SECME Program Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor Ava D. Rosales, PhD Executive Director Miami-Dade County Public Schools
SECME, Inc Formerly the Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering Currently diversity in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Mission to promote historically under-represented, underserved and differently-abled students to pursue and complete postsecondary studies in STEM
SECME Model M-DCPS Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education 2012 Teachers Counselors Administrators Parents Students National Level Club meetings Classroom activities Participate in Olympiad Involve parents Student data Mini-Grants Student Scholarships Scholarships to Summer Institute Professional Development Networking with Teachers and Engineers Nationally National Student Competition Sponsors National Summer Institute People and Expertise Resource and Materials Longitudinal Data Statistics Communications Network Student, Parent and Teacher Recognition Sponsors Teachers to Summer Institute Provides Engineer and University Support Saturday Design Seminars District Olympiad Competition District Level School Level
M-DCPS SECME PROGRAM What makes it work? Teacher, counselor, and parent resource Engaging hands -on student activities that enhance science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts Collaboration with experts, colleges and industry Student, teacher, parent motivation District support - program coordination
SECME ENHANCES MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE CURRICULUM M-DCPS Curriculum and Instruction, Science Education 2012 SECME CURRICULUM Inquiry based learning Mathematics and science applications to solving real world problems School to Career Initiative Engineering design seminars Engineering design and construction (bridges, mousetrap cars, egg drop containers, water bottle rockets, robotic hand) Workshops at Colleges, shadow an engineer day, engineering site field trips, guest speakers
SECME Events Overview
BANNERS Students create banners based on the Olympiad's theme. Banners must contain the school mascot and SECME logo. Each school must have one (1) entry. Schools will parade with their banners at the opening session of the Olympiad
BRAIN BOWL Students compete against the clock and each other in a contest filled with science questions. Each school may enter one (1) team consisting of four (4) students in the Brain- Bowl competition.
BRIDGE Students build bass wood bridges to pre- determined specifications. Bridges are then tested at the Olympiad. The winner is determined by the most efficient bridge within the specifications. Two individual members from the winning high school team(s) will represent SECME at the International Bridge Contest. Each school may submit one pre-constructed bridge in this team event.
EGG DROP CONTAINER Students build containers that meet pre- determined specifications. At the Olympiad, an uncooked egg is placed in the container and dropped from an initial height of 15 meters. The smallest volume container that protects the egg after being dropped at the final height is deemed the winner. Each middle and senior high school may submit one egg-drop container. The eggs will be supplied at the competition
ESSAY Students write essays at their schools. Each school must submit one (1) essay. Entries received after that date are not eligible for inclusion in the competition (individual event).
MOUSETRAP CAR Students build cars that are propelled by the spring of a mousetrap. All teams must have: –Mousetrap Car (constructed and running) –Design drawing of Mousetrap Car –Technical report on Mousetrap Car A combination of the scores from the race, the report, and the drawing is used to determine the winner. Each school may enter one Mousetrap Car.
INTERNET SCIENCE AND TECH FAIR Student teams use a webpage editor to create a web page. The winner is the team that scores the highest amount of points based on the assigned task within the allocated time. Each school may enter one (1) team consisting of two (2) students.
MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE Student teams use a variety of strategies to solve mathematics problems using tools such as graphing calculators, calculators, rulers, and manipulatives. The winner is determined by the first team to submit the most correct answers within an hour. Each school may enter one (1) team consisting of four (4) students in the mathematics competition.
WATER BOTTLE ROCKET Students build a rocket that must meet predetermined specifications. At the Olympiad, rockets will be "fueled" with 355 milliliters of water. The rocket with the greatest combined "hang time" and patch design score will be declared the winner. Each school may enter one (1) rocket built by a team consisting of three (3) students. All teams must have: Water-Bottle Vehicle (constructed and launch-ready) and Team Patch.
