Programs of Study We’re finding our way!
What is a Program of Study?
Program of Study A road map that identifies the secondary and postsecondary courses the student will need to take to ensure that they will have the knowledge and skills needed for the end of their journey.
Programs of Study A coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses that align secondary education with postsecondary education to adequately prepare students to enter into postsecondary education, an apprenticeship, and employment.
Program of Study
Knowledge and Skills Knowledge and Skills are the critical foundation skills that everyone working or pursuing any career needs to be successful.
Program of Study Knowledge and Skills 1.Academic foundations 2.Communications 3.Problem solving & critical thinking 4.Information technology applications 5.Systems 6.Safety, health & environment 7.Leadership and teamwork 8.Ethics & legal responsibility 9.Career development 10.Technical skills There are generally ten areas for foundational Knowledge and Skills
Program of Study Cluster A Career Cluster is a groups of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. There are 16 commonly defined Career Clusters. A career cluster includes the next level of knowledge and skills, both academic and technical, that all students within the cluster should achieve, regardless of their pathway.
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Arts/AV Technology & Communications Business, Managements & Administration Architecture and Construction Finance Education and Training Government and Public Administration Human ServicesHealth Science Hospitality & Tourism Information Technology Law, Public Safety Corrections, and Security Manufacturing Marketing, Sales, and Service Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution and Logistics 16 Career Clusters
Program of Study Pathway A pathway is the next level of knowledge and skills, both academic and technical. These are narrowed for specific grouping of occupations and broad industries within a career cluster. There are 6 pathways in your cluster.
Program of Study A Program of Study is the “map” of the courses that one should take to attain the knowledge and skills required to successfully enter a chosen career. The learning is sequential, non- duplicative, and aligned secondary-to- postsecondary.
Program of Study A Program of Study culminates in a degree, certificate, apprenticeship, or diploma. The student should be able to move from secondary into postsecondary without remediation. Dual credit options, based on articulation agreements are encouraged.
Program of Study Cluster Program of Study Pathway Knowledge and Skills Everyone should know what it takes to get to where they want to go.
Developing Your Program of Study What? Who? Where? How?Why?
CLARIFY THE INDUSTRY NEED When planning your Program of Study,
Defining the Need
IDENTIFY YOUR PARTNERS When planning your Program of Study,
Partners Who should be at the table with you?
Identify the entities that you will involve with this program of study: Program of Study
Do you have secondary and postsecondary instructors at the table to build this Program of Study? Have these instructors visited each others classrooms and toured the program areas? What equipment does each have? What textbooks are being used? Has curriculum been aligned? Program of Study
Who else might be a partner in this program of study? Are they here today? How might you involve them? What will be their role? Program of Study
Can your committee members play a role in adding work- based learning experiences or project learning into your program of study? Can they play a role in professional development for instructors? Program of Study
Can your local Chamber of Commerce provide scholarship opportunities for students going through your program of study? How will you continue to involve business and industry? Do you have other ideas? Program of Study
Program of Study Template
1.Outline the format Reflect the number of classes scheduled per day at the secondary level 2.Insert required courses Secondary graduation requirements Postsecondary general education requirements 3.Determine the CTE courses Grades 9 & 10 provide foundational classes Grades 11 & 12 technical core classes Steps for Developing Programs of Study
4.Insert selected electives & work-based learning options Appropriate electives based on specific Cluster K&S Appropriate WBL: job shadows; internships; apprenticeships; project- based learning 5.Identify and develop appropriate standards Crosswalk K&S with existing secondary and postsecondary programs/courses Include state academic standards; employability standards (adapted to local conditions) Steps for Developing Programs of Study
6.Map standards to selected courses Determine which existing secondary & postsecondary programs/courses would adequately align to cover the K&A Where are the gaps? Where are the overlaps? (redundancy) Determine appropriate options for dual credit Tech Prep Running Start College in the High School AP or IB Steps for Developing Programs of Study
Include: Academic skills Career/technical skills Employability skills Job entry skills Advanced skills Are there any personal needs that must be met for a student to succeed in this career field? Professional licensing? Clinical experience? Drug-free testing? Program of Study
Readiness Skills Academic Skills Informational reading Persuasive writing Oral presentations Data analysis and statistics Math application Soft Skills Teamwork Responsibility Attendance Punctuality Time management Habits of the Mind Analysis Interpretation Precision and accuracy Problem solving Reasoning
Curriculum/competencies must be aligned. Include the required and recommended academic coursework that the student will need along the way. Optimally, the student will have academic instruction integrated into the skills instruction to reinforce and enhance the learning experience, because contextual learning keeps students engaged! (This means that the math, language arts, and science instructors need to be included in programs of study discussions, where appropriate.) Programs of Study need to be more that just a piece of paper!
Instructors will need to work together to assure that the students are ready academically and technically to enter postsecondary without remediation and repetition. Invite your academic instructors to Participate in these discussions. Programs of Study
Instructors should work together to close any knowledge or skills gaps of those students leaving secondary and entering postsecondary. Your instructors should have regularly scheduled meetings to talk about their program alignment and students. (This is less difficult when you seat a joint advisory committee.) Program of Study Courses are aligned competency-to-competency; instructor-to-instructor!
Are there “stackable” certificates that can be attained before completion of the degree or diploma? (e.g., CNA, LPN, RN, MN) Program of Study
NOW WHAT? You’ve done the work…..
What will you do to tell secondary students about the connection this program has with postsecondary options? Are your counselors on-board? Program of Study SecondaryPostsecondary
How will you tell parents, students, and business about this program of study? Will you involve counseling? How? How will you measure success? How will you replicate this process? Program of Study
Programs of Study Like most things in life, it may take time, practice, and skill to get it right. But it’s the right thing to do!
PROGRAM OF STUDY Four Statewide Programs of Study –Manufacturing/Aerospace –Healthcare –Information Technology –Agriculture
Statewide Programs of Study Manufacturing/Aerospace – Update - –Create partnerships with training partners, business and industry –Create a pipeline to provide students who are trained or on a pathway towards a: Certification 2- and 4- year degree programs Employment –Identify knowledge skills and abilities necessary to compete in these fields
Work with COE for aerospace and advanced manufacturing Able to identify the competencies and where they are going to be taught (secondary and postsecondary) Build stronger partnerships between secondary and postsecondary institutions Statewide Programs of Study ( continued )
Statewide Program of Study - Challenges - –Lack of program alignment between secondary and postsecondary –Lack of CIP alignment between secondary and postsecondary –Different entrance and exit points for each course throughout the state –Different ways of thinking –Non-duplicative progression of courses –Autonomy of programs
For Additional Information Contact Phouang Hamilton Tiffany Merkel OSPI SBCTC Terri Colbert WTB