Session Objective ❏ To provide 8th graders and their parents with the necessary information to help with the transition to high school ❏ High School Academic Program ❏ Graduation Requirements/HB5 ❏ LPCA Endorsement Options ❏ LPCA Course Sequences ❏ Diploma Enhancements ❏ STAAR/EOC ❏ Planning Beyond High School
Vision/Mission Vision The vision of Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy is that all LPCA schools will serve as model schools of excellence, addressing the educational needs of our communities. Mission The mission of Legacy Preparatory Charter Academy is to prepare all students to become college and career ready by promoting individual ownership of the learning process through the development of intellectual and emotional independence, while instilling the values needed to become successful leaders in the 21st century.
High School Credits ❑ After completion of a course with a grade of 70 or above, students will earn from.5 to 1.0 credit. ❑ Full year courses earn 1.0 credit (i.e. English 1) ❑ Half year courses earn.5 credit (i.e. PE)
Attendance and Grades ❏ To receive credit in a class, a student must attend at least 90% of the days the class is offered. ❏ A student who attends at least 75% but fewer than 90% of the days the class is offered may receive credit for the class if he or she completes a plan, approved by the principal that allows the student to fulfill the instructional requirements for the class.
Grade Classification Credits EarnedClassification 6Grade 10 (Sophomore) 13Grade 11 (Junior) 19Grade 12 (Senior)
Grade Point Average (GPA) GradeLevel Scale (AP, Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment/Online Courses) Level Scale (All Regular Courses)
Ranking ❑ Valedictorian and Salutatorian ❑ The valedictorian and salutatorian shall be eligible students with the highest and second highest ranking, respectively. ❑ Have been continuously enrolled in the district for the two years immediately preceding graduation; and ❑ Be graduating after no more than eight semesters of enrollment in high school
What is a Trimester? ❑ A trimester system divides the academic year into three terms of 12 weeks. ❑ Students will complete the required curriculum in two trimesters. (March) ❑ Students will earn an additional 2.5 credits each year. (Total of 10 additional credits)
What is a high school transcript? ❑ The high school transcript shows a student’s high school grades, classes and GPA. ❑ Along with the college application, college essay, SAT/ACT scores, the transcript provides concrete evidence of how prepared a student is for college.
What are the Graduation Requirements? (HB5) ❑ To receive a high school diploma, a student entering Grade 9 in the school year and thereafter must complete the graduation requirements as outlined in HB5. ❑ Foundation Plan ❑ Foundation Plan + Endorsement
LPCA Course Requirements Foundation Plan = 25 credits Courses ❑ 4 English (Includes English IV) ❑ 4 Math (Includes Algebra 2) ❑ 4 Science (Includes Chemistry/Physics) ❑ 4 Social Studies (Includes W. Geography) ❑ 2 LOTE(Spanish) ❑ 1 PE ❑ 1 Fine Arts (Digital Arts) ❑ 5 Electives (Includes Health/Speech)
LPCA Course Requirements Foundation Plan + Endorsement = 27 Credits Courses ❑ 4 English (Includes English IV) ❑ 4 Math (Includes Algebra 2) ❑ 4 Science (Includes Chemistry and Physics) ❑ 4 Social Studies (Includes W. Geography) ❑ 2 LOTE ❑ 1 PE ❑ 1 Fine Arts ❑ 7 Electives (Includes Health/Speech)
What is an Endorsement? ❑ An endorsement consists of a related series of courses that are grouped together by interest or skill set. They provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area. ❑ Students must select an endorsement in the ninth grade.
Which Endorsements will LPCA offer? ❑ Business & Industry (Information Technology) ❑ Public Service (Health Science) ❑ STEM (Math, Science)
NEW TECHNOLOGY HIGH SCHOOL - 21ST CENTURY LEARNING OUTCOMES ❏ Technology Literacy ❏ Collaboration ❏ Critical Thinking ❏ Oral Communication ❏ Written Communication ❏ Career Preparation ❏ Citizenship and Ethics ❏ Curricular Literacy
T-STEM Designation ❏ The Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (T-STEM) Initiative provides a foundational approach to empower teachers, inspire students, and advance the studies in these four fields. ❏ Increase the number of students entering postsecondary studies and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. ❏ Increase the number of students who complete a technical, two-year or four-year degree at any Texas college or university.
Public Service Health Science
Business & Industry Information Technology
Additional Endorsements ❑ Arts and Humanities ❑ English ❑ LOTE ❑ Social Studies ❑ Multidisciplinary Studies ❑ Advanced Courses in any subject ❑ Advance Placement Courses ❑ Dual Credit
Distinguished Level of Achievement ❑ An enhancement to the graduation diploma: ❑ Foundation Program requirements ❑ 4 credits in math (including Algebra 2) ❑ 4 credits in science ❑ At least 1 endorsement ❑ DLA must be earned to be admitted to a Texas public university – Top 10%
Performance Acknowledgements ❑ An enhancement to the high school diploma: ❑ Dual credit courses ❑ Bilingualism and Biliteracy ❑ PSAT, ACT, SAT ❑ Advanced Placement (AP)
What are the STAAR/EOC Assessments? ❑ STAAR/End of Course Assessments ❑ Students must complete the following end-of- course assessments for courses they are enrolled as a part of their graduation requirements: ❑ English 1 ❑ English 2 ❑ Algebra 1 ❑ Biology ❑ US History
When do students complete the Personal Graduation Plan(PGP)? ❑ Students must complete a PGP upon entering 9 th grade. ❑ LPCA scholars will complete the PGP during the registration process. ❑ The PGP will be reviewed by the counselor each year with students.
What is Dual Credit? ❑ Students earn college credits before graduating from high school. ❑ High School credit + College Hours ❑ hours of college hours ❑ Requirements ❑ Junior or senior ❑ Must meet all prerequisite requirements for enrollment in the college courses.
What are the College Entrance Exams? ❑ PSAT (October 14, 2015) ❑ 9 th – 11 th grades ❑ SAT ❑ 11 th – 12 th grades ❑ ACT ❑ 11 th – 12 th grades
DateDallasMesquitePlano 3/24/15Grades 8-9 3/25/15Grades 6-7Grades 8-9 3/26/15Grades 8-9 4/2/15Grades 6-7
Link for High School Choice Sheet HS Transition Night_ sj5yrRAHj0l_6ZTX19cfDSKyODWQ4kKw/edit?usp=shari ng
Contacts Cheryl Allen Lead Counselor Lina Nino Counselor Kristy Sender Counselor