The “sheer volume of dissonant statistics”... demands colleges “fortify their institutional research capacities.” ~ Cliff Adelman. “The Toolbox Revisited: Paths to Degree Completion from High School to College.” (2006).
According to the research... Successful data tracking... – Can be aided by the creation of a data warehouse – Involves a high degree of interagency collaboration – Often results in the creation of contracts among partners providing the data – Places a high priority on insuring privacy – Is aided by the establishment of cohorts – Relates data to instructional and program improvement – the feedback loop so often ignored!
Data accountability and Tech Prep... Perkins IV calls for higher degrees of accountability – And “statewide systems of measurements and standards” Illinois’ consortia data are improving – Trend reports of Illinois consortia demonstrate gradual increases in reliability over six years – Some consortia are still not able to provide accurate or reliable data Improved data tracking was cited as 1 of 3 strategic issues for FY07 – A data mapping project ensued and is currently underway; limited early findings are reported here
OCCRL Data Mapping Project Goals 1. Determine data currently transmitted 2. Determine overall pathway/structure 3. Determine factors that enable & hamper Determine specific data that are difficult to track from secondary to postsecondary 5. Determine if and how data outcomes are used within the consortia
Early Findings Factors that enable data sharing and/or reliability include – Frequent and collegial communication among partners – Consistent definitions arrived at through consensus – A person in a leadership position who understands and has earned the respect of both the secondary and postsecondary partners Factors that hamper data sharing and/or reliability include – Incompatible software – Unwillingness to share student names or other means to id students – Inconsistent definitions used within the consortium – The lack of authority of the consortium
More Early Findings Data that are difficult to accurately measure and track include – Accurate count of secondary and postsecondary TP students (which affects other data) – Secondary to postsecondary matriculation rates Ways that data are being used include – Recruitment of students to the college – Informing superintendents of their students’ post high school progress including matriculation and remediation rates – Encouraging teachers to understand how to use data in improving programs and curricula – The creation of a data driven culture
Data Tracking at Sauk Valley Community College SVCC uses data information provided by: The area high schools The area Career Center Tech Prep career path students
SVCC Data Information Collected Includes Students’ names Students’ home addresses Identification number/birth date Students’ phone number Home high school’s name Year of graduation Career path student is pursuing
High School Data Data information is updated yearly Student is identified as being a Tech Prep or not a Tech Prep student. Student is identified if he/she is taking any dual credit classes Student is identified if he/she has earned any articulated credits
Community College Data Students are tracked – once they graduate from high school & attend SVCC; – by the type of remediation needed when they enter the college; – by career pathway and CIP code; – by the certificate and/or degree earned; and – by employment opportunities.
Issues in the SVCC Tracking System Collecting accurate data from the high schools Time required to input data into the college’s computer system Identifying the Tech Prep students at the high schools Getting articulation agreements in place with the high schools and putting it on the transcript at the college Offering dual credit opportunities for the high school students
Benefits of the SVCC Tracking System The ability to track students from high school to SVCC career programs The college can anticipate areas of growth The creation of a database for use in sending information to potential students The establishment of a communication system with area high schools The ability to provide superintendents and counselors with important data regarding their students It enables improved Tech Prep planning strategies
Future Hopes for SVCC Tech Prep All students can receive a seamless transition from high school to our college. All students will have access to a career plan and pathway to help them better prepare for college All students can earn articulated and/or dial credit while still attending high school All students will complete college and earn a degree of some kind
Tracking Tech Prep Students at Moraine Valley Community College Issues MVCC encountered include: – Exploration of relationship with EFE – Adequate resources at the community college – Availability of grant dollars to leverage – Identification of problems in the system – Research report needs – What kind of information needs to be retrieved
Problems MVCC Encountered Include: Time to schedule project meetings among 5 people Investment of time in Enrollment/Admissions Office for data entry and collaboration with Research Office Identification of proper office to analyze student records. Identification of stakeholders interested in the analysis and findings. Questioning whether the evaluation would lead to improvement in the system.
Analysis of a Sample of Tech Prep Students Sample representing 18 percent of 176 fall, 2006 enrollees indicate 4 were registered as a career student, and 66 percent were either Liberal Arts Transfer or Transfer Course Enrollee, but were taking career and technical courses along with non-career courses All Students indicated they had plans to transfer to a 4-year institution The Liberal Arts and Transfer Course Enrollee designation is made at time of application/default designation
Added Value of MVCC Tech Prep Data: Student Success Issues Track persistence/retention of students and compare to non tech prep/dual credit students Identify a better means of tracking students, either on the application forms with different questions or adding new markers in student record system Use of data to communicate with high school administrators/faculty about the success of a cohort of students