Utica Community Schools Academic Blitz January 23, 2013
Recent legislation has amended the Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act and the Career and Technical Preparation Act to expand dual enrollment options for high school students in the state of Michigan. These Acts allow high school students the opportunity to earn college credit in both academic and CTE programs.
Payments for courses are made from the school district’s state aid foundation grant. UCS contribution is 1 / 12 of the foundation grant to cover costs towards tuition and books.
What is 1 / 12 ? Foundation Grant = $7,209 annually $7,209 = $3,605 per semester $3,605 / 6 hour day = $601 per course The district will be responsible for up to $ per course for tuition and fees. Courses must be successfully completed or the student is to pay for the course.
See your counselor! Your counselor has the Dual Enrollment applications in their office. Visit the course offerings at the school you wish to attend and your counselor will guide you through the process.
Student must be eligible (see chart) to participate in Dual Enrollment. Student’s eligibility is based on the LAST assessment they have taken. Courses must be a course the student does not have access to during the school day.
Test SectionContent AreaQualifying Score EXPLORE Mathematics 17 Reading 15 Science 20 English 13 PLAN Mathematics 19 Reading 17 Science 21 English 15 ACT Mathematics 22 Reading 21 Science 24 English 18 MME Reading 1108 Writing 1100 Mathematics 1116 Science 1126 Social Studies 1129 PSAT Critical Reading 42 Writing Skills 41 Mathematics 44
Macomb Community College U of M – Flint (at Magahay) Oakland University Oakland Community College Things to consider when choosing post- secondary institution Out of pocket expenses, location, course offerings
Are you taking the course for Graduation? Take the DE course for High School credit. Be sure to get your transcript to your high school! Are you taking courses to earn college credit? Be sure it will transfer to the school you intend to go to! Are you hoping to achieve both? MOST universities will not grant you credit for both. Although you can try, you can’t ‘undo’. Check with your college and weigh your options.
Maturity College Readiness Extra Curricular Schedule The amount of credits you can have to enter a college as a ‘freshman scholarship recipient’ Transferable credit Transportation Cost Exposure
What if I am eligible for DE with my EXPLORE scores but not my PSAT scores? The scores from the LAST test taken determines your eligibility. Can the college require additional qualifications to ensure college readiness? YES. Colleges may use additional assessments to ensure success in a course.
Are there any limitations regarding the courses students may take? YES. Courses that are a hobby, craft, recreational or a course that is in the areas of Physical Education, theology, divinity, or religious education, are not eligible for tuition support. If a student fails to complete the district/school paid postsecondary course, is he or she responsible for the fees/tuition? YES. MCL (9) and MCL (9) states that the student shall repay the school district for courses that were not completed. The school district may impost sanctions against the eligible student as determined by school district policy
Thank you! Academic Blitz January 23, 2013 Lindsey Dunn JP Stice