What does this legislation mean to us?
Choose Your Favorite Moniker The Three Amigos The Three Amigos The Three Musketeers The Three Musketeers The Three Stooges The Three Stooges The Brady Bunch Minus a Few The Brady Bunch Minus a Few The Three Magnificents The Three Magnificents The Tremendous Triad The Tremendous Triad Text your choice to Junior at BR 549
What does this legislation mean to us?
June 2013© Moak, Casey and Associates
So What Do We DO Next?
June 2013© Moak, Casey and Associates6
So what’s the real story?
So, what matters right now? TEA and SBOE need to “fill in” extant information gaps. When everything else seems to be changing, students are still students… and adult actions need to reflect what is best for students within available means. Planning and decision-making will be focused and prioritized.
House Bill 5 by Aycock House: 147 to 0 vote Senate: 31 to 0 vote
Excluding EOC assessments for now, what implications does this new graduation model have for Plano ISD? For example: Will we keep our “basic” graduation plan at 24 credits or will we change it to 22? Will we keep our “basic” graduation plan at 24 credits or will we change it to 22? Will we continue to require Health? Communication Applications? Will we continue to require Health? Communication Applications?
For example: Will we keep our “basic” graduation plan at 24 credits or will we change it to 22? Will we keep our “basic” graduation plan at 24 credits or will we change it to 22? Will we continue to require Health? Communication Applications? Will we continue to require Health? Communication Applications? The following 3 slides list the brainstorm of implications by secondary principals on 7/25/13
Will we keep our “basic” graduation plan at 24 credits or will we change it to 22? Will we continue to require Health? Communication Applications? How will this affect staffing? SS requirement at the 9/10, number of coaches in SS, choices in math and science, certifications, electives, foreign language requirement - foundation plan including two years of language (need for additional ASL sections?), Comp Prog will count as a foreign language Moving credit bearing courses to middle school CPR and oral health required – keeping this within the Health course curriculum (a reason for maintaining local requirement for Health Students’ selection of endorsement path will affect staffing How do we handle requests from 9 th, 10 th, 11 th graders requesting schedule changes this year due to new grad requirements? What defines advanced courses during the transition? How will NCAA and UIL define advanced courses? GPA weighting for advanced classes as definition of advanced course changes Is CTE certification required to teach the advanced math and science courses? Teachers will be teaching a more varied schedule, requiring additional preps Will there be certifications needed for each course? US History course – where should this course be offered? HS or SHS? Implications are broaded than just the SS area – where does it make sense to offer courses with our 9/10 and 11/12 split?
Does everyone offer all endorsements? Endorsements at 9/10 and 11/12? Alignment of US History course with 8 th grade course and US History course? How is accountability determined for SHS? Credits needed for moving from HS to SHS needs to be examined Sp Ed students needing modifications – can a student still pursue an endorsement? Do we keep our local graduation requirement of 24 for mimimum for the new foundation plan? Will we allow students to graduate in potentially three years plus one course? Impact on ADA and dollar Implication for students attending SPC and endorsement path? Humanities and credits (English and World History) Clarification for students on foundation plan allowing them to apply to a four year college? How does the new culture of choice for students fit with our high expectations? With flexibility carries responsibility: how do we help our students and families make the best choices? Impact on counselors – getting the communication to students and families, keeping all opportunities available With the endorsement pathways, career choices and paths become much more apparent, and need for beginning this conversation earlier will be important Regarding US History moving to a different level – impact on duel credit and American Studies
Will there be more courses offered online? Impact on AP courses – will there be additional AP offerings with students having more choices? Will specialized offerings and endorsements require more double blocking? Questions on sp ed students and how this affects their graduation options? With more flexibility, could there be a different approach to those traditionally difficult courses? (Algebra offered over a 2 year period) With increased flexibility in the grad plan, can we move more sp ed students to the foundation or endorsement plan? How does the new grad plan affect our historic high performance on SAT/ACT? IB? Balance between choice for students and taking the easier path? How does the communication to students about the different endorsement pathways look? Equal opportunity? Recruitment vs informing the students about the best fit
Some HB 5 Implementation Issues Strategic budgeting, delivery and evaluation of accelerated instruction Support for transition to new graduation plans – Notices required (and translations, communication strategies, etc.) – Master course catalogue review – Staffing for delivery of endorsement courses and substitutions – Training for counselors AND registrars – Reprogramming of AARs Infrastructure to support universal high school PGPs
