Writing a Summary of Performance (SoP)
IDEA 2004 Statute ….a local education agency shall provide the child with a summary of the child’s academic achievement and functional performance, which shall include recommendations on how to assist the child in meeting the child’s postsecondary goals ( (e)(3))
Three Components of the Summary of Performance
First Component SummaryofAcademicAchievement
Mark is able to read the words of his textbooks and answer questions that require literal and inferential comprehension skills. He excels at technical writing, and he uses correct mechanics. Mark has difficulty spelling words correctly and uses the computer spell-check feature extensively. Excerpt from Mark’s SoP
Second Component Second Component SummaryofFunctionalPerformance
Marie understands her disability and its impact on learning; she willingly asks for assistance when she needs it. Marie works cooperatively with class- mates and co-workers at the movie theater at which she has a weekend job. She has her own checking account, but she continues to require assistance balancing it each month. Excerpt from Marie’s SoP
Third Component Recommendations
Provide the culinary school disability services office with documentation necessary to receive academic adjustments Meet regularly with Community Services Board case manager for medication management, counseling, and to access independent living opportunities Investigate community recreational facilities and volunteer opportunities near the culinary school Excerpt from Juan’s SoP
Importance of the SoP Reason # Provides guidance to students after they leave high school
Importance of the SoP Reason # Reason # Provides documentation of effective supplementary aids and services students will continue to need in postsecondary educational, training, employment, and other community settings
Importance of the SoP Reason # Facilitates communication with adult agency representatives
The SoP Must Be Completed… When students are exceeding the age of eligibility or are completing the requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma or Standard Diploma
It is a GOOD IDEA to Complete the SoP… Near the end of the student’s final year of high school
A Collaborative Team Student/Family School Counselor General Education Teachers Special Education Case Manager Related Service Providers Transition Specialist/Job Coach Adult Service Providers
For Additional Information Contact a transition specialist at the Training and Technical Assistance Center that serves your Superintendents Region or visit
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