Introducing the Senior Reflection Project 12 th Grade Reflection Project Microsoft, 2011
Project Objectives You will gather, analyze, synthesize, and present (GASP) information about your journey to postsecondary and college readiness in the readiness areas of academics, admissions, career, financial, and personal/social. While reflecting on your journey, you will also be demonstrating the GASP learning strategies you have learned.
GASP G – Gather To collect information A – Analyze To study the information closely S – Synthesize To combine information from multiple sources P – Present To share the information Microsoft, 2011
Postsecondary Planning Which postsecondary education institution do you intend to attend after graduation? How did you decide on that institution? Why is it a good fit for you? What did you do in high school to ensure you would be accepted to that institution? What are two specific examples of knowledge, skills, and/or habits that have helped you succeed in high school and have you prepared you for success in college? How have they helped you/will they help you?
Postsecondary Planning What are two examples of courses you tool in high school that prepared you to reach your postsecondary goal and how did they prepare you? What information about financing college has helped you prepare to finance your own college education? Who is one person that is part of your support network and has helped you prepare for college? How has he/she helped you?
Career Planning Which career field(s) are you currently interested in pursuing? How did you decide on that career? Why is it a good fit for you? How have your career interests changed over time? What have you done in high school to prepare for your career(s) of interest? How does the postsecondary institution you’ve chosen to attend align with your career goals? What will you do in college to help you further prepare for your career?
Advice Provide advice to students just beginning their journey to college and career readiness on how to use academic, career, and postsecondary planning in middle and high school to help them graduate from high school prepared to reach their postsecondary and career goals. Be sure to offer suggestions on the activities in which they should engage to help them
Presentation You give a 5-7 minute presentation of your project to either your classmates or to underclassmen who are just beginning their journey to college readiness. Options for presentations include the following: – Tel A Vision – Scrapbook – Poster – Children’s book – Power point – Flash presentation – Newsletter – Journal – Website – Other (present ideas to your instructor for approval)
Presentation Dates Presentations will be given on:
Assessment You will be evaluated using the rubric provided – In the information categories, you’ll be evaluated on: How well you answer the questions – In the presentation categories, you’ll be evaluated on: The clarity of the presentation The amount of time and effort your put into preparing your presentation The visual appeal of your presentation
Steps for Completing the Project 1) Gather Information – Today Work on defining the task: – What is the objective of the project? – What is expected of me? – Next class: Gather information from your portfolio, Family Connection Planner, classes, etc.
Steps for Completing the Project 2-3) Analyze and Synthesize the information. – What information is important to include? – What information should I leave out? – What information am I still missing? – Have I addressed all of the questions?
Steps for Completing the Project 4) Finally, you will Present the information. – Determine your audience. – Determine how you will visually present what you’ve learned – Determine the materials needed. – Create the presentation. – Give the presentation. – Evaluate the presentation.
Get Started! Use the Reflection Project Guide to help you get started. – Keep your responses on one place on the guide
Next Class You will be provided work time next class. Make a to-do list on your own paper or in your planner for tasks to work on in the next class.
Reference Microsoft Office Images. (2011). Retrieved from us/images/