Welcome to Mrs. Pilotte’s Second Grade The puzzle sticks in Room 306!
I am a smart, special, valuable person. I respect myself and I respect others. My words and actions are kind and honest. I AM PROUD TO BE ME!
Believe in Yourself by: Jillian K. Hunt Set your standards high You deserve the best. Try for what you want And never settle for less. Believe in yourself No Matter what you choose. Keep a winning attitude And you can never lose. Think about your destination But don’t worry if you stray Because the most important thing Is what you learned along the way. Take all that you’ve become Be all that you can be. Soar above the clouds And let your dreams set you free.
My expectations for students: I believe all students can learn I have high expectations for students Students are expected to always do their best and believe in themselves If work is messy, it will get redone Students are expected to use their time wisely and complete their best work Principal’s Pride
Reading In Second Grade students will: Transition from learning to read to reading to learn Learn about comprehension strategies and increase their fluency while reading Continue to build upon concepts taught in 1 st grade from the Open Court Reading book and will be reinforced with a phonetic approach using the sound letter cards Use the sound letter cards to assist with encoding and writing Be responsible for a Reading Response Journal as well as an Independent Work Time (I.W.T.) binder
Writing In Second Grade students will: Learn about the Writing Process: pre-write, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing Learn how to write a paragraph Write across all curriculum areas Bring one piece per unit to publishing with Open Court units
Math In Second Grade students will: Learn about math using the programs Investigations in Number, Data, and Space along with Everyday Counts Use a math workbook Participate in math centers, math workshop, and math games Participate in a daily classroom routine Be able to use a Student Math Handbook (smh) at home to reinforce concepts taught at school
Science In Second Grade students will: Participate in science through a rotating schedule Explore the following units: Balancing and Weighing, Changes, Camouflage, Fossils, and Butterflies
Social Studies In Second Grade students will: Study the seven continents Experience the roles of consumers and producers Explore map skills
Homework Students should NOT be spending more than 20 minutes/ night on homework Whatever format works best for your child works for me as long as the packet is turned in by Friday As expectations change throughout the year, the homework packet will change as well Students should be reading for at least 3 nights a week Students should be practicing math facts for at least 3 nights a week (look for the math log soon to come in the packet) Math homework comes home once in awhile Keep practicing the games that are sent home as they will help with learning/memorizing math facts On the bottom of the homework packet is where I write my weekly notes/reminders for the class
Grading Standards Based Report Card Rubrics The goal is for students to be at grade level (a “3”) by the end of Second Grade Expectations change throughout the year and change for each term
Classroom Management Hundreds Chart Point Rewards Tickets/Friday Fun Behavior Chart
Student of the Week Every week, a student in the class will be chosen for student of the week. This week, your child was chosen. He /she is to fill out the apples and return them on Monday. Your child is also able to bring in anything else to place on the bulletin board, i.e. pictures, certificates, awards, or anything else about him or herself. Your child also will be able to place a piece of work that he/she is proud of onto the “Principal’s Pride” bulletin board. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Mrs. Pilotte