Federal Education Policy & Funding July 2014 Amanda Karhuse & Jacki Ball.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Education Policy & Funding July 2014 Amanda Karhuse & Jacki Ball

Goals  Provide an overview of current federal education policy issues  Share NASSP’s legislative agenda  Provide summary & status update on the budget & appropriations process  Provide additional advocacy resources

Agenda  Update on Federal Education Policy  ESEA Reauthorization & ESEA Flexibility Waivers  NASSP Legislative Agenda  Federal Budget & Education Funding  Budget Process & Current Fiscal Constraints  Investments in NASSP Supported Programs  Additional Advocacy Resources

Key Terms  Authorization  Creates a specific program through federal law. An authorization bill acts as a prerequisite for an appropriation or other kinds of budget authority.  Appropriations  Provides the actual amount of federal dollars to a specific program. Congress needs to pass appropriations bills each year for the operations and programs run by the federal government

ESEA Reauthorization  ESEA (a.k.a. NCLB) was due for reauthorization in 2007  Bipartisanship has already failed: four competing proposals in 2013!  Senate committee markup (June ‘13) and House floor vote (July ‘13)  Administration support for waivers

ESEA Reauthorization Big Picture Issues  Federal role in education  Flexibility for states & districts  College and career ready standards and aligned assessments  Low-income and minority students, students with disabilities & English Language Learners

ESEA Reauthorization House Bill (H.R. 5)  Eliminates AYP, 100% proficiency requirements & turnaround models  Locks in sequester cuts for Title I  Minimizes the role of the principal  No funding for literacy, ed tech, or secondary schools

ESEA Reauthorization Senate Bill (S. 1094)  Continues reforms in waiver states, including overreliance on testing  Expands support for school leaders  Incorporates key bills on literacy, ed tech, and ML and HS reform  Maintains school turnaround models

NASSP Legislative Agenda

NASSP Supports: School Principal Recruitment & Training Act (H.R.1738/S. 840) Great Teaching & Leading for Great Schools Act (H.R. 4269) LEARN Act (H.R. 2706/S. 758)

NASSP Legislative Agenda Transforming/Enhancing Education Through Tech. Act (H.R. 521/S. 1087) Success in the Middle Act (H.R. 2316/ S. 708) Graduation Promise Act (S. 940) CAP and GOWN Act (no bill #)

NASSP Legislative Agenda NASSP Opposes: ×Great Teachers and Principals Act (H.R. 2196/S. 1052) ×CHOICE Act (H.R. 4773/S. 1909) ×Scholarship for Kids Act (H.R. 4000/S. 1968)

School Principal Recruitment and Training Act (H.R. 1758/S. 840)  Focus on instructional leadership  One-year pre-service residency for aspiring principals  Ongoing mentoring & support for two additional years  Leaders commit to work in high- need schools for at least four years

Literacy Education for All, Results for the Nation (LEARN) Act (H.R. 2706/S. 758)  $2.5 B for state literacy plans developed under Striving Readers  Early childhood, grades K-5, and ML and HS  Literacy across content area  Targeted interventions for students

Transforming Education through Technology Act (H.R. 521/S. 1087)  $500 M for State Grants for Technology Readiness & Access  Use of ed tech to ensure college and career-readiness  “Digital Age” PD opportunities for school leaders and teachers

Early Identification of Dropouts -Robert Balfanz and Liza Herzog, Center for Social Organization of Schools at Johns Hopkins University The Primary Off-Track Indicators for Potential Dropouts: A ttendance - <80-90% school attendance B ehavior - “unsatisfactory” behavior mark in at least one class C ourse Performance – A final grade of “F” in Math or English Sixth-grade students with one or more of the indicators have only a 10% to 20% chance of graduating from high school on time or within one year of expected graduation

Success in the Middle Act (H.R. 2316/S. 708)  $1 billion for Middle Grades Improvement Fund  State plans for improving achievement in grades 5-8  Early warning indicator and intervention systems  Strategies aligned w/Breaking Ranks

Graduation Promise Act (S. 940)  $2.4 B for HS Improvement and Dropout Reduction Fund  Resources for schools w/low graduation rates (below 60%)  Differentiated school improvement & evidence-based interventions  Strategies aligned w/Breaking Ranks

CAP and GOWN Act (H.R. _)  Reserves 40% of SIG funds for secondary schools  Establishes early warning & identification system in high schools, and reforms in feeder middle schools  Authorizes $300 million for HS redesign initiative

ESEA Waivers Status of Implementation  43 states granted waivers  2 requests still under review (IA & WY)  4 states have chosen not to apply (MT, NE, ND, & VT)  WA is first state to lose its waiver

ESEA Waivers “Waiver Waivers” 1) Flexibility in timeline for using results of CCSS assessments in teacher & principal evaluations and personnel decisions  4 states granted waivers (MS, NC, NV & SC)  8 states under review (AR, KS, KY, MD, SD, UT & WA)

ESEA Waivers “Waiver Waivers” 2) Flexibility in field testing new CCSS assessments to avoid double testing students  14 states granted waivers (CA, CT, ID, IL, IA, MD, MA, MS, MT, NE, OR, SD, VT & WA)  1 state still under review (KS)

The Federal Budget, Appropriations & Investments in Education

Sequestration & FY14 Appropriations  Sequestration began in March 2013  Education funding for school year was cut by 5.23% ($3.1 billion)  FY14 appropriations bill was passed in January 2014; partially restored sequester cuts to some ed programs  Sequestration will resume after FY16 without action by Congress!

FY15 Budget & Appropriations  Ryan/Murray Bipartisan Budget Act  Established caps for defense and non- defense discretionary (NDD) spending for FY14 – FY 16.  President Obama submitted his FY15 Budget Request in early March  Requested $68.6 B for the Department of Education, a $1.3B increase over FY14 levels (+ 1.9%)

FY15 Budget & Appropriations  House & Senate Appropriations  Congress should draft & approve 12 appropriations bills by September 30 th  Congress will most likely pass a Continuing Resolution (CR)  Expectation is that the CR will last through at least January.

Key Federal Investments for NASSP  Title I & II  IDEA State Grants  Career & Technical Education State Grants  School Leadership program

Key Federal Investments for NASSP  Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) program  Education Technology & Professional Development for Digital Learning  Enhancing Education Through Technology program  Proposed “ConnectEDucators” program  High School Graduation Initiative

Federal Investments in NASSP Supported Programs ProgramFY 2012FY 2013 w/ sequester FY 2014President’s FY15 Request Title I$14.5 B$13.8 B$14.4 B Title II, Part A (Teacher Quality State Grants) $2.5 B$2.3 B $2 B IDEA$11.6 B$11.0 B$11.5 B$11.6 B CTE State Grants$1.12 B$1.06 B$1.11 B School Leadership$29.1 M$27.6 M$25.8 M$35 M Striving Readers$159.7 M$151.3 M$158 M$0 EETT (Title II, Part D) $0 $200 M for ConnectEDucators HS Grad Initiative$48.8 M$46.3 M$46.3$0

Additional Preparation & Resources for your Hill Day  Review documents on POY Materials page:  ESEA Issue Sheet  Federal Investments in Education Fact Sheet  Legislative Agenda (Bills NASSP supports & opposes)  Advocacy Briefing & meeting prep on Monday, September 8.

Advocacy Resources POY Materials page Check out all of NASSP’s advocacy resources at Principal’s Policy Blog

Advocacy Resources Principal’s Legislative Action Center @balljacki

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Contact Us Amanda Karhuse Director of Advocacy Phone: Jacki Ball Associate Director of Advocacy Phone: