AB 86: Adult Education Technical Assistance Webinar to Focus on Objectives 3, 5, 6 & 7
Agenda for Today’s Webinar Update on the Plans Strategies to Address the Gaps Next Round of Deliverables Objectives / Tables Feedback on the Objectives AB86 Summit Questions 8/22/2014
Update on AB86 plans Received 68 of the 70 plans. Forty-seven submitted strategies to address the gaps. Twenty-one are meeting this month to develop strategies and complete Objective #4. Plans are a work in progress as we continue to fine tune with the goal of having the first draft of the regional plan by the end of the year. 8/22/2014
Strategies to Address the Gaps (to date) Increase Capacity – 85% Supportive Services – 70.2% Curriculum Development – 66% Partnerships/Collaboration – 59.6% Transitions/Bridge – 51.1% Alignment of Services & Programs – 51.1% Outreach – 48.9% Access to services – 46.8% Professional Development % Counseling & Guidance – 36.2% Others – assessment, data, articulation, cte pathways 8/22/2014
Next Round of Deliverables October 31, 2014: Regional Comprehensive Plan Completed-to-Date Each consortium must provide the AB86 Work Group their plan to-date by October 31, Focus on Objectives 3, 5, 6, & 7 Objectives 1 through 7 from the Regional Consortium Quarterly Expenditure & Progress Report. 8/22/2014
Objective #3 Plans for consortium members and partners to integrate existing programs and create seamless transitions into postsecondary education or the workforce. Show how you will align placement tools, curriculum, assessment tools and rubrics, and student performance outcomes across delivery systems to ensure that student transition paths, both between providers and into postsecondary credit programs, are understood and supported across all systems. Include a description of program alignment and pathways and address support services needed to ensure that students have access to educational advising and that they develop educational plans to help them move toward their academic and career goals. 8/22/2014
Objective #3 (specifics to include) Educational pathways Alignment of: – Placement – Curriculum – Assessments – Progress indicators – Major outcomes - i.e., awards of high school diplomas, CTE certificates, etc. Transition strategies among the consortium participants’ systems including: – Communication paths among consortium participants and higher education institutions – Defined and articulated pathways to postsecondary education or the workforce – Embedded access to student services including counseling, guidance, and follow-up 8/22/2014
Objective #5 Plans to employ approaches proven to accelerate a student’s progress toward his or her academic or career goals, such as contextualized basic skills and career technical education, and other joint programming strategies between adult education and career technical education. Plans should address: – how the consortium will identify and gather measurable improvement metrics. – how existing best practices and strategies such as those described earlier will be implemented for each of the program areas. 8/22/2014
Objective #6 Plans to collaborate in the provision of ongoing professional development opportunities for faculty and other staff to help them achieve greater program integration and improve student outcomes. Collaborative professional development plans should identify topic areas the consortium considers a priority, such as: – Practices in basic and secondary skills that build the “college readiness” skills. – Team building, critical thinking, problem solving, study skills, soft skills, and career assessment. – Technology use and integration to enhance and expand technology in Instruction. – New models and instructional strategies for contextualized and/or accelerated teaching and learning. – Skills building intercultural competence among faculty, staff, and administrators. 8/22/2014
Objective #7 Describe how the consortium will leverage existing assets or structures to benefit the adult learners in the region. These assets or structures might include, for example, contributions from or collaborations with local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), industry employer groups, chambers of commerce, and county libraries, COEs, employers, social services, literacy groups, EDD, etc. 8/22/2014
Objective 7 (cont.) Identify current engagement strategies and describe how these strategies leverage regional structures. – Outreach by regional consortia to existing regional structures – Utilization of existing regional resources – Positioning of the regional consortium to be responsive to economic needs – Positioning of the consortium to be stronger and more effective 8/22/2014
Feedback on the Objectives (1) Will consortia be held to a prescriptive definition of deliverables or can we address objectives in spirit of AB86? 8/22/2014
Feedback on the Objectives (2) Must objectives 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 be completed by program area? Some of the objectives overlap. Please clarify. 8/22/2014
Feedback on the Objectives (3) If we are reporting by program area for the objectives, how do we avoid thinking in silos? 8/22/2014
Feedback on the Objectives (4) Will you allow consortia flexibility in how they structure their plans as long as we directly respond to the objectives? 8/22/2014
AB86 Summit Monday, October 6th 11:00AM-5:00PM and Tuesday, October 7th 8:00AM-3:00PM Sheraton Grand in Sacramento (1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA). Four representatives from each consortium are invited to attend. – 2 Regional Consortia Planning Leaders: one representing a member Community College District and one representing a member School District – 2 Faculty/Teachers: One from a member Community College District and one from a member School District. Hotel reservations for attendees for the night of October 6th can be made using a link that will be provided to registrants. Be sure registrants use this link to make hotel reservations. The hotel cost will be paid for the night of October 6th directly for the up to four registrants from each consortium. Travel expenses will be reimbursed and do not need to come from your regional planning grant. Please refer to your local travel expense policy for guidelines. Expenses must be reasonable and responsible. 8/22/2014
Questions / Comments Final Comments Questions? 8/22/2014