intervals Add 1/12 of mortgage payment (P & I) monthly Do more of anything positive!
30 Make Progress Everyday Any small step to improve your health or increase your wealth is better than doing nothing!
31 Small Steps to Health & Wealth Small Steps to Health & Wealth
32 What Will YOU Do to Get Healthy and Wealthy?
33 For More Information Harvard.edu index.html