EAB Update Lee Townsend Extension Entomologist
Agenda Identification and Impact Current status Control options – Homeowner & Commercial applicator Biological control General information and questions
EAB calendar Feeding June - October Inactive October - April Adults mid-May – July Adults out mid-May Pupa April - May
Larvae feed under bark June – October; disrupt transport of water, nutrients, carbohydrates Healthy trees killed within 2-3 years of first symptoms
Emerald ash borer in KY Emerald ash borer - KY EAB info - US
12 counties > 5 mill ash stems 54 counties > 2 mill
2012 EAB Risk Map Red = infested Brown = high Orange = medium Yellow = low
EAB Survey 2012 – 1,700 traps YearTrapsPositive Counties # Beetles 20083, , , ,
New 2011 Anderson Bracken Boyle Garrard Hardin Scott Woodford
Anderson, Franklin, Henry, Owen, Shelby, Woodford
Boone, Kenton, Campbell
Greenup - Boyd
Boyle - Garrard
Fayette - Jessamine
Jefferson – Oldham
2012 Adult emergence 1 st emergence mid- May 450 to 500 dd base 50 Peak June – July about 750 dd
70 to 140 dd ahead for 2012
Ohio State Recommendations Imidacloprid when EAB first found – within 15 mi high risk – in quarantine zone – low to moderate risk Use Tree-äge when EAB pressure increases Use high rate of Tree-äge at infestation peak Monitor and treat as needed after peak infestation
Treatment Options Systemic Soil Injections / Drenches: – Imidacloprid (e.g. Merit, Xytect, Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub 12 Month Insect Control) – Dinotefuran Systemic Trunk Injections: – Imidacloprid (IMA-jet, Imicide) – Emamectin benzoate (TREE-äge) Systemic Trunk Sprays: – Dinotefuron (Safari) Bark and canopy sprays: Astro, Onyx
Realistic Expectations Insecticides can protect ash trees from EAB; success is not guaranteed Insecticides are not effective in eradicating infestations
Homeowner options 12 mo Tree & Shrub (imidacloprid) 12 mo Tree & Shrub (dinetofuran) Ace Caps (acephate)
Imidacloprid (12 month products) ProductRate/ in$/inch Tree & Shrub (1.47%) quart 1 fl oz$0.60 ($.20 dia) Protect & Feed (1.47%) quart 1 fl oz$0.71 Landscape Formula (2.94%) gal 0.5 fl oz$0.53 Granular Tree & Shrub + Fertilizer (1.1%) 0.25 cup?
Dinotefuran (Safari) Green Light Emerald Ash Borer Killer (2% G) Tree & Shrub Insect Control with Safari 1/2 to 2/3 cup per inch of tree diameter Apply early to mid-May $5.33/lb $5.70/lb
Acecap 3/8” Insecticide Implants 5 per pack $9.50 -
Arborists / Commercial Applicators
Imidacloprid (Group 4) Drench, soil injection, trunk injection Merit, Xytect, etc.
Safari 20 SG Insecticide (dinotefuran) (Group 4) Trunk spray – 12 to 24 oz/gal Use 1 gal per 40” to 50” trunk dbh 1 – 4 weeks for uptake Spray from root flare to 4’ to 5’ above ground Low pressure - 10 to 20 psi Do not apply to wet bark or within 12 hrs of rain
Safari 20 SG Insecticide $390 / 3 lb container Low rate = $2.48/ in circumference High rate = $3.10 /in circumference
Tree-äge Emamectin benzoate Restricted Use – Acute human toxicity $559/liter $399 injector Cordless drill $3.15/ inch circumference 3 yrs with high rate
Professional Use Products Soil injection / DrenchApplication Imidacloprid MeritApril to May Trunk injection ImidaclopridIMA-jet ArborjetMay to June Imicide MaugetMay to June Pointer WedgleMay to June BidrinInjecticide- B MaugetMay to June Emamectin Tree-age ArbojetMay benzoate Trunk Spray **DinotefuranSafari + PentraBarkApril to May
Professional Use Products Preventive Bark & Foliage Cover Sprays bifenthrin Onyx carbarylSevin cyfluthrinTempo permethrinAstro 2x at 4-week intervals – 1 st application at black locust bloom
Trunk Injections Absorbed more quickly than drench Large trees > 12” dbh Where drenches are not practical – near water, etc. Potentially injure trunk, especially if repeated
Summary Insecticides can offer protection against EAB Success not assured – annual treatments may be needed Factors in successful treatment not understood yet Inventory ash – set priorities
1 CEU – Cat 10 your license number to me today
Importing natural enemies
Spathius agrili Attacks EAB larvae – detects infested trees, injects egg into EAB larva Affects up to 90% of EAB larvae in Chinese trees 3 to 4 generations per year Winter as pupae under bark
Tertastichus plannipennisi Attacks EAB larvae – detects infested trees, injects egg into EAB larva 50% success rate Up to 127 adults per EAB larva Winter as larvae under bark
Oobius agrili Attacks EAB egg At least 4 generations per year 60% success rate Up to 62 eggs/wasp Winter as larvae in egg
Importing natural enemies Environmental impact Are they specific to intended host? Can they be reared successfully for mass release? Is our climate suitable?
What does the future hold? Will North American ash will follow the model of Dutch elm disease - individual trees have reduced life span but are able to reproduce OR American chestnut - individual trees die before they can reproduce OR something entirely different
Factoids Ash in sunny, open conditions preferred over shaded locations within canopies Blue ash appears to be less attractive than green or white but is attacked as other ash species die Stressed ash trees may be preferred but once EAB is abundant healthy trees are attacked, too 1.5” diameter to mature trees
EAB Hosts Only infests ash (Fraxinus) in the US EAB or “a closely related beetle” in Asian attacks species of elm, walnut, and Pterocarya (wingnut) Green ash appears to decline more rapidly that white ash under similar conditions
Dispersal Unassisted rate in Michigan appears to have been about 6 mi/year (0.6 mi/yr cited, too) On edges – EAB galleries up to 800 yds from potential source BUT most within 100 – 200 yds 1.7 mi average by mated female
Eggs 50 to 90 eggs / female In bark crevices Hatch in about 2 weeks Rough bark
Alternate hosts Given no alternative, female EAB will lay eggs on alternate species “Ovipositional mistakes” do occur in the field but appear to be rare Privet appears to be a suitable host for small EAB larvae
Recommendations change, keep fishing for new information …
Don’t believe everything you read
Don’t wait too late to ask for help
EAB Biology Lee Townsend Extension Entomologist
Saplings may die after 1 year of attack Large ash trees may die within 3 to 4 years of initial infestation
Adult feeding Adults live 3 to 6 weeks Edge feeding on foliage
Foliage feeding 5 to 7 days before mating 5 to 7 days after mating
Egg-laying choices (lab)
Larva Up to 1 inch long Feed in phloem and cambium Finished by October
Larvae Serpentine galleries in phloem and cambium Extensive damage to water- conducting tissue Packed with frass Old wood New wood
Pupate – mid-April 2 to 3 weeks from start of pupation to and adult