It only takes 5 MINUTEs Do not cheat !!!! Try it !! You will be amazed
Follow the instructions Again: do not cheat Or it will not work.
The outcome will amaze you Do not read ahead Just do what it says.
now go and get pen and paper then click to proceed
You’re back again Read the questions carefully And choose what comes first into your mind.
Follow your instinct!! That’s very important to get a good result !
When you choose a name make sure that they are from real poeple, that you know !
One line at a time. Do not read ahead, otherwise the supprise is gone.
write the numbers 1 up to 11 below eachother At the left-hand side.
Next to the numbers 1 aNd 2 you write your FAVORIT numbers
Next to the numbers 3 aNd 7 you write the name of two people of the opposit sex
Do not read ahaed!! otherwise it will not work.
Write someone’s name (friend or family...) next to 4, 5 aNd 6
Do not cheat !! Prevent yourself from disappointment!
Write at 8, 9, 10 aNd 11 four songtitels then click to proceed
Are you ready? Here is the key
at NUMbER 2 You’ll find the number of people, That you’ll have to tell About this horoscope.
NUMbER 3 Is the person that you love
NUMbER 7 Is the person, that you like, But with whom you can not Have a relationship.
NUMbER 4 IS the PERSON that you Most care about
NUMbER 5 IS thE PERSON, That knows you best.
NUMbER 6 is thE PERSON, Who is your LUCKY STAR
NUMbER 8 IS the song, thAT fits to the PERSON at NUMbER 3
NUMbER 9 is tHE song FOR thE PERSON at 7
NUMbER 10 Is the song, that tellS most about yourself
NUMbER 11 IS tHE song, that tels You how you see your life.
NUMbER 1 IS your lucky number !