The Transition Requirements of IDEA 2004 District 287 Training – February 26, 2009
Quality Secondary Transition Planning Helps students achieve their dreams Increases graduation rates Increases enrollment in postsecondary education Improves employment rates
True or False? Transition was included in IDEA because the first special education students to exit high school were successful in achieving positive post-school adult outcomes such as living on their own, having a well-paying job, and attending postsecondary education in record numbers. False Beginning in the mid-1980’s the U.S. Department of Education recognized that the first group of students who had been all the way through special education, as authorized under the 1975 Education of the Handicapped Act (PL 94-142), were leaving school and were not successful in adult life. Unemployment, lack of enrollment in postsecondary education, continued dependence on parents, social isolation, and lack of involvement in community-based activities were found among young adults with disabilities. Today while students with disabilities are making progress toward improved outcomes, recent data form the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 continues to report that they are not keeping up with their same age peers without disabilities (2006).
Beginning in the mid-1980’s the U. S Beginning in the mid-1980’s the U.S. Department of Education recognized that the first group of students who had been all the way through special education, as authorized under the 1975 Education of the Handicapped Act (PL 94-142), were leaving school and were not successful in adult life. Beginning in the mid-1980’s the U.S. Department of Education recognized that the first group of students who had been all the way through special education, as authorized under the 1975 Education of the Handicapped Act (PL 94-142), were leaving school and were not successful in adult life. Unemployment, lack of enrollment in postsecondary education, continued dependence on parents, social isolation, and lack of involvement in community-based activities were found among young adults with disabilities. Today while students with disabilities are making progress toward improved outcomes, recent data form the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 continues to report that they are not keeping up with their same age peers without disabilities (2006).
Unemployment, lack of enrollment in postsecondary education, continued dependence on parents, social isolation, and lack of involvement in community-based activities were found among young adults with disabilities. Today while students with disabilities are making progress toward improved outcomes, recent data form the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 continues to report that they are not keeping up with their same age peers without disabilities (2006).
True or False? Many curricula and programs do not support students with disabilities in developing essential adult-life skills. True Post-school outcome research indicated that the current special education curriculum, instruction, and planning are not meeting student needs (NCD 2000). The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 has reported that while outcomes for many youth with disabilities are improving, they often do not learn or use the skills in their programs that they need to achieve productivity, empowerment, and independence.
The National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 has reported that while outcomes for many youth with disabilities are improving, they often do not learn or use the skills in their programs that they need to achieve productivity, empowerment, and independence.
True or False? Students with disabilities are more likely to remain in school and graduate from high school than their peers without disabilities. False Dropping out of school is one of the most serious problems facing special education programs across the country. Almost 1:4 of all youth with disabilities exit the school system by dropping out. Youth with emotional disabilities have the highest drop out rates (from 21% to 64% - twice the rate of students without disabilities). The drop out rate for students with learning disabilities averages 25%.
Youth with emotional disabilities have the highest drop out rates Dropping out of school is one of the most serious problems facing special education programs across the country. Almost 1:4 of all youth with disabilities exit the school system by dropping out. Youth with emotional disabilities have the highest drop out rates from 21% to 64% - twice the rate of students without disabilities). The drop out rate for students with learning disabilities averages 25%. Today while students with disabilities are making progress toward improved outcomes, recent data form the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 continues to report that they are not keeping up with their same age peers without disabilities (2006).
What We Will Share Today . . . IEP Transition Requirements based on IDEA 2004 Changes coming to EasyIEP OSEP Indicators #13 and #14 How to use the MN Transition Compliance Toolkit
Transition requirements per IDEA 2004 and Minnesota Law.
IDEA Purpose (d)(1)(A) to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living. 34 CFR §300.1(a)
Secondary transition requirements in the IEP: IDEA 2004 - 34 CFR§ 300 Secondary transition requirements in the IEP: IDEA 2004 - 34 CFR§ 300.320(b) and (c) Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16 (age 14 for Minnesota), or younger if determined appropriate by the IEP Team, and updated annually thereafter, the IEP must include: Appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age-appropriate transition assessments related to training, education, employment and, where appropriate, independent living skills;
Secondary transition requirements in the IEP: IDEA 2004 - 34 CFR§ 300 Secondary transition requirements in the IEP: IDEA 2004 - 34 CFR§ 300.320(b) and (c) The transition services (including courses of study) needed to assist the child in reaching those goals; and Beginning not later than one year before the child reaches the age of majority under State law, a statement that the child has been informed of the child’s rights under Part B, if any, that will transfer to the child on reaching the age of majority under §300.520 [see 20 U.S.C. 1415(m)].