STAAR EOC Assessments
Required to pass for high school graduation English I (reading and writing combined) English I (reading and writing combined) English II (reading and writing combined) English II (reading and writing combined) Algebra I Algebra I Biology Biology US History US History STAAR EOC Assessments
No longer required or available Geometry Geometry Algebra II Algebra II Chemistry Chemistry Physics Physics World History World History World Geography World Geography English III English III STAAR EOC Assessments
Algebra II and English III (postsecondary readiness assessments) Will not be administered until 2015–2016. Will not be administered until 2015–2016. Will be administered on a voluntary basis. Will be administered on a voluntary basis. Are not required for high school graduation. Are not required for high school graduation. No longer have specific performance requirements. No longer have specific performance requirements. Can be used only for diagnostic purposes. Can be used only for diagnostic purposes. STAAR EOC Assessments
Algebra II and English III (postsecondary readiness assessments) Cannot be used for accountability. Cannot be used for accountability. Cannot be used for the purpose of teacher evaluations. Cannot be used for the purpose of teacher evaluations. Cannot be used in determining a student’s final course grade or class rank. Cannot be used in determining a student’s final course grade or class rank. Cannot be used for college admission purposes. Cannot be used for college admission purposes. STAAR EOC Assessments
No longer include A cumulative score requirement for graduation A cumulative score requirement for graduation A minimum score to count towards the cumulative score A minimum score to count towards the cumulative score The requirement that the score count as 15% of the final course grade The requirement that the score count as 15% of the final course grade STAAR EOC Assessments
The commissioner is required to provide a scale score to 100-point score conversion table. Districts are required to provide accelerated instruction to students who fail any of the five STAAR EOC assessments. Districts are required to provide accelerated instruction to students who fail any of the five STAAR EOC assessments. Satisfactory performance on other assessments (e.g., AP, IB, SAT, ACT) in equivalent courses can substitute for performance on STAAR EOC assessments. Satisfactory performance on other assessments (e.g., AP, IB, SAT, ACT) in equivalent courses can substitute for performance on STAAR EOC assessments. STAAR EOC Assessments
STAAR English I and II Instead of having separate reading and writing assessments, these tests will be combined into one assessment per course with one score. Instead of having separate reading and writing assessments, these tests will be combined into one assessment per course with one score. The combined assessments will be available beginning in spring The combined assessments will be available beginning in spring STAAR EOC Assessments
STAAR English I and II Students who have currently passed one assessment but not the other (e.g., passed English I reading but not English I writing) will still need to pass the second assessment to meet graduation requirements. Students who have currently passed one assessment but not the other (e.g., passed English I reading but not English I writing) will still need to pass the second assessment to meet graduation requirements. Students who have not successfully met their graduation requirements for English I or II by spring 2014 will need to take the new combined reading and writing assessment. Students who have not successfully met their graduation requirements for English I or II by spring 2014 will need to take the new combined reading and writing assessment. STAAR EOC Assessments
Assigned testing days for English I English I English II English II One-week testing window for Algebra I Algebra I Biology Biology U.S. history U.S. history STAAR EOC Assessments
TEA will release the general STAAR and the STAAR Spanish assessments administered in spring 2013 (first administration only). 15 EOC assessments 15 EOC assessments Grades 3–8 assessments Grades 3–8 assessments Grades 3–5 Spanish assessments Grades 3–5 Spanish assessments 2013 STAAR release tests will be posted on the TEA Student Assessment website in early August STAAR release tests will be posted on the TEA Student Assessment website in early August. Release of STAAR Assessments
Requires accelerated students to double test so they have scores to use for AYP in grades 3–8 and in high school, e.g., grade 8 math and Algebra I. Requires accelerated students to double test so they have scores to use for AYP in grades 3–8 and in high school, e.g., grade 8 math and Algebra I. Prohibits districts from removing students from class for remedial tutoring or test preparation for more than 10% of the school day. Prohibits districts from removing students from class for remedial tutoring or test preparation for more than 10% of the school day. Limits the number of benchmark assessments to two per state assessment. Limits the number of benchmark assessments to two per state assessment. STAAR EOC Assessments
What implications do changes to the STAAR EOC assessments have for Plano ISD?
