Trustworthiness PILLAR ONE
Trustworthiness Embodies Four Ethical Principles Integrity Honesty Promise-Keeping Loyalty
Every lie or deception is like a time bomb...
People of character understand the importance of trust and pursue a life that makes them worthy of trust.
Trustworthiness Integrity
Integrity Integrity is moral wholeness demonstrated by a consistency of: Thoughts – what we think Words – what we say Deeds – what we do Duties – what we should do
People With Integrity Don’t do anything they think is wrong Don’t lose heart if they fail
Do you have the heart to say no?
Trustworthiness Honesty
Honesty There are two types of honesty: Communications Conduct
Honesty: Communications Truthfulness – representing facts and intentions to the best of one’s knowledge Sincerity – being genuine without trickery or duplicity Candor – volunteering information another person would want to know; being frank, forthright, and open
Honesty: Conduct Playing by the rules — no cheating Being trustworthy with others’ property — no stealing
Honesty Do: Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth Be sincere Be forthright and candid Don’t: Lie Cheat Steal Be sneaky, tricky, or deceptive
Trustworthiness Promise-Keeping
Promise-Keeping Promise-keeping is a vital moral aspect of reliability. Promises create duties beyond legal obligations. People have a right to rely on us to perform what we commit to do whether or not there is an enforceable obligation.
Reliability and Promise-Keeping Keep your word. Honor your commitments. Be dependable — do what you’re supposed to do, return what you borrow, pay your debts. Show up where and when you’re supposed to. Be prepared — do your homework and bring what you need to do your work.
Trustworthiness Loyalty
Loyalty Synonyms: fidelity, allegiance These denote faithfulness, as to a person or a cause. Fidelity implies the unfailing fulfillment of one's duties and obligations and strict adherence to vows or promises. Allegiance is faithfulness, as to a government or state to which one is subject. It is considered a duty.
Loyalty Do Stand by, stick up for, and protect your family, friends, school, and country Be a good friend Look out for those who care about you Keep secrets Don’t Betray a trust Let your friends hurt themselves Do anything wrong, even for a friend or so others will like you Ask a friend to do anything wrong Spread hurtful rumors or gossip