Academic Integrity In the Online Environment
Why do students cheat? Pressure Fear of failure Cultural Differences Unclear guidelines Ring of Gyges Dilema What reasons have you encountered with students?
Do you believe students are more likely to cheat?
Survey says – 131 Respondents
What can we do? Awareness Assessment Design Technology Pedagogical Strategies
Awareness Post Academic Integrity Statement Post Copyright Policy Gain student buy-In Include a lesson on plagiarism Test over stated policies
What do you do in your own course to raise awareness?
Assessment Design Limit time and availability on test Randomize Questions Randomize Attempts Require completion in single session Limit results and questions displayed Keep course content current Follow-up with chat exchange to test knowledge
Do you use Question Sets?
Technology Respondus Lockdown Browser Limits students ability to navigate elsewhere Limits ability to Print/Copy Test SafeAssign and Direct Submit Identifies Matching Text Checks against 4 repositories
What has been your experience with RLDB and SafeAssign?
Pedagogical Strategies Authentic Assessments Apply to their own life Demonstrate Skill-Set Nursing Students and video submission Include a variety of assessment types Alternative Assessments Collaborative with peer-review Scaffold assignments
What sort of strategies do you employ?
Survey says – 138 Respondents
Resources Encourage Academic Honesty Handout Blackboard Inc. Best Practices Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity in Online Education WCET. dentauthentication/BestPractices.pdf