House Bill 5 Additional specific provisions Additional specific provisions – Districts partner with IHEs for college prep courses – 90% attendance for credit OR final grade, K-12 – Cannot miss more than 10% of class days for tutoring – PGPs for all high school students + identified middle/jr. high school students – Test scores “turned around” in 21 days – No more than 2 benchmark tests per state test
House Bill 5 Additional specific provisions, cont’d. Additional specific provisions, cont’d. – Community-based fine arts credits (like off- campus PE) – Distinguished achievement is required for “top 10%” admission – Foundation program for general admission
HB 866 by Huberty *IF* USDE is okay with it, high performers can skip grade-level tests by Sept. 1, 2015 – All students test in R & M in 3, 5, and 8 – All remaining tests are kept in place – Students in grade 4, 6, and 7 must test ONLY if they did not perform at/above “MSAS” – DISTRICT OPTION to test all students in R & M at 4, 6, and 7, but results cannot be used for accountability
HB 2694, Villarreal & SB 1365, Duncan Credit by exam (CBE) for acceleration Credit by exam (CBE) for acceleration – 90% attendance rule not relevant to credit – Trustees must approve at least 4 assessments per subject that comply with SBOE guidelines, if available Must include AP & CLEP Must include AP & CLEP 80 th percentile (or 3+ on AP, or 60+ on CLEP) 80 th percentile (or 3+ on AP, or 60+ on CLEP) – Tests must be administered at least 4 times/year Students are limited to 2 attempts per specific test/year Students are limited to 2 attempts per specific test/year – Award of CBE satisfies an EOC test for the course
Selected Bills on Narrowly Defined Issues Curriculum HB 2201, Farney – CTE courses for 4 th math credit HB 2201, Farney – CTE courses for 4 th math credit HB 2662, Farney – Personal financial literacy HB 2662, Farney – Personal financial literacy SB 1590, Zaffrini – include insurance in financial literacy training SB 1590, Zaffrini – include insurance in financial literacy training
Facebook Analysis More money was put back into public education More money was put back into public education Not as much money was put back into public education that was previously taken away Not as much money was put back into public education that was previously taken away We won the court case We won the court case The court case is not over The court case is not over Our high school students have fewer EOC tests to pass to graduate Our high school students have fewer EOC tests to pass to graduate We don’t know which EOC tests will be used to calculate the ratings We don’t know which EOC tests will be used to calculate the ratings June 2013© Moak, Casey and Associates
Facebook Analysis We have 1 accountability system (IF USDE approves the waiver) We have 1 accountability system (IF USDE approves the waiver) PBMAS targets are misaligned to the system PBMAS targets are misaligned to the system A student growth measure is included A student growth measure is included We don’t know how the growth measure will be determined We don’t know how the growth measure will be determined June 2013© Moak, Casey and Associates42
Facebook Analysis Bills that were dangerous to public education were defeated Bills that were dangerous to public education were defeated The dangerous bills will be back…we just don’t know when The dangerous bills will be back…we just don’t know when June 2013© Moak, Casey and Associates43