Meeting the Challenge: The Cal-PASS Initiative College of the Redwoods May 3 rd, 2012 California Partnership for Achieving Student Success “Success at Every Level”
Problem : A lack of useful information, communication and collaboration between education segments hinders student success from kindergarten to college. Solution : Cal-PASS provides the data and collaborative atmosphere that helps educators develop innovative solutions to provide seamless student transitions – increasing efficiency and advancing student success.
What is Cal-PASS? Started San Diego, California and now statewide Facilitate collaboration among primary, secondary and post-secondary institutions on a regional basis Over 9,00 schools, colleges and universities are members Collect actionable data and report on student transition and success without compromising privacy Over 460 million records to date. Over 250 reports over the last three years Engages educational leaders and faculty across segments in instructional conversations using Cal-PASS and other data – The PLC model Over 1,000 teachers and faculty members meeting once a month in English, EL, math, science, counseling and career tech ed in 47 PLCs. Implements and evaluates educational innovations throughout the state and works to bring to scale those innovations that demonstrate success Funded over 40 innovations across the state Improving practice examples
What Kinds of Data are Collected? Student file Encrypted identifiers Demographics Course file Course outcome data (units, grades, etc) Award file Degrees, diplomas, certificates Assessment files CAHSEE and STAR (K-12 only) Custom file (locally defined) “Success at Every Level”
Data Security FERPA compliant Data are anonymous – personal identifier information is removed or encrypted Locally run program encrypts and validates data prior to transmission Servers in secure, Level IV data center with firewall and controlled access Security document available at “Success at Every Level”
Making Cal-PASS Work: Intersegmental Professional Learning Councils English Mathematics Science Career Tech Ed Counseling ELL/ESL “Success at Every Level”
Reports from the Cal-PASS Database Look at cohorts of students over time and between segments Can answer questions like: –How many secondary education tech prep students enroll in postsecondary education enroll in postsecondary education in the same field or major complete a postsecondary course of study within a particular timeframe successfully complete, as a secondary school student, courses that award postsecondary credit at the secondary level Several more examples at
High School Students Completing Community College Articulated Courses by Vocational Program 2+2 ProgramTook articulated HS course Attended CC Enrolled in next level course at CC Repeated articulated course at CC Accounting Administration of Justice Agriculture Auto Tech Business Computer Occupations Child Care Occupations Commercial Art Drafting Math Photography Total (unduplicated within program) Total (unduplicated between programs) “Success at Every Level”
Relation between English Proficiency Status and first math attempted at Beta College “Success at Every Level”
Relation between last math passed at Alpha High School and 1st math attempted at Beta College
First math class attempted in community college Total Basic Math Pre- Alg Beg Alg GeoInt Alg Stats + Pre- Calc Calc %N Max HS math with grade of C or better Basic Math 11%14%41%1%28%5%1%0% 100% 730 Pre-Alg ******** 100% * Beg Alg 11%10%42%1%29%5%2%0% 100% 1291 Geo 2%3%29%2%49%9%5%1% 100% 1758 Int Alg 1%2%14%1%47%21%13%2% 100% 5966 Stats+ 0% 3%0%26%47%19%4% 100% 238 Pre- Calc 0% 2%0%21%38%29%10% 100% 2485 Calc 0% 4%28%21%48% 100% 585 Total Relation between last math passed at Alpha High School and first math attempted at Beta College Red = attempted class in college lower than that already passed in high school Gold = attempted class in college equal to that already passed in high school Green = attempted class in college higher than that already passed in high school
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