Position Budget Training part 1 Understanding Position Budget Forms LOG INTO: VPN Banner HR: Development Instances Banner (BTRN)
Position Budget Forms NBAPOSN: Establishes the base position assumptions. Shows the position salary range and grade for a position. HR establishes the position. NBAPBUD: Establishes position parameters such as: Position Status (Active/Inactive), FTE value, Position ORG (PTOT), Position Budget distribution FOAPAL(s). BSC’s have access to this form. NWAPBAD: Sets and Allows maintenance to Position Salary budgets and Position Budget Distributions.
Position Budget Forms NWIPBHS & NWISPBH: Target (NWIPBHS) and Source (NWISPBH) Position Budget Adjustment History. This form will show you the effect of all NWAPBAD transactions for a position. NBIJLST: This form will help if you know the “PERSON” but not their “POSITION”. The Query date should be set to the “earliest” date (7/1/03) to give you a full listing of all positions (active or terminated) from this date forward. NBIPINC: This form will help if you know the “POSITION” but not the “PERSON”. The Query date should be set to the “latest” date (today) to give you a full history of the people in this position up to this date.
Establish and Activate a new Position & Budget Follow the Cheat Sheets for: NBAPOSN NBAPBUD NWAPBAD NBAPOSN – Verify the data. NBAPBUD – Establish the Position ORG, the FTE value, and the Position Budget Distribution lines (FOAPAL). NWAPBAD – Establish the Position Budget $ and the source of funding for this position.
A New Cheat Sheet : Understanding Source Position What is the Source Position: This is where you are funding this position (the Target Position) Options for Source Position: “Budget Only Position” An “Active” position that has available funds NOSOFP – No Source of Funds. Establish and Activate a new Position & Budget – Understanding the Source Position
Your Position is now “Active”. There is a budget associated with this position. The next step is to do an EPAF to hire a person into this position. (this was covered in the prior Banner HR trainings) Establish and Activate a new Position & Budget
Changing a FOAPAL on a Position Budget A New Cheat Sheet: Change Position FOAPAL value Need to Answer some questions first… Is the FOAPAL change within the same Fund? Changing the Fund / RC Unit will require additional steps. Appendix document reviews this process. Do you have ORG security for the “new” FOAPAL? Coordination will need to be set up for cases where ORG security is crossed. Are there expenses already posted to the FOAPAL that will remain? Or will they be DCN’d to another FOAPAL? You will need to keep budget $ in the existing FOAPAL for any funds that will remain there. You do not have to maintain budget $ if everything will be moved out of that FOAPAL.
Vacancies A New Cheat Sheet: Understanding Vacancies WEBI reports – HR30060 and HR30065 will report vacancies by Position ORG (PTOT). Salary Budgets available for Vacant Positions can also be viewed in NBAPBUD. Knowing where your available budgets are for vacant positions will be useful if sourcing another position or utilizing for non-salary support budgets.
A New Cheat Sheet: Move Position Budget to Non-Salary Budget Available budget dollars on positions may occur because of vacancies, attrition, or work schedule adjustments. The **PPB org within your fund is what is used for BD04 budget moves in Banner Finance from Salary/Wage account codes to Non-Salary related budget lines. Moving a Position Budget to/from Non-Salary Budget lines
Attributes to Remember A New Cheat Sheet: Position Budget Fields vs. JOBS Record Fields FTE values ORG’s and more ORG’s
HR Position Listing by PTOT ORG Prompts: Fiscal Year / Position Org / Position Status (“A” for Active). Has several report views, including – Position budget FOAPAL Position and Expense and Encumbrance information. HR30060 – List of Position Vacancies by PTOT ORG Prompts: Fiscal Year / Position ORG Lists Position / Position Budget / Expended and Encumbered amounts / Annual Salary, as well as other useful data. HR60012 – Labor Distribution Summary (*New Report*) Prompts: Fiscal Year / Fund Sorts report by Fund / Org / Account Allows user to utilize report and reconcile to Banner HR (FGIBDST) by account code. Has additional TABS on the report that increases the detail shown. Reports- Position Budget & Vacancy Information
Reports- NWAPBAD & NBACOMP transactions HR – Position Budget History by PTOT ORG (position Org). Prompts: Fiscal Year / Position ORG. Report sorts by Position number. Lists Target and Source information for all NWAPBAD and NBACOMP transactions. HR – Position Budget History by Position. Prompts: Position number. Lists Target and Source information for all NWAPBAD and NBACOMP transactions. HR – Position Budget Adjustments by PTOT ORG (and activity date) Prompts: Fiscal Year / Position ORG / Activity Date. Report sorts by Activity date and sub-totals by account code (tab 1) and Position distribution Org (tab 2). Lists Transaction information from NWAPBAD and NBACOMP. Good report to see a quick list of NOSOFP use.