Science Introduction and Expectations Warm Up: Welcome to 8 th Grade Science. Record your answers on clean paper. Prepare to share. 1.Who was your science teacher last year? 2.What was your favorite science unit last year? Why? 3.Name one thing you hope will happen this year in science. 4.Name one thing you hope won’t happen this year in science. Homework: 1. Prospectus goals and signatures 2. Safety contract – signatures 3.Teacher wiki – home page summary and 2 facts about me Monday, August 25, 2013 Tuesday, August 26, 2013 Lab Safety Rules/Activity Monday, August 25, 2013 Tuesday, August 26, 2013
8 th Grade Science Interactive Notebook Set-up
Essential Question: Write out questions Answer to Essential Question: Complete sentences Warm Up: Answer question in complete sentences Page # Homework: Homework assignments should always be written in your planner! Date A-Day Date B-Day Classwork Titles Notes Diagrams Activities Handouts Page # Date A-Day Date B-Day Page Set-Up Expectations Topic Title
Homework Title(s) Warm Up: Write out questions, charts, diagrams AND your responses!!! Page # Homework : Homework assignments should always be written here, as the title AND in your agenda! Date A-Day Date B-Day Inside Cover of Notebook Keep This Page Blank!!!!
Prospectus Page Tape 8 th Grade Science Prospectus Here Tape Technology Cheat Sheet Here Technology Cheat Sheet
Science Introduction and Expectations Essential Question: Using DE, what resources are available to explore the rock cycle? How are these resources useful? Warm Up: Using the following 10 words, sort the words into two categories. Create a t-chart and label each column. Page 1 Homework: Using DE “Fossils and Studying Earth’s Past” choose one video, and summarize. Write the main idea, 3 supporting details in your paragraph. Wednesday, August 27, 2014 Thursday, August 28, 2014 Discovery Ed. Webquest Page 2 Wednesday, August 27, 2014 Thursday, August 28, 2014 Fill in Technology Cheat Sheet and attach to your notebook Gaggle / Chromebook login Username: first initial + last name + last 4 of student id Password: YYMMDD Discovery Education Science TechBook User ID/Login: (student ID#_cms) Password: (student ID #) Powerschool Username: Password: Lithosphere Natural selection Cells Rock layers Plate tectonics DNA Genetics Mantle Sedimentary Rock Organs
SchoolNet Test ID FA2CY3QE 30 Question pre-assessment Read the question Select an answer for all questions Click the “Next” button When you finish, Log into Discovery Education Earth’s History = 1 st Unit
Discovery Education Interactive vocabulary - choose 3 words and write a summary (1 video, 1 animation, and 1 definition) rock cycle, sedimentary rock, superposition, igneous, convection, asthenosphere Essential Questions - Locate 2 questions in the orange question tab- copy and answer: 1 question you definitely know the answer, copy question you have no idea the answer Homework - Chose one video, and write summary. Write main idea, 3 supporting details paragraph
Friday Aug 29, 2014 Tuesday, Sept 2, 2014 Earth and the Rock Cycle Earth’s History Unit Friday Aug 29, 2014 Tuesday, Sept 2, 2014 Outline of Unit Earth’s Structure and Rock Cycle Relative and Absolute Dating Fossil Evidence of Earth’s Age Geologic Time Scale Evolution and Genetic Variation Natural Selection
Page 3 Friday Aug 29, 2014 Tuesday, Sept 2, 2014 Page 4 Friday Aug 29, 2014 Tuesday, Sept 2, 2014 Homework: Earth’s Structure Warm Up: Using textbook p Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 1.Explain how Earth is made up of materials with different densities. 2.How can scientists explore the Earth’s interior without seeing it? Earth’s Structure Essential Question : Explain the different types of rocks found on Earth’s surface and some physical results of geologic change on the Earth’s surface? Give examples. Notes from group presentations Crust, Mantle, Core Rock Cycle Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary Check for understanding How is the structure of the earth similar to a boiled egg? How are rocks recycled over time? Discuss three rock types.
Rock group jigsaw instruction sheet Rubric At the end of this assignment the goal is to present the required information in approximately 4 minutes. 1.Characteristics- clear description, diagrams, labeled, color 2.Formation of rock- how it changes (rock or structure of the Earth) 3.Content- fossils, crystals, remains of organisms, energy (radioactivity from Earth’s core) 4.Key Vocabulary (suggested to use): cementation, minerals, crystallization, fossils, heat, pressure, melting, temperature, core, crust, mantle, asthenosphere, layer, erosion, sediment, change over time, deposition, lava, magma, tectonic plate Igneous Structure of the Earth Sedimentary Metamorphic
Warm Up: 1. Sketch and label 4 main parts of earth Page 5 Homework: 1.Textbook, Read 2.1A (45-51A) Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Thursday, September 4, 2014 Earth Changes Page 6 Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Thursday, September 4, 2014 Earth Structure Essential Question : What is earth’s structure and some physical results of geologic change on the Earth’s surface? Give examples. Theory of Uniformitarianism And Five Ways Earth Changes Video Clips Notes
Think-pair-share What do you think you’re looking at? What kind of rock is in the picture? What happened that may have caused this to happen?