Tips and Tricks for “On the Spot” Training: Taking Advantage of Teachable Moments Cheryl Gould Spring 2004
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Knot Tying as a Teaching Problem Point of view Complicated task at first Skills require demonstration If need to learn to do it quickly and independently, require practice –a diagram or illustration –need to know why
Bends Attach rope end to rope end – make a long piece out of 2 shorter pieces Sheet Bends are used to attach different sizes of rope Fisherman’s Knots are good for small rope or fishing line
Agenda Purpose of “On the Spot” training Using learning styles Give overview not just “how to” Chunking complicated tasks Teachable moments with computers Cheat sheets
Teachable Moments and the Library What is your professional responsibility? What’s in it for you? What’s in it for them? What’s in it for the library?
Not enough time Setting boundaries and expectations Where to start How far to go Too complicated Don’t want to look or feel dumb Not enough time What’s Hard About “On the Spot” Training
Telling Isn’t Teaching (If you put a library on a camels back, it doesn’t make it any smarter) Learners need to know: –What it is –Why they should listen –How to use it
The fact that you know how to find information means that you're systematically prevented from thinking about information the way your users do. Mary Ellen Bates
People Learn Differently Visual –pictures, graphics –mental images Auditory –talk –listen Kinesthetic –let them do it, handle it, move it
People Generally Remember… 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they hear and see 70% of what they say or write 90% of what they say as they do a thing
Teachable Moments Consist of… 1.Welcome -- (human) 2.Content (information) –accurate –clear –relevant –complete 3.End (human)
Value of Scripting Answers Don’t have to reinvent the wheel Helps with things you know well Saves time and energy handling common questions
Why Don’t People Just Ask? Want to see if it’s safe –don’t want to look stupid –privacy concerns Not sure of –what they need –what library has –services available Cultural differences
The Process Welcome Ask questions to get to the “real” need Solution –give answer that teaches what the library can do for them End –Have I answered your question?
Communication Isn’t All Talk Verbal – the words you say –from 7% to 25% of the message Non-Verbal –tone of voice –rate of talking –how you present yourself gestures and posture facial expressions appearance
Welcoming Smile Make eye contact Greet Give your full attention
Make Learners Feel Comfortable No judgment Don’t assume knowledge of any kind! Be concise –no jargon –short sentences Try not to overwhelm: –“There are 3 things I’ll need to show you…”
Get From the Opening Question to the Real Need Start with questions, not solutions! Clarify - before you proceed to solution – “Would you prefer the opera on a cassette or CD?” Paraphrase - to be sure you understand –So you’d like 30 double-sided color copies. Is that right?” –“You need 3 articles on genetic engineering of food crops, Do I have that right? –You want to find a way to work off your $200 in fines?
Assess the Situation Does the learner know enough –assess skills library use readiness to use electronic sources –catalog –computer –search skills Do you know enough to help –how do you refer
Referring Know staff members with expertise –“I don’t know but let me get you to someone who can help you with that” Have lists of common local resources –classes –community resources Know resources in other libraries
Solutions Tell them “why” not just how Empower users –make them self-sufficient –have solutions that answer more than just the immediate question offer a library map to find not only sci fi but also the mysteries and art books
How Far Do You Go? “I’m looking for a CD” –point to location of CD’s? –What kind of CD are you looking for? –teach them to use the catalog? –Are you interested in finding other CD’s or material? You can’t: –force someone to learn –teach it all so teach what’s important scripts help
Techniques Use as many senses as possible –explain in words –handout with pictures and text –draw on scratch paper Tell them the WIIFM Demonstrate, then let them try One minute of demonstration beats 5 minutes of explanation Try to finish talking before the learners are finished listening
Chunking Long laundry list Put in order Chunk in to 3 to 5 main parts –Main point subpoint
Teachable Moments With Computers Assessment is critical Learners MUST have hands on keyboard Teach Help menus Refer to classes Copy and paste into word –text –images –Internet printing problems
Infopeople “How To” Resources New Computer Users –Teach New Computer Users in English or SpanishEnglishSpanish –Teach People to TypeTeach People to Type –Teach People to Use the MouseTeach People to Use the Mouse Quickguides (suitable for laminating for use at public terminals) –Introducing the Internet Explorer Browser - DOC [130k] or PDF [256k] DOCPDF –Printing and Saving from Internet Explorer - DOC [56k] or PDF [100k] DOCPDF –Introducing the Netscape Web Browser - DOC [87k] or PDF [176k ] DOCPDF –Printing and Saving from Netscape - DOC [35k] or PDF [15k] DOCPDF Using Screenshots and Word's Drawing Features to Create QuickGuides - DOC [87k] - PDF [23k] DOCPDF
When Situations Come Up Over and Over and… Treat each person as if it’s the first time you’ve heard the question ;) Have a script Have a cheat sheet Constant or frequent tasks handled well save time
Creating Cheat Sheets Content –accurate –clear –relevant –complete Design –KISS –quick to scan easy to navigate headings –use color and bolding to mean something
Formatting Cheat Sheets Ideally one sided Plenty of white space Number things that are in sequence Stick to one font –Times New Roman for readability in print –No smaller than 12 pt –NO ALL CAPS Use pictures or simple diagrams