IEP Components: The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Writing Measurable Postsecondary Goals Transition Services Courses of Study Activities- coordinated Annual Goals and Objectives Age of Majority Summary of Performance
Changes in Transition Categories: Federal Government State of Minnesota Education/Training Employment Independent Living (where appropriate) Postsecondary Education and Training Employment Independent Living - Home Living - Community Participation - Recreation & Leisure
EasyIEP Changes… Currently, EasyIEP presents this page under the Secondary Transition Plan tab
EasyIEP Changes… 18
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
Previously: Present Levels of Performance The foundation of the IEP is the statement of the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP). The PLAAFP must describe how the student’s disability affects his or her involvement in the general education curriculum.
PLAAFP is the Foundation… Goals Services
PLAAFP Should Answer: What are the student’s strengths and interests ? What are the student’s unique needs that result from his or her disability? How do these needs affect the child’s participation and progress in the general curriculum? What are the parent’s concerns for the education of their child? What transition needs of the student must be addressed to prepare the student for living, learning and working in the community as an adult?
PLAAFP should . . . include a summary of data collected from progress reports from the last IEP other sources: teacher reports, classroom assessments, district-wide assessments, parent information, community-based checklists, agency evaluations, etc.
supplementary aids/services/supports, Each area of educational need identified in the PLAAFP must be addressed in the required component of the IEP: annual goals supplementary aids/services/supports, special education programs and services, and secondary transition services.
EasyIEP Changes…
Measurable Postsecondary Goals
What are Measurable Postsecondary Goals? Postsecondary goals are what the student plans to do upon school exiting from secondary education.
It’s in the law . . . As a part of transition planning, 34 CFR § 300.320(b)(1) requires the IEP to include appropriate measurable postsecondary goals based upon age appropriate transition assessments related to postsecondary education and training, employment, and where appropriate, independent living skills.
IEP MUST HAVE Measurable Postsecondary Goals WHICH ADDRESS Education & Training Employment Independent Living* (where appropriate) * may include recreation and leisure, community participation and home living
Measurable Postsecondary Goal Areas Education or Training Specific independent living skills training, vocational training program, adult day training program, community education, apprenticeship, on-the-job-training, job corps, 4 year college or university, technical college, community college, or military. Employment Paid (competitive, integrated, supported); unpaid employment (volunteer, in a training capacity); Day Training and Habilitation (DTH), military; etc. Independent Living, (where appropriate) Home living, community participation, recreation, transportation, etc.
How do I write measurable postsecondary goals? ♦ Begin with After high school or After transition program… ♦ Use results-oriented terms such as enrolled in, participate in, work and live independently ♦ Use descriptors such as full time and part time
Measurable Postsecondary Goals: (examples) Education & Training: I/Megan will attend Dakota Technical College as a part-time student Employment: I will continue working in jobs that involve animals. Independent Living: I will join the YMCA to access recreational services. I will live in a group home in the community with support. Megan will access community services using Metro Mobility.
EasyIEP Changes… Three goals can be added in each measurable postsecondary goal. Note: There are three boxes available to write goal(s).
Annual Goals and Objectives
Annual IEP Goals: Indicate what the student is expected to be able to do by the end of the year in which the IEP is in effect. Takes the student from his/her present level of performance to a level of performance expected by the end of the year. Guides instruction Measures Progress Helps determine if the supports and services being provided to the student are appropriate and effective.
ANNUAL IEP GOALS: Measurable annual academic and functional goals drive the services in the IEP. For transition age students, the measurable postsecondary goals will drive the annual goals and activities. The measurable academic and functional goals should meet the student’s needs that result from his or her disability.
“SMART” Goal Setting: Specific Measurable Attainable Results driven (i.e., student achievement) Timebound
MDE Annual IEP Goal Example: Mike will increase his use of social skills and self-determination behaviors from a level of not asking for assistance to a level of using specific techniques for appropriately verbalizing feedback to adults and peers.
Objectives: The goals must include benchmarks or short-term objectives that will demonstrate whether the student is making progress toward the goal. The purpose of the goals is to enable the student to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum and to meet each of the student's other educational needs that result from the student's disability. See 34 C.F.R. § 300.320(a)(2)(i)(B).
Progress Towards Meeting Annual Goals: Typically, the benchmarks or short-term objectives will identify how progress is measured. Progress reports must inform a parent of the extent to which the progress is sufficient to enable the student to achieve the goal by the end of the year.
Objectives need to include: An observable student behavior, The condition under which the behavior is to occur, A measurable indicator to determine progress, Evaluation procedures—the methods and procedures used to measure student progress toward meeting annual goals and each short-term objective, Schedule—how often a review of the student’s progress will occur.
