Career and Technical Education Building the Bridge for Tomorrow’s Workforce
The Louisiana Department of Education: Office of Career and Technical Education So, you wanna know about CTE? Jim Owens and Patricia Felder Career and Technical Education
3 Why Students Drop Out? Classes not interesting47% Missed too many days to catch-up43% Friends not interested in school42% Too much freedom; not enough rules38% Failing in school35%
The Research… Students enrolled in courses which integrate academic and CTE programs have significantly higher achievement in reading, mathematics, and science than their counterparts not enrolled in such courses. Reported by the Southern Regional Education Board CTE graduates are 10-15% more likely to be in the labor force, and earn 8-9% more than graduates of Academic Programs. Reported by the 2001 Russell Sage Foundation Study CTE student’s College Attendance increased by 32% between (NAVE ) 96.6% of all high school students take at least 1 CTE course 78% of all jobs between will require some type of post-secondary training
The Research… Well designed CTE programs lead to impressive results: Study of Career Academies in San Francisco (compare CTE Students with Non-Academy Students) – GPA.5 of a point Higher – Test scores are 30-40% Higher – Drop-out rate is 50% lower – 8.2% more go to 2 to 4 year colleges – 15.9% more go to 4 year colleges CTE Concentrators: 44.5% become first time freshman (CATE) Non-CTE Concentrators: 22.2% become first time freshman (CATE) 56% of Students who are CTE Concentrators receive TOPS (CATE) 14.5% of Non-CTE Concentrators receive TOPS (CATE)
Educational pedagogy which combines the three R’s Rigorous- curriculum across all program areas Relevant- making content meaningful and applicable to all students Relationship-building through direct ties to business, industry, and the community through activities and Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
CTE Area of Concentration 16 National Career Clusters w/ 70 Areas of Concentration (AOC) within these clusters Requirements to complete an AOC 4 credits from the list of Primary Courses – NOTE: At least one credit must be labeled as a competency course 2 credits from the list of Related Courses, one of which must be a computer course – NOTE: If 5 Primary courses are completed, student is only required to complete the computer course under Related Credits 7
CTE’s program areas Agriscience Education Business Education Family and Consumer Science Education Health Science Education Marketing Education Technology Education Trade & Industrial Education
CTE’s main initiatives to increase the graduation rate Dual Enrollment & Articulated Credit Industry Based Certifications Work Based Learning and Career Awareness Opportunities Business & Industry Relations
Dual Enrollment & Articulated Credit Dual Enrollment – simultaneous enrollment at both a secondary and postsecondary institution; student receives secondary and postsecondary credit simultaneously (goal = 12,250) Articulated Credit – credit earned at the secondary level awarded once the student enrolls at a postsecondary institution (goal = 20,065) Statewide as well as local/regional agreements
11 Career and Technical Education Dual Enrollment & Program Improvement Funding
,000 12,000 14,000 Dual Enrollment 07-08Dual Enrollment Career and Technical Education: Increasing Dual Enrollment to Meet Workforce Demands Dual enrollment more than doubled for the school year. 5,761 12,043 (Based on LDOE and Louisiana Technical College programs only. Does not include students enrolled in other Louisiana Community and Technical College System programs.)
Industry Based Certifications (IBCs) State &/or National industry recognized credential 45 IBCs available across all seven program areas; more on the horizon Goal = 6,360 Staff training to offer IBCs Super Summer Institute Local and Regional
Work-Based Learning Courses which place the student in the working environment CTE offers WBL courses such as CTE Internship courses and Cooperative Education Courses (Goal = 4,943) –Cooperative Education (3 credits) Paid –CTE Internship (1 or 2 credits) Paid or Unpaid 14
15 Career and Technical Education Increasing Industry-Based Certifications to Produce Career-Ready Graduates
Business and Industry Relations The Business & Industry Unit Regional Forums Local/Regional Advisory Boards Biz2School
Student ResultScore Diploma Endorsement (Academic OR Career/Technical)180 TOPS Opportunity Award160 BESE Approved IBC OR TOPS Tech and Dual Enrollment OR TOPS Tech and Articulated Credit 140 Regular High School Diploma120 GED90 Skills Certificate/Certificate of Achievement60 Attender30 Dropout0 17
Promoting College AND Career Readiness - Career/Technical Diploma Endorsement –Complete the LA Core 4 Curriculum –Complete a CTE Area of Concentration (AOC) –Pass all four components of the GEE with an average of Basic –Minimum 2.5 GPA AND minimum score of 20 on the ACT OR Minimum score of Silver on ACT WorkKeys –BESE-approved IBC in student’s AOC; OR Complete all coursework required to sit for IBC exam post graduation; OR 3 credit hours at the postsecondary level in student’s AOC (Articulated Credit or Dual Enrollment) –Minimum of 90 work hours of Work-Based Learning experience in the AOC; OR Senior Project related to student’s AOC with 20 hours of related Work-Based Learning or Mentorin g
LA Core 4 Curriculum Requirements – 24 Total Credits to be comprised of the following: 4 English credits 4 Mathematics credits 4 Science credits – Approved IBC – related CTE course substitutes for the 4 th Science credit 4 Social Studies (Social Science) credits – Approved IBC – related CTE course substitutes for the 4 th Social Studies credit 1 Art credit – Approved IBC – related CTE course substitutes for the Art credit 2 Foreign Language OR 2 Speech credits 1.5 Physical Education credits 0.5 Health credits 3 Elective credits NOTE: The combination of the 3 allowable substitutes plus the 3 required electives provides the students’ enough electives to fulfill the requirements for completion of an AOC. 19
ACT WorkKeys – Measuring Skills needed for success across all careers Nationally Recognized The Core Battery consists of three assessments: Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information Measures the same academic concepts as the traditional ACT test Questions are worded from a real-world, contextual perspective requiring the individual to apply their knowledge as the would in the work-place. 20
Senior Project (in lieu of Work-Based Learning) Senior Project is a student-driven program that provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate problem-solving, decision-making, and independent learning skills, as well as 21 st Century Skills. Students benefit through opportunities to gather information, to integrate academic and career/technical studies, and to develop and demonstrate verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Senior Project is composed of 4 components – Research Paper – Product or Service Project related to the research (to include 20 hours of work) – Portfolio documenting Senior Project process – Formal Presentation 21
Senior Project Guidelines Students must choose topic of interest approved by parent/guardian, school-level Senior Project Advisory Committee, and Senior Project Advisor Students must have a Senior Project Mentor Students must successfully complete all four components with a score of Satisfactory or high on each component Students may earn one elective credit for completion of the Senior Project 22
James R. Owens LA Department of Education Office of Career & Technical Education Patricia Felder LA Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education