: Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore. : Well, he didn’t tell me about it, so I guess he doesn’t want everyone.


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Learn English, Go Global
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English Workshop 日常生活中常有一些不如意的 事,當看到別人遭遇挫折或問 題時,你可以利用下面所提供 的用語來表達你對他/她的同 情或鼓勵。
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Conversation Barbara is inviting Daniel, her classmate, to a Halloween party on October 31. (B = Barbara, D = Daniel) B: Hi, Daniel. Would you like to.
第十二週:語態助動詞 文法時間: 語態助動詞的形式 下表所列之動詞為情態助動詞,用來幫助動詞 表達各種意思 ( 如能力、應允、可能性、必須 性等。 ) 大部分的情態助動詞都有一種以上的 意思.
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Presentation transcript:

: Hey, Julie. Have you heard the news? Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore. : Well, he didn’t tell me about it, so I guess he doesn’t want everyone to know. Andy is trying to gossip with Julie about their friend, Willy. (A = Andy, J = Julie) nextConversation

: Aren’t you curious? : To be honest, I don’t want to pry into other people’s personal business. : Well, let me tell you a secret. Not only has Willy broken up with his old girlfriend, but he’s also dating someone else. Conversation nextback

: Oh, come on, Andy! How do you know that? : It’s simple. I saw him going into a restaurant with another girl last night. : That doesn’t mean anything. She may just be a friend of his. Conversation nextback

: I don’t think so. When I looked through the window, they were holding hands. What do you think of that? : Actually, I think your behavior was awful. You were like a peeping Tom. Conversation nextback

: I just want to know the news about people we know, that’s all. : Yes, and then tell everyone about the gossip whether they like it or not! Conversation back END

gossip 1. gossip  vi. 說長道短; n. [U] 流言蜚語 BACK

pry 2. pry  vi. 刺探,打聽 BACK

break up with 3. break up with 和……分手 BACK

(1) not...anymore = no longer = not...any longer ,表示 「不再……」之意。例: ‧ I think my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore. 1. Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore.

(2) be seeing sb 表示 「與……談戀愛」,可用 date sb 替換。例: ‧ Vera is seeing somebody now and always wears a smile on her face. 1. Willy is not seeing his girlfriend anymore.

I guess (that).... 表示「我 想……」之意,用於表達自 己的看法,為非正式用法。 例: ‧ I guess that Laura won't come back soon, will she? 2. …so I guess he doesn’t want everyone to know.

to be honest = to tell you the truth = to be frank = frankly speaking = honestly speaking ,表示 「老實說」之意。例: ‧ To be honest, I don't think this dress suits you. 3. To be honest, ….

business 為不可數名詞,在 此表示「個人事務」之意。 例: ‧ Stop asking me about my grades. It's really none of your business. 4. …I don’t want to pry into other people’s personal business.

補充 以下補充跟 “business” 相關的 用法: Mind your own business. 不要多管閒事。 It’s not your business. 不關你的事。 That’s your/my business. 那是你/我的事。

此為 not only...but also... 的倒 裝用法,助動詞要往前提。 例: ‧ Not only does Ben know Peggy, but he has known her for a long time. 5. Not only has Willy broken up with... someone else.

come on 在本句的語氣為 「得了吧,少來了」,表示 Julie 並不相信 Andy 說的話。 6. Oh, come on, Andy!

補充 come on 在口語中還有以下兩種 常見用法: (1) 用來催促他人動作快一點 ‧ Come on! We're running out of time! (2) 用於鼓勵他人振作起來 ‧ Come on! Try again. You can make it.

his 為所有代名詞,在此用來 代替 his friend 。 7. She may just be a friend of his.

I don’t think so. 用來表示 不同意對方的觀點或看法, 相似用法有 I don’t agree. 或 I disagree. 。 8. I don’t think so.

that’s all 為「如此而已,沒 有別的意思」之意,表示除 了所說的話或所論及的事情 外沒有別的了。例: ‧ I just went out for some fresh air, that’s all. 9. I just want to know the news about people we know, that’s all.

whether...or not 表示 「不管……」。例: ‧ It doesn’t matter to me whether Teddy comes or not. 10. …and then tell everyone about the gossip whether they like it or not!