Evaluating the impact of additional support Enquire National Seminar 16 March 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluating the impact of additional support Enquire National Seminar 16 March 2011

“I am convinced that the great mass of our people go through life without even a glimmer of what they could have contributed to their fellow human beings. This is a personal tragedy. It's a social crime. The flowering of each individual's personality and talents is the pre-condition for everyone's development.” “If that is so, then our whole concept of education must change. The whole object must be to equip and educate people for life, not solely for work or a profession.” Jimmy Reid, Glasgow University, 1972

‘I know I'm taking a big chance telling you this but you have to be honest. I used to be made a fool of at school'. ‘It was psychological bullying and that leaves a scar. It also cultivates a lot of anger.'

In Scotland most pupils perform well, BUT we are below average in reducing social inequalities in achievement; inequality begins early in children’s lives; comparatively high proportions of pupils do not have positive post-school destinations; most inequalities are within schools; and insufficient match between curriculum, learning approaches and pupils’ needs.

Key areas of concern are the consistency of education outcomes across Scotland, equity of outcomes for young people from different social backgrounds and personal circumstances (e.g., ‘looked after’ children, young people with additional support needs), and the performance of the lowest attaining young people relative to other learners.

Improving Scottish education

Improving the poor outcomes of some learners remains a central challenge for all establishments and services which support children, young people and their families, and adult learners, particularly those facing significant disadvantage. Priorities are: identifying and tackling barriers to learning before they become entrenched; finding new ways to meet the needs of the increasingly diverse population of learners; and personalising learning and support to take account of individual needs, choices and circumstances while relentlessly reinforcing high expectations.

A framework for assessment LEARNER Informing self evaluation for improvement Reporting on progress and achievement How we assess Principles of assessment What we assess When we assess Ensuring quality and confidence in assessment Reflecting the values and principles of CfE

Entitlement to a Broad General Education ‘ A broad general education will include all of the experiences and outcomes across all of the curriculum areas to and including the third level. These should be experienced by all pupils, as far as is consistent with their learning needs and prior achievements… Most learners will progress into the fourth level in many aspects of their learning before the end of S3’ Pg BtC 3

A coherent approach to learning, teaching and assessment

The GIRFEC Practice Model

ASLAR task How well is the additional support for learning legislation meeting the needs of children and young people, for example Hearing impaired Visually impaired Looked after Mental health issues Young carers ?

Our Evidence base 5 stakeholders’ meetings including young people, parents, carers and policy colleagues HMIE task work on Mental Health, CSPs, HMIE reports and overview of special schools Reviews of VSE and Ed Psy Services

Our Evidence Base Survey of 32 authorities Sample of 16 authorities together with visits to 50 schools and services Previous HMIE publications ISE2 and NPF statements Inspection of schools and services

Review of learning and planning of next steps Gaining access to learning activities which will meet their needs Planning for opportunities for achievement Preparing for changes and choices and support through changes and choices Pre-school centres and schools working with partners Support Entitlements

Quality of feedback to and dialogue with learners Plan and review learning through personalised planning, IEPs and CSPs Role of key adult knowing the learner well. Progress in the four contexts with support to address barriers to learning embedded? Capture views of learners on their achievements

Identify learning and support needs through robust assessment then personalise learning and support Active, engaging, relevant tasks and resources taking into account individuals learning in different ways; shape the learning to meet their needs and end the learning environment as a barrier to learning Development of skills – literacy, numeracy and health and well being across learning.

Plan learning for progress across all 4 contexts Skills for life and work are embedded in the Es and Os and contribute to assessment, profiling and reporting Achievements are recognised, valued and recorded Learners develop their ownership and responsibility

Ensure ALL transitions effective - particularly for the most vulnerable. Transitions = into/out of establishments, between stages in school, interrupted learning, class to class Use of partners e.g. parents, peers, Skills Development Scotland Learners have high and realistic expectations Transition at key points supported by robust profiling

Engage parents as partners informing them of the entitlements Involvement of partners in curriculum planning and personalising learning and support Jointly plan intervention and review including GIRFEC assessment.

How good is our additional support? How good can we be? How do we get there?

Partnership support for CfE Supporting Learners Exploring The Entitlement Statements In More Detail

Review of learning and planning of next steps Gaining access to learning activities which will meet their needs Planning for opportunities for achievementPreparing for changes and choices and support through changes and choicesPre-school centres and schools working with partners The Five Entitlements to Support How good is our additional support? How good can it be? How are we going to get there?

How good is our additional support?

Building on your good practice in supporting learners: some questions for discussion Building on your current practice, what are the implications for supporting learners as a key adult, within the classroom, across the school, in their community? How will you ensure the needs of all learners are met? How might you ensure that learning and teaching reflects the purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence? Which experiences and outcomes could you link across other curriculum areas and through the ethos of the school to personalise support for learners? What partnerships will you build on and develop, both within your establishment and the wider school community, to support learners in the experiences and outcomes including those for health and well being ?

Activity 1 Using the reflective questions on page 2 and one of the five elements of the support entitlement as a guide, discuss the role of staff in supporting learners. Record current strengths and areas for development.

Activity 2 Supporting learners – self evaluation? Use the grids (Activity 2 or 3) to discuss where you are currently in one entitlement and identify priorities for improvement. Use grid in activity 2 to identify current strengths and areas for development on one entitlement. Or Use grid in activity 3 to respond to reflective questions and identify sources of evidence, strengths and next steps in one entitlement.

Supporting Learners To be finalised with Jane Clifford week beg 16 th August. Girfec People/childrensservices/girfec Check with Jane for other info to put here.

What have we learned about successful implementation? Good leadership at all levels, with a vision for the outcomes of change and:  A clear plan based on self-evaluation  Good quality support for CPD  Teachers working with increasing confidence with the experiences and outcomes  Effective arrangements to assess and track progress  Strong and secure achievement in literacy and numeracy CfE will not succeed without effective partnerships and involving parents.