What are the features of Moodle? Do NOT view this PowerPoint as a show. You need to be able to read the notes down below.
This PowerPoint will outline some of the features that make Moodle so sweet. There are references to other PowerPoints in the shared drive that will show you how to get these features into your own page.
Adding a Resource Insert Label – this is a handy little feature that lets you insert text in your topic. I like to use this as a subdivider for main topics. For example: Biochemistry (is my topic) – Chemistry basics (subtopic) – Macromolecules (subtopic) For more information, refer to PowerPoint 02- Setting up your class.
Adding a Resource Compose Text Page – lets you type out text that is linked to the topic. This is nifty for notes, but it can be kind of dry unless you know html. Refer to PowerPoint 06 – Text and Web Pages for more info
Adding a Resource Compose a web page – lets you type up words, add pictures, format, link, and much more. Refer to PowerPoint 06 – Text and Web Pages for more info
Adding a Resource Link to a file or web site – lets you upload a file you want the students to download or go to a web site. Very handy for notes or handouts you already have as a document. Refer to PowerPoint 04 – Links and Files for more info
Adding a Resource Display a directory and Add an IMS content – to be honest, I have no idea what this is or does.
Adding an Activity Advance upload and upload a single file – the students upload their document to your moodle site. Refer to PowerPoint 08 – Student Uploading Files for more info
Adding an Activity Online text – the students type in their answers in Moodle rather than uploading a document or turning it in on paper. Refer to PowerPoint 09 – Online Text for more info
Adding an Activity Chat – a chat room is where students and you can discuss a topic live and in real time. If a student missed a chat they can go back and look at the log. Refer to PowerPoint 10 – Chats for more info
Adding an Activity Choice – The teacher creates a list that the students choose from. I used this when the students had to chose which scientist to research. You can have as many choices as you want and allow as many students to pick your topics/choices as you see fit. Refer to PowerPoint 11 – Choice for more info
Adding an Activity Database – the students input their information into fields that get complied for you as an Excel sheet. Great for collecting class data.
Adding an Activity Forum – is a discussion board. You can chose from a variety of types of forums, and can rate entries. Refer to PowerPoint 05 – Forums for more info
Adding an Activity Glossary – you can create a glossary for the class, and automatically link the words throughout moodle. There are various set ups and options to enhance this feature. Refer to PowerPoint 12 – Glossaries for more info
Adding an Activity Quiz – this refers to quizzes or assignments made on moodle. They can be multiple choice questions, fill in, essay, numerical, matching, embedded, true false, etc. Shuffle features, control of number of attempts, when it can be accessed, and lots of more features makes this a versatile tool. Refer to PowerPoint 13 – Quizzes for more info