Bignoniaceae (the bignonia family) 110 genera Mostly tropical Leaves opposite or whorled Big flowers
trumpet creeper Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae) Opposite, pinnately compound leaves Serrate leaflets Red trumpet-shaped flowers Cigar-shaped capsules A trailing or climbing vine Aerial roots
catalpa Catalpa spp. (Bignoniaceae) Large, opposite or whorled, heart-shaped leaves Twigs stout, lenticellate, pith solid Bark scaly Flowers 2” long, white, in panicles, spring Fruit = capsules up to 18” long, like cigars, seeds winged, fall 2 species planted and escaped, now common throughout Delaware Habitat = edges and open areas No commercial importance or wildlife value
paulownia (also known as princess-tree) Paulownia tomentosa (Scrophulariaceae) Leaves opposite, very large (up to 12”), heart-shaped, hairy (tomentose) Twigs stout, lenticellate, pith usually hollow Leaf scars large and horseshoe-shaped Bark light gray, not deeply furrowed Purple flowers in spring, very showy Fruit = a woody capsule, oval, green and sticky at first and then brown and dry, filled with many small seeds with papery wings A fast-growing medium-sized tree Invasive species – very aggressive Common throughout Delaware
Caprifoliaceae (the honeysuckle family) 300 species of shrubs and vines and a few small trees Temperate regions of the northern hemisphere Very important ornamentals – more than 100 species planted in our area
Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica (Caprifoliaceae) ** Invasive Exotic ** Opposite simple leaves are small Hollow pith Very fragrant flowers in late spring Black berries Does not have aerial roots or tendrils A vine found throughout Delaware Shade-intolerant
arrowwood Viburnum dentatum (Caprifoliaceae) Opposite, simple leaves with big teeth, shiny Twigs angular and smooth Buds light brown Flowers white, small, in clusters in spring Fruit similar to mapleleaf viburnum A shrub up to 15 feet tall Common in moist forests throughout Delaware Good for wildlife
mapleleaf viburnum Viburnum acerifolium (Caprifoliaceae) Leaves opposite, simple, 3-lobed with coarse teeth Deep red in fall Palmate venation with rugose veins Buds purple Small white flowers in clusters in summer Fruit = ¼” dark blue drupes Twigs thin and velvety A shrub to 6’ common in New Castle County Understory dweller in moist forests Good wildlife value
common elderberry Sambucus canadensis (Caprifoliaceae) Opposite, pinnately compound leaves 5-7 pairs of elliptical, serrate leaflets Twigs with warty lenticels, stout, smell bad when crushed Solid white pith Leaf scars broad crescents, can meet to form ringed nodes Flowers in summer in big clusters. Profuse. Fruit = drupe. Purple, ¼”. Late summer. A shrub to 10’ tall found next to streams and in bottomlands Common statewide in Delaware (but only on its habitat) Good food for wildlife Not commercially important
blackhaw Viburnum prunifolium (Caprifoliaceae) Opposite leaves somewhat like black cherry leaves Red petioles, concave, subtlety winged Twigs slender with orange lenticels Spur shoots like spines ½” terminal bud Bark on bigger specimens like flowering dogwood Flowers white, in 3” clusters in spring Fruit = dark blue ½” drupes with red stalks, summer. Range = the Mid-Atlantic states west to Missouri, including all of Delaware Habitat = understory of moist woods Can be a small tree to 25’ Good for wildlife