MDE Example of an Objective: Given instruction in a 5-step self determination strategy and scenarios for using the steps, Mike will verbalize the steps to be used for each scenario with his instructor with 100% accuracy in 4 out of 5 opportunities as measured by weekly class observation by the first periodic review. Observable Student Behavior The condition under which the behavior is to occur, A measurable indicator to determine progress, Evaluation procedures—the methods and procedures used to measure student progress toward meeting annual goals and each short-term objective, Schedule—how often a review of the student’s progress will occur.
EasyIEP Changes…
Transition Services IDEA ’04 requires, transition services (including courses of study) needed to assist the child in reaching their (postsecondary) goals.
Transition Services Transition services means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that: is based on the individual child’s needs, taking into account the child’s strengths, preferences, and interests; and is a results-oriented plan for adult life that addresses, plans for and coordinates what the student will learn in school and do following graduation or leaving school.
Transition Services: “Courses of Study” As an IEP team, determine what instruction and educational experiences will assist the student to prepare for the transition from secondary education to post-school life. Focus on: Linkage with the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance. How the educational program (courses) can be planned and relate directly to the student’s measurable postsecondary goals.
“Courses of Study” The courses of study are not simply a recording of classes already taken, but should be a long range educational plan that is a projection of future course work.
Courses of Study should show a direct relationship between . . . The student’s educational experience in high school The student’s measurable postsecondary goals Graduation Requirements
Anticipated month and year of graduation: January 2012 Example: Courses of Study Mike will enroll in Hennepin Technical College in Broadcasting School Year Grade Level Courses 2008-2009 9 Business Basics, Math Basics, Reading Essentials, Adapted Physical Education, Environmental Science, Current Events 2009-2010 10 Business Basics, Consumer Math, Readings and Literature Citizenship, Speech and Drama, Social Skills, Specially Designed Employability Skills, Family Living 2010-2011 11 English for Work, Math for the World of Work, Specially Designed Communications, Specially Designed Daily Living Skills, Graphic Design. 2011-2012 12 Specially Designed Communication and Writing Skills, Essentials of Business Operations, Computer Applications, Work Based Learning. Anticipated month and year of graduation: January 2012
EasyIEP Changes…
EasyIEP Changes continued . . .
Transition Services: “Coordinated Set of Activities” Designed within a results-oriented process Focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child Facilitate movement from school to post-school activities Based on child's needs, taking into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests includes, instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment and other post-school objectives and when appropriate functional vocational evaluation.
Monitoring will look for: Clear indication that the participating agency responsible to provide the recommended activity participated in the IEP planning process. Activities and services that are specific and support progress toward meeting student’s measurable postsecondary goals. Coordination between school district activities and those of participating agencies designed to help the student work toward attainment of their measurable post-secondary goals.
Instruction These activities can be a formal or informal imparting of knowledge or skills, such as: Visit college campuses and meet with student support services Learn about and practice social skills Apply for and take ACT with accommodations (if appropriate) Learn about employability skills and schedule a work experience
Instruction continued … Specific courses (e.g. advance placement) Specific general and/or special education course instruction Career and Technical Education Advanced placement course(s) Other instruction to learn a particular skill (Instruction in problem solving, how to use public transportation, how to use a particular technical device, how to balance a budget, etc.) need to check on this more
Community Experiences: After school jobs Use of public library Community recreational activities Practice regarding bus schedule Preparing for driver’s permit and road test Money management
Development of Employment/Other Post-School Adult Living Objectives: Participation in work experience program Assistance with completing employment applications, resumes, etc. Practice in interviewing skills Travel training
State Example of Transition Services Section: Activity Agency Providing Service on the IEP Instruction (i.e. specialized instruction, regular education, career and technical education): Participate in a family and consumer science course. School, Regular Education, Student Community Experiences: Acquire a state ID. Visit a WorkForce Center. Visit Hennepin Technical College and meet Disability Coordinator. Student, Family, Vocational Rehabilitation, MnSCU Disability Coordinator Related Services: Complete application for county support and vocational rehabilitation program. School, Related Services, Student, Family Student, Family The development of employment and other postschool adult living objectives: Learn appropriate social skills and pre-employment skills. Memorize social security number. School, Work-based Learning, Student, parent. If appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation: Complete a vocational evaluation. Develop a personal fitness routine. Student, school, VR Student, school and family
LOOK AT EasyIEP: List activities for “transition services” in the IEP that are needed to assist the student in accomplishing his or her measurable postsecondary goals. An activity can be done in collaboration with other participating agencies, including the student and family, and may not require specialized instruction.
Transition Activities: Examples Education & Training Tom will tour the Adult Basic Education program in Minneapolis with school staff. Employment Tom will fill out summer job applications with help from his Work Experience Coordinator. Independent Living Tom will tour group home options with his county social worker and parents.
