A Woman’s Journey of Discipleship A discipling process written for women by women, who know the journey first hand
A Woman's Journey of Discipleship... a series of three books: Bridges on the Journey... Choosing an Intimate Relationship with Jesus Crossroads on the Journey... Pursuing a Lifetime Commitment and Transformation Friends on the Journey... Encouraging and Equipping Women To Disciple Others
There are Five components throughout each book: 1.My Daily Journey is a place to record discoveries of what God has been saying through daily Bible reading. Our Journey Together is an opportunity to share with one another devotional highlights and lessons learned. Reflections on the Journey are personal stories related to the topic from ordinary women about their encounters with an extraordinary God. The Travel Guide is a Bible study where the group explores the Scriptures, learns new truths, and experiences life change through the Holy Spirit. Learning the Route by Heart is the memory verse related to the topic of the session. Bookmarks with the Scripture written out are provided in the back of the book.
Our heartbeat conveyed throughout the three books is best expressed in these four essentials: 1. Small Group relationships : Developing close relationships with one another as you develop intimacy with Jesus. 2. Life to Life : Investing in others from the overflow of your own relationship with Christ. 3. Spiritual generations : Being a link to future generations by one woman discipling another who in turn disciples others. 4. Discipleship Process : Growing closer to Christ by allowing him to transform your life as you take next steps on your journey of discipleship.
Bridges on the Journey Choosing an Intimate Relationship with Jesus
Crossroads on the Journey Pursuing a Lifetime Commitment and Transformation
Friends on the Journey Encouraging and Equipping Women to Disciple Others
One Church in New England is using these three books during their their Sunday School hour. Every Sunday women are describing how their walks with Christ have deepened and how excited they are about following him in discipleship. They are stepping up as leaders to teach the classes and to disciple women one to one. God has used A Woman’s Journey of Discipleship to change women’s lives
In another New England church two leaders led twelve women through all three books. This is what one mature believer said: “I felt like I was one of the twelve disciples, looking over their shoulders wanting to be right up front and close to Jesus, like John soaking in His every word. I heard Him speak to me through His word. I wrote in my journal about what the Holy Spirit was teaching me. This process has given me the tools to disciple other women, which I am now in the process of doing.”
Another leader in that same church said: “The third book of the series was life changing. It gave me a course to follow to keep on track and in touch with my Savior on some of the deeper issues in my life. My communication with my God has become more personal, more refreshing, and more honest. I was given tools to keep me balanced as I minister to other women. I thank the authors for writing in a way that they were able to disciple me when no one was available to do that work.”