BIOTIC/ROBOTIC HAND KIT Students bring a pre-constructed robotic/bionic hand designed from a kit. Presentations will be judged based on innovative engineering, effective presentation, most realistic prosthesis, and product demonstration. Teams present orally and visually with the aid of multimedia. Each school may submit only one (1) entry (middle and senior high school only
VEX ROBOTICS Students follow specific instructions to complete an engineering design task in three-member teams using VEX Robotics technology (Senior High schools only).
Why SECME? SECME programs continue to show significant impact on student academic achievement, selection of STEM majors, and college access. SECME 2012 Student Surveys demonstrate middle and high school SECME students overwhelmingly report that being involved in a SECME program has influenced their decisions to attend college and their choices of majors. Additionally, The SECME 2012 Junior/Senior Survey results reveal SECME students' self-reported SAT scores exceed those of their peers when compared to national averages. 63% of SECME middle school students surveyed report their SECME participation has improved their mathematics ability.
Data for SECME
SECME website
SECME Website: Registration
Registration Three separate entities: 1.District: 2. National: Registration code for National Office FL19 3. eCyberMission No later than: August 30, 2013 Register to Become a SECME School
Important SECME Dates 1)Now through 08/30/13- Register School Program 2)10/12/13 - Mousetrap Car UM 3)11/02/13 – Robotic 4)11/23/13 – College of Engineering 5)12/07/13 – Water-bottle Rocket St. Thomas University (Tentative) 6)12/09/ Register for competition 7)01/25/14 - SECME Competitions Posted at District SECME Website Posted at Professional Development portal
EventDateGrade Level and Audience Additional InformationLocationTime (s) - tentative SECME Coordinator Registratio n Open through *September 20, 2013 K – 12 School-site SECME Coordinators SECME school-site coordinators must register/update information at District and National SECME websites as well as eCybermission in order to receive critical program updates and information. SECME Coordinator Registration/Update: 1.District ecme.asp 1.National Registration 1.ECyberMission Available 24 hrs Mousetrap Car Seminar Saturday, October 12, 2013Grades: 5 – 12 Students, Parents and Teachers Times may have to be staggered, depending on anticipated number of participants University of Miami 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Bionic/Rob otic Hand Seminar (Expo Event at Olympiad) Saturday, November 2, 2013 Grades 6 – 12 Students, Parents and Teachers Schools bring their own Robotic Hand kit materials. Official Robotic Hand Competition Kits purchased in advance from: The Yaeger Foundation, Inc. Ivan Yaeger (305) ; Baptist South Miami 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Bridge Seminar Saturday, November 23, 2013 Grades: 6 – 12 Students, Parents and Teachers This seminar is located on the College of Engineering campus (Flagler and 107 th Avenue) Florida International University – College of Engineering 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Rocket Seminar Saturday, December 7, 2012 Grades: K – 12 Students, Parents and Teachers Participants are to bring 4 empty 2-liter plastic soda bottles and optional prebuilt water bottle rocket. Times may have to be staggered, depending on anticipated number of participants (TENTATIVE) St. Thomas University 9:00 AM –1:00 PM SECME Olympiad and Festival Competitio n Registration: December 2013 Project Check-in: Friday, January 24, 2014 Competition at the STEM Expo: Saturday, January 25, 2014 Grades 3 – 12 Students, Parents and Teachers Only for registered SECME schools. Competition registration opens in November Miami Dade College North Campus Registration: (December 2013) Check-in: 3:00 PM – 7:00PM (January 24, 2014) Competition and awards 9: 00 AM – 5:00 PM (January 25, 2014)
District SECME Website tml tml
Want activities for your program?
“My son wants to be a rocket scientist. Before SECME he wanted to be a rapper.” -Elementary School SECME Parent
SECME Festival and Olympiad Registration: Online December 9, 2013 Registration Materials: December 12, 2013 Project Check-in: January 24, 2014 Competition: January 25, 2014
M-DCPS SECME Contact Information Ms. Yoly McCarthy, Instructional Supervisor Dr. Ava D. Rosales, Executive Director District National ECyberMission