Plagiarism Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
What is Plagiarism? Three Types of Plagiarism: Direct Quotes Paraphrasing Unique ideas Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Direct Quotes If you use someone else’s writing without putting it in quotes, you have blatantly plagiarized. Even if you add the source in your bibliography, it is still plagiarism. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Paraphrasing Be careful about rewriting someone else’s words. If your sentences use many of the same words and grammatical structure as the original source, it could be construed as plagiarism. Just put the text in your own words. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Original Idea Give credit to unique ideas others have thought up. If you present the ideas of another without crediting them, you have plagiarized them. Obvious ideas, like known facts, don’t have to be credited. When in doubt, attribute. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Always put quotes from text in quotations. Never forget to do this as this is the easiest way to get accused of plagiarism. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
When Paraphrasing… Be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing words. Rewrite the phrase in your own words and credit the original source. Double check what you have written by comparing it with the original writing. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Why do students cheat? "Everybody does it.” Unrealistic demands for academic achievement Expediency or the easy way out Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Survival Instinct? The first thing to recognize about cheating is that the vast majority of young people (and adults for that matter) believe that cheating is wrong. Yet, by nearly every poll, most young people cheat at least once in their high school career. So, the most important question is why do young people behave in ways that are inconsistent with their stated beliefs? Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
GPAs Many students feel intense pressure to maintain a high grade point average. This can come from friends and family. Students also feel high grades are necessary for getting a good job or getting into the graduate program of their choice. Plagiarized papers are seen as a way of keeping the GPA high without all the work. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Self-defense Other students are cheating. This may give them an unfair advantage over students who do not cheat, particularly if a course is graded on a curve. Plagiarism in response to the cheating of others is a way for some students to level the playing field. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
I am too busy to write! Some students plagiarize because they do not have a lot of free time. They may be busy with heavy class loads, multiple jobs, family obligations, social activities, and resume building experiences. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Ignorance Some students inadvertently plagiarize from online sources. They do not understand all the rules for properly using and citing sources. (“I cited the website didn’t I?”) Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1
Strategies for Avoiding Plagiarism Put in quotations everything that comes directly from the text especially when taking notes. Paraphrase, but be sure you are not just rearranging or replacing a few words. Check your paraphrase against the original text to be sure you have not accidentally used the same phrases or words, and that the information is accurate. Jobs for Montana's Graduates D23L2PP1