We will be using HOT/Discussion Note Taking Format Today! You will use these notes for an informal script for our Socratic Seminar discussion today and turn in for points!
Learning Objectives: North Clackamas School District Social Studies Priority Standards: Econ 59. Demonstrate the skills and dispositions needed to be a critical consumer of information.
Daily Learning Target I Can define and explain in writing the following key Film/Discussion terms: Cheating Incentives Bribery
Unit One Economic Assessment Results You might be wondering: “How did I do on the Unit One Assessment? Check Synergy for results. I will pass back assessments once everyone has taken the test. Everyone who needs to take the test because they were absent will take the test NOW
And – how did former President George W. Bush do in college economics? Let’s take a look at his college transcript.
Econ 71/ 72 Gov. 73 /71 President Bush’s overall average 77 Kerry’s overall average 76. Gore’s average was even worse.
Major: Animal Science
“So - If you are having a hard time in economics, don’t worry about it. You are on schedule to be President of the U.S., or at least a governor.” One problem – he missed every 3 rd answer on tests.
Freakonomics In their book Freakonomics, Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner show that economics is, at its core is the study of incentives. It attempts to explain how people get what they want, or need, especially when other people want or need the same thing. They try to explore hidden side of everything. The inner workings of a crack gang, the truth about real-estate agents, the telltale signs of a cheating schoolteacher. Freakonomics establishes this unconventional premise: If morality represents how we would like the world to work, then economics represents how it actually does work!
Discussion Questions Please copy and answer while watching film: Clip #1: “Cheating”: 1. Why do people cheat? Give at least 3 reasons 2. Explain how Chicago Teachers and Sumo wrestlers cheated in the film. 3. Give three reasons why cheating is wrong in our society? 4. Give two examples of cheating in sports, academics and/or business. 5. Is cheating ever o.k. in your opinion? Why/why not? Give an example.
Discussion Questions Please copy and answer while watching film: Clip #2: Incentives 1. What are the differences between incentives and bribery? Is there a difference? Please explain? 2. Should students be paid to go to school? Would this incentive make students go to school and perform better? 3. Are there other incentives that you believe might help students stay in school and/or perform better? 4. Do you believe this experiment in Chicago worked? Give specific examples from the film to support your opinion.
Discussion Question Group Review Please take some time in your group to review the questions, answer them fully, and get ready for the Socratic Seminar.
Freakonomics Socratic Seminar Ground Rules 1. Everyone will switch into an “inner circle” seat. 2. Only students in the inner circle can speak/debate at first. 3. You must RAISE YOUR HAND to speak- I will call on you. 4. Teacher (Mr. Kirby) is not allowed to interject personal opinion on subject 5. No blurting-no interrupting. 6. SERIOUS TONE- NO PUT DOWNS 7. You must fill out your scorecard completely while in the outer circle.
Rubric for “Freakonomics” Socratic Seminar: Econ 59. K.I.M. Vocabulary, H.O.T. Questions and Summary Paragraph EXCEEDING 5 PROFICIENT 4 PROGRESSING 3.5 EMERGING 3 Your K.I.M. vocabulary is detailed and complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion extensively. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete. (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are accurate with minimum supporting details in complete sentences. You briefly contributed to discussion 50 Total Points Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete –”sloppy”, “rushed.”Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are and accurate with little supporting details in complete sentences. You did not contribute to discussion
Freakonomics Socratic Seminar Round #1 1. Why do people cheat? Give at least 3 reasons 2. Explain how Chicago Teachers and Sumo wrestlers cheated in the film. 3. Give three reasons why cheating is wrong in our society?
Freakonomics Socratic Seminar Round #2 1. Give two examples of cheating in sports, academics and/or business. 2. Is cheating ever o.k. in your opinion? Why/why not? Give an example
Freakonomics Socratic Seminar Round #3 1. What are the differences between incentives and bribery? Is there a difference? Please explain? 2. Should students be paid to go to school? Would this incentive make students go to school and perform better?
Freakonomics Socratic Seminar Round #4 1. Are there other incentives that you believe might help students stay in school and/or perform better? 2. Do you believe this experiment in Chicago worked? Give specific examples from the film to support your opinion.
Rubric for “Freakonomics” Socratic Seminar: Econ 59. K.I.M. Vocabulary, H.O.T. Questions and Summary Paragraph EXCEEDING 5 PROFICIENT 4 PROGRESSING 3.5 EMERGING 3 Your K.I.M. vocabulary is detailed and complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are detailed, clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion extensively. Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are clear and accurate with specific supporting details in complete sentences. You contributed to the discussion Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete. (including memory device). Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are accurate with minimum supporting details in complete sentences. You briefly contributed to discussion 50 Total Points Your K.I.M. vocabulary is complete –”sloppy”, “rushed.”Critical thinking answers and summary paragraph are and accurate with little supporting details in complete sentences. You did not contribute to discussion