EasyIEP Changes…
Summary of Performance When eligibility terminates due to diploma or age the school must provide a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance. It must include recommendations on how to assist the child in meeting the child’s postsecondary goals. 34 CFR § 300.305(e)(3)
What is a Summary of Performance? 20 USC 1414(c)(5)(B)(ii) A summary of the child’s academic and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in the child’s postsecondary goals. The purpose of the summary is to provide the student with a document that will help establish eligibility for reasonable accommodations and supports in post-school settings.
EasyIEP Changes…
Age of Majority 34 CFR§ 300.320(c) provides for a transfer of educational rights at age 18 for students with disabilities who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and who are not under guardianship or conservatorship.
Age of Majority Students and parents must be notified that the student will reach the age of majority and the implications regarding due process and procedural safeguard rights. When a student reaches the age of majority they are able to sign their due process documents and have access to procedural safeguards. When a student reaches the age of majority and the court determines the student will have a guardian than the guardian will sign on behalf of the student for due process and procedural safeguards.
EasyIEP Changes…
OSEP’s Federal Indicators #13 & #14
Compliance with IDEA U.S. Department of Education (OSEP) requires states to develop a 6-year State Performance Plan Focus on 20 indicators States must turn in data for these 20 indicators each year The 13th and 14th indicators deal with transition issues.
IDEA Transition Compliance Indicator 13 Deals with transition services. Focus is to ensure that IEPs are in compliance with the transition requirements of IDEA Indicator 14 Post school Follow-up (one year after leaving school) Data to show if students are competitively employed, enrolled in postsecondary education, or both
INCREASE- Indicator 13 Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an IEP that includes coordinated and measurable annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the child to meet their postsecondary goals. [20 U. S. C. 1416 (a)(3)(B)]
Measures for Indicator 13 * Secondary Transition Noncompliance Handout Are there transition services in the IEP that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child to facilitate his/her movement from school to post-school? For transition services that are likely to be provided or paid for by other agencies with parent (or child once the age of majority is reached) consent, is there evidence that representatives of the agency(ies) were invited? Do the transition services include courses of study that focus on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child to facilitate movement from school to post-school? Are there measurable postsecondary goals for education, employment and where appropriate, independent living? Is there evidence that the measurable postsecondary goals were based on age-appropriate transition assessments? Are there annual IEP goal's that reasonably enable a child to meet the postsecondary goals? See handout for compliance This information is critical as District 287 gets monitored next school year.
Indicator 14: Minnesota’s Plan A Postschool Survey conducted each year Each school district would participate at least once over the next five years Survey to include all students who are on IEPs who exit the district Telephone surveys occur between April and June
Target Data for Indicator #14 Percent of youth who had IEPs, are no longer in secondary school, and have been . . . Competitively employed – work that is performed on a full or part-time basis in an integrated setting; paid at or above minimum wage Enrolled in Postsecondary school- participation in a two-or four-year college program, vocational or technical education, training programs, adult basic education, either full- or part-time. Or Both, within one year of leaving school
An Overview: How to use the Transition Compliance Toolkit . An Overview: How to use the Transition Compliance Toolkit
Chapter One: Legal Requirements to Meet Compliance (pages 6 - 19) Relevant Federal Statute and Regulations Related to Secondary Transition Relevant Minnesota Rule Related to Secondary Transition OSEP Federal Indicators #13 and #14 Transition at a Glance
Chapter Two: Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments (pages 20 - 27) What are Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments? Examples of Formal and Informal Age-Appropriate Assessment Tools Additional Areas to Consider (pp.24-26) Career Exploration and Work-Based Learning Assistive Technology Health and Wellness Family/Parent Involvement in the Assessment Process Summarizing, Reporting, and Documenting Assessment Data
Chapter Three: Transition-Focused IEP Development (pages 28 -43) Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Measurable Postsecondary Goals Transition Services Courses of Study Activities that Show Coordination Annual Goals and Objectives Examples Age of Majority Summary of Performance/Graduation Planning
Chapter Four: Interagency Partners at the State and Local Levels (p Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Vocational Rehabilitation/State Services for the Blind Office of Youth Development Department of Human Services Independent Living Centers MnSCU (Offices for Students with Disabilities)
Additional Resources (A1 – A65 ) IEP Resources Student/Family Resources Informal Assessment Tools Handouts
MN Secondary Compliance Transition Toolkit The Toolkit will be online in March. Look for the link on our Transition Curriculum page on SharePoint! Be prepared for future changes on EasyIEP. Check with your Program Facilitators for any IEP questions regarding transition compliance.