Judy Mortrude DEED Program Administrator Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.


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Presentation transcript:

Judy Mortrude DEED Program Administrator Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act

Big Change? Real Partnership across Core Programs Focus on those with Barriers to Employment Not just jobs: Good jobs, Good wages, with Growth Potential “Stepping Stones:” Career Pathways Employer Engagement and Work-based Training Consumer Reports and Program Comparison

What Congress Wants Align workforce development, education, and economic development systems Increase access and opportunities, particularly for those with barriers to employment Increase attainment of recognized postsecondary credentials by participants Provide workers with skills and credentials to secure and advance in employment with family- sustaining wages and to provide America’s employers with skilled workers Meet the skill requirements of employers

Two Big Changes From UNIVERSAL services to TARGETED services Shift from focus on jobs to focus on CAREERS

President’s Job Driven Checklist Engaging Employers Earn and Learn Measurement Matters Smart Choices Stepping Stones Opening Doors Regional Partnership

Four Core Program Partners WIOA Title IB: Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth WIOA Title II: Adult Education & Family Literacy WIOA Title III: Wagner-Peyser WIOA Title IV: Vocational Rehabilitation

What Core Partners Must DO Unified state plan with alignment strategies, including co-enrollment Same performance indicators & reporting requirements: Employment in 2 nd Quarter Employment in 4 th Quarter Median Earnings in 2 nd Quarter Postsecondary Credentials (or Secondary School diploma) Achieving Measure Skills Gains during program participation Effectiveness in Serving Employers

What Core Partners Must DO Be part of the local plan to align core programs must include a… “Description of how the local board, working with entities carrying out core programs, will expand access…for eligible individuals, particularly eligible individuals with barriers to employment, including how the local board will facilitate the development of career pathways and co-enrollment, as appropriate, in core programs, and improve access to activities leading to a recognized postsecondary credential (including a credential that is an industry-recognized certificate or certification, portable, and stackable.)”

Required One-Stop Partners Core Programs (Titles I-IV) Career & Technical Education (Perkins) TANF and more…

Role and Responsibility of One-Stop Partners Provide access through the one-stop delivery system Use a portion of funds available to maintain the one-stop delivery system, including payment of the infrastructure costs of one-stop centers Enter into a local MOU with the local board on the operation of the one-stop system Participate in the operation of the one-stop system

One-Stop Center Services New to WIOA Priority of Services for Individuals with Barriers to Employment Career Services (no separate sequence of service core to intensive to training) Emphasis on Career Pathways

Priority of Service 83

Career Services All the standards plus “Services, if determined to be appropriate in order for an individual to obtain or retain employment…” – Comprehensive assessment – Individual employment plan – Career planning/counseling – Short-term prevocational services – Internship and work experience – Workforce preparation activities – Financial literacy – Out of area job search – English language acquisition

Training Services All the standards plus – Job readiness training provided in combination with other training – Adult education and literacy activities, including activities of English language acquisition and integrated education and training programs, provided concurrently or in combination with (other training services) – Incumbent worker training – Transitional jobs

Training eligibility

Customer flow

Eligible Training Providers Procurement changes – easier to contract with a postsecondary institution for a cohort of customers (not just ITA) Customer Program Performance and Cost Information July 22, 2015: Eligible training providers must provide information specifying performance on “all individuals engaging in the program of study.”

Training for Basic Skills Deficit Adult education and literacy activities, including activities of English language acquisition and integrated education and training IET programs, provided concurrently or in combination with (other training) services IET = “a service approach that provides adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster for the purpose of educational and career advancement.”

Career Pathways “The local board, with representatives of secondary and postsecondary education programs, shall lead efforts in the local area to develop and implement career pathways within the local area by aligning the employment, training, education, and supportive services that are needed by adults and youth, particularly individuals with barriers to employment.”

Alliance for Quality Career Pathways

American Assoc of Community Colleges The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act: A Guide for Community Colleges: “WIOA …updates the statute to reflect the fact that a postsecondary credential is increasingly necessary to attaining a middle class lifestyle. WIOA makes a variety of changes to steer the system away from a “job-first” mentality to a structure that emphasizes obtaining a “recognized postsecondary credential” (a newly-defined term).”

Recognized Postsecondary Credential “…means a credential consisting of an industry- recognized certificate or certification, a certificate of completion of an apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State involved or the Federal Government, or an associate or baccalaureate degree.” (WIOA)

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