Threats to the Pacific Northwest Introduction and Overview of Aquatic Invasive Species Issues Robyn Draheim – Interim AIS Coordinator US Fish and Wildlife Service – Pacific Region
Overview Introduction to aquatic invaders Threats to the PNW Species of concern Pathways of introduction Regulatory Framework Local and Regional AIS Coordinating Groups BOR
What are Invasive Species? Those plants, animals, insects, etc. that are not native to a given region and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental damage or harm to human health AKA exotic, nuisance, alien, introduced, foreign, immigrant, imported, weedy, feral, naturalized… Examples of well known, nonnative, terrestrial invaders: english ivy, starlings, gypsy moth, fire ants, cheat grass and kudzu
What are Aquatic Invasive Species? SmallLarge
Impacts Environmental Harm –Decrease in native populations –Physical alteration of communities –Alteration of ecological processes Economic Costs –Loss of recreation/tourism opportunities –Reduced harvest/value –Increased maintenance costs Human Health Hazards –Drowning
Threats to PNW Waters Aquatic Weeds Snails Bivalves Crayfish Fish Pathogens, parasites and more
PNW’s Least Wanted: Zebra/quagga mussels Hydrilla Asian Carp
Zebra Mussel / Quagga Mussel
Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla, Florida elodea, water thyme
Asian Carp Kentucky Media
Pathways Recreational boating Movement of in-water equipment Shipping (ballast water and hull fouling) Aquarium and pet trade releases Bucket biologists… Prevention
Regulatory Framework Federal –Executive Order –Lacey Act, NISA Regional* QZAP, CRBRRP States –AIS Management Plans –Prohibited Species Lists –FERC 401 Water Quality Standards Other State Agency Input –HACCP Plans
Local and Regional Coordination Western Regional Panel on ANS Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) Columbia River Basin 100 th Meridian Team State Invasive Species Councils
Robyn Draheim Interim AIS Coordinator US Fish and Wildlife Service – Pacific Region STOP-ANS 24 hr nationwide invasive species reporting hotline