Building confidence through simple techniques = +
What is the #1 weakness you think you have as a referee?
Motivation & Confidence Self-confidence will increase your motivation, and vice versa What is your motivation for showing up to referee? How can we improve our confidence?
Enjoy Soccer? I hope so!
Knowledge of the Game Laws of the game- do you know them? Advice to Referees Guide to Procedures All : Click Resource Center> Downloads >Download Files >Instruction Resources >Books
Fitness You shouldn’t be officiating to get in shape. Selling a call (to yourself and others) is far easier when you are in the proper position Make training something you look forward to; not a task
Presentation Do you look the part? You’re being judged from the minute you show up to the fields, whether you like it or not!
Credibility? It’s all about your presentation!
Coaches: Not always the bad guys! Time/Place to approach. Be smart. If you work with them, they’ll work with you But when they are bad, remember: Ask, Tell, Dismiss.
Parents: I promise…they’re not all bad Do not allow spectators to distract you from the match Understand that parents may have a major financial interest in their child’s playing time NEVER CONFRONT A SPECTATOR OR PARENT DURING A GAME
Focus…oh hey they scored a goal over there! Wandering minds are normal. But we can train ourselves to have better focus Simple techniques can keep your head in the game: player numbers; formations; foul counts; etc.
Keep it Simple: Call Fouls! Don’t treat a u12 game as if it were a World Cup match Kids are brutally honest. An eight year old will not be diving in your game. But as for biting…
Paperwork: get used to it Fill it out as a team. Ensure that you have goal-scorers and misconduct properly recorded Know Law 12. The improper misconduct code could mean the wrong punishment for the player! Don’t let your game become contestable due to sloppy record-keeping
Success requires failure But Ref…I got all ball!!!
“Man, I really messed that up.” We all screw up. Avoid making habits out of your mistakes by acknowledging them and understanding why it was incorrect
Managing stress in the moment Taking a deep breath is one of the most useful clichés you will ever encouter. Do it! Learn to time your breathing
Enjoy the game! Never Rage Quit: don’t allow yourself to become burned out Remember that it is always about the players Find a mentor. don’t have one?