C ARL D. P ERKINS C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION I MPROVEMENT A CT OF 2006 “P ERKINS IV” A Perkins Primer for Local Grantees Alaska Department of Education & Early Development February 1, 2012
What is CTE? What is Perkins? Perkins requirements Alaska’s application & reporting procedures Fiscal considerations Questions? Today’s Agenda
W HAT IS C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION Organized education program - coherent sequences of courses Provides academic, technical, and employability skills and knowledge needed to prepare for future education and careers Based on industry standards Provides opportunities for exploration, investigation, and choices leading to a career pathway Not a separate “track” for those with no postsecondary aspirations Focus on secondary - postsecondary transitions and partnerships Leads to industry certification, credential, associate degree, baccalaureate degree
V OCATIONAL E DUCATION VS. C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION Voc Ed - “Then”CTE - “Now” For Some StudentsFor All Students For a Few Jobs For All Careers Voc Ed OR College PrepCollege AND Career Ready 6 to 7 “ Program Areas ”16 Clusters – 81 Pathways In Lieu of AcademicsTechnical, academic, AND employability skills High School FocusedHigh School AND Postsecondary
W HAT IS P ERKINS ? Federal formula program meant to improve and enhance existing CTE programs Perkins act originally authorized in 1984, latest is Perkins IV in 2006 District allocations based on census and poverty data Perkins is federal money – state (EED) and local grantees (districts) must follow the rules!
A LASKA ’ S P ERKINS F UNDING - “S AME IS LESS ” Adjusted for inflation Actual Dollars
S TATE P ERKINS $$: 85% TO G RANTS Public secondary & postsecondary 10% reserve for 1. small district subsidy to $15,000 minimum 2. secondary/postsecondary partnerships 75% 85% secondary districts via formula (based on census and poverty data) 15% postsecondary via competitive RFP
S TATE P ERKINS $$: 15% TO S TATE 10% leadership, including $60,000 for non-traditional fields $10,000 for corrections Support for curriculum and professional development, career guidance 5% administration $250,000 (matched with dedicated General Funds) For grant administration, plan & report development, accountability, monitoring
D ISTRICT R EQUIREMENTS FOR P ERKINS $$$ CTE advisory group – active, with specified groups represented 5-year plan – approved by EED Sequences of CTE courses within “career clusters” At least 1 sequence where students can earn 2 credits- those students become “CTE Concentrators” Program of Study (at least one) Special populations support CTE Professional development Accountability - 4 “core indicators” with 9 measures Third-party technical assessments – valid and reliable Annual report and application
L OCAL P LAN – ‘08/’09 THRU ‘12/’13 Focus areas Needs assessment Program design/implementation Professional capacity building Advisory strategy Special populations strategies Career guidance Accountability and evaluation Facility and funding
A NNUAL R EPORT /A PPLICATION W HAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR, WHAT ’ S PLANNED FOR THE COMING YEAR CTE Advisory Strategy review Program of Study, technical skill assessments, articulated programs Instruction & professional development Special populations Career guidance Reporting – DARTs District Plan for Improvement, if Federal benchmarks are not met
P ERKINS F ISCAL C ONSIDERATIONS FOR DISTRICT BUDGET REQUESTS CTE program development & upgrades Curriculum Associated professional development CTEPS facilitation “Supplies” are suspect Perkins funding must be used to add to a CTE program, not replace lost district funding
P ERKINS F ISCAL C ONSTRAINTS Ineligible Perkins expenses CTE instructor salaries during regular school day Consumables vs. Disposables Fun promotional materials Equipment not used solely for CTE classes (i.e., computers – must be proportional to CTE use) 5% Admin Cap No carryover CTSO funding policies Out-of-state travel requests
W HAT IS “T ECH P REP ”? Tech Prep links secondary and postsecondary vocational and technical programs into a single continuous program so students can transition smoothly without remediation, avoid duplication, and successfully pursue advanced training leading to a credential. The linkage is a formal written articulation agreement between the school district and postsecondary institution or apprenticeship agency.
I F CONSTRUCTION STUDENTS FOLLOW THIS CTE P ROGRAM OF STUDY, THEY GAIN : 21 college credits towards their AAS degree upon high school graduation 12 hours of tech prep credits at $25/credit hour ($300), instead of university tuition ($1764) which saves the student $1464 By completing 21 hours in the program during high school, students can complete the AAS degree in 3 semesters or less instead of the 4-5 semesters normally required.
W HAT IS NEEDED FOR ANNUAL FUNDING RENEWAL ? All-in-One submitted accurately and timely Report and application – report on all activities and proposed activities Proposed budget with allowable expenses Course changes aligned with 5-year plan CTE data reported to public Revised 5-year plan if necessary Revised DPI if necessary
Q UESTIONS ? J UST ASK ! Don Levine Helen Mehrkens