Mount pelèe Jaden Lacour
Caesalpinia Caesalpinia is a genus of flowing in the lugume family.
Crepe Giner Crepe Giner is possibly the best know cultivated species of the genus Costus.
Rainforest Around 40% to 75%of all biotic species and indigenous to rainforests.
Streptosolen Jamesonii Sreptosolen Jamesonii is part of the Solanaceae family that produces loose clusters of flowers gradually changing from yellow to red as they develop.
Prunus carolinea Prunus is one of the flowers In the Rosaceae family and it is endemic to Colombia.
Arranyán In Spain it refers to the myrataceae shrub Myrtus Communis (common myrtle)
Passiflora Tarminiana Passiflora Tarminiana is a species of passionfruit the yellow fruits are edible and their resemblance.
Macrocrapaea The genus macrocrapaea with 105 species and two hybids of 0.5 m herbs shrub.