Green Transplant’s Business Plan Proposal Bobby Gagnon Todd Hinkle Christopher Marsh
Products & Services Ornamental Tree & Shrub Transplant Tree Removal & Pruning Tree & Shrub Brokerage Services
Venture Finance Personal Investments of $45,000 Divided Equally amongst the 3 Partners Bank Loan of $20,000
Mission Statement An environmentally conscious company focused on adding value to our customers lives through professional, courteous, and timely tree transplantation, removal, and brokerage services. Each team member at our company contributes toward our goal to perform Safe, Efficient, and Effective tree services. Green Transplant strives to provide the highest tree care standard for our customers. We promise to put your needs first! Rest assured your trees and properties are in the hands of well-trained and qualified tree care professionals.
Management Team Bobby Gagnon Todd Hinkle Chris Marsh
Location of Operation 641 South Old Belair Road Grovetown GA Columbia County
Location of Operation Open 1.0 Acre Tract Good Traffic Visibility from Old South Belair Rd and I-20 West
Major Equipment 2003 Sterling Big John 90
Executive Summary Ornamental Tree & Shrub Transplant Fronting Company for Tree Removal & Pruning Fronting Company Tree & Shrub Brokerage Services
Market Analysis Summary We will target 4 major market segments 1. Organizations within the categories of nurseries and tree removal 2. Homeowners between the ages of Homeowners with a household income of 50K+ 4. Established neighborhoods
Market Segmentation Current organizations within the categories of nurseries and tree removal 1. Provide these organizations with a greater number of jobs 2. Allows us to charge an affordable fee for our services
Market Segmentation Homeowners between the ages of Typically too busy or lack the energy 2. Fast and convenient service 3. Can also take advantage of our tree removal and nursery brokerage
Market Segmentation Households with an annual income of 50k+ 1. Will generally be able to afford our services Established neighborhoods 1. Blanket market 2. Tired of their current lawn situation Newer neighborhoods 1. Not as great of a need 2. Potential customers now and in the future
Competition Tree Transplantation 1. Currently a non- existent business within Augusta, GA 2. First-mover advantage 3. Closest actual competition is located in Columbia, SC 4. Too far away to be a threat Brokerage 1. Closest actual competition is located in Atlanta, GA 2. Unfamiliar with the Augusta, GA region and businesses
Strategy and Implementation Summary Marketing Budget 1. Limited but present 2. Will rely heavily on social networking 3. Operating in a narrow geographical area 1. Does not necessitate large scale advertising 4. Radio 5. Google Adwords 6. Personal Selling
Competitive Advantage First-Mover Advantage 1. Local tree transplantation 2. Tree removal/nursery brokerage Environmentally Friendly 1. Transplantation keep trees alive 2. Maintains a healthy environment
Marketing Strategy Targeting each market segment with one-on-one marketing 1. Allows for greater face-to-name recognition 2. Stronger relationships with customers Mobile advertising ’’ by 11.25’’ magnetic signs Sales Strategy 1. Convey a professional and easy to work with organization
Marketing Strategy Google AdwordsRadioPersonal Selling Cost per click $500 To renew or not renew? 50 thirty second spots Radio station will create the script $1,000 Knowledgeable sales associates Professionally trained in customer service
1 Are you unhappy with the current state of your lawn? YES/NO 2 Would you be willing to use a tree transplanting service to alter the landscape of your property? YES/NO 3 Would you like to have a certain tree that you currently do not own placed onto your property? YES/NO 4 Are there specific types of trees currently on your property that you do not want? YES/NO 5 Would you be willing to pay for a service to remove these unwanted trees? YES/NO 6 Would you be willing to pay for services that shop for the specific trees you want for your property? YES/NO Results YES, 8 NO YES, 18 NO YES, 5 NO YES, 9 NO YES, 5 NO YES, 12 NO Green Transplant Customer Survey Please circle Yes or No 30 customers surveyed
Results 1. 3 YES, 3 NO 2. 5 YES, 1 NO 3. Average: 10% Green Transplant Business Survey Please circle Yes or No or fill in the blank with a response. 6 Local businesses surveyed
Pricing Strategy Negotiable 3 Catagories Tree Transplantation Tree Brokerage Tree Removal Estimated $250 per job Averaged price between small and large trees Wholesale nurseries Purchase the trees Sell at a markup of 50% Size, count, and agent will affect pricing Survey says: 10% per job
Sales Forecast Week1-Month1 Week 1: Two tree removal jobs ($400) YTD revenue: ($400) Week 2: Two tree removal jobs ($400) One tree transplant job ($250) YTD revenue: ($1050) Week 3: One Tree broker sale of (15) trees for a commercial site ($375) YTD revenue: ($1425) Week 4: One Tree broker sale of (15) trees for a commercial site ($375) Two tree removal jobs ($400) YTD revenue: ($2600) Month 1: Tree broker trees total ($750) Tree transplant job (1) total ($250) Tree removal jobs (6) total ($1600) YTD revenue: ($2600) Month 2-Month 6 Month 2: (x10% sales increase) Tree broker sale of (33) trees total ($825) Tree transplant jobs (2) total ($500) Tree removal job of (10) trees total ($2000) YTD revenue: ($5925) Month 3: (15% sales increase) Tree broker sale of (38) trees total ($950) Tree transplant job (3) trees total ($750) Tree removal job of (12) trees total ($2400) YTD revenue: ($10025) Month 4: (No increase or decrease in sales percentage) Tree broker sale of (38) trees total ($950) Tree transplant job (3) trees total ($750) Tree removal job of (12) trees total ($2400) YTD revenue: ($14125) Month 5: (5% sales decrease) Tree broker sale of (36) trees total ($900) Tree transplant job (1) trees total ($250) Tree removal job of (11) trees total ($2200) YTD revenue: ($17475) Month 6: (20% sales increase) Tree broker sale of (42) trees total ($1050) Tree transplant job (3) trees total ($750) Tree removal job of (14) trees total ($2800) YTD revenue: ($22075)
Sales Forecast Year 2 Year 2: (2% sales increase) Tree broker sale of (443) trees total ($11075) Tree transplant job (27) trees total ($6750) Tree removal job of (137) trees total ($27400) YTD revenue: ($45225) Year 3 Year 3: (4% sales increase) Tree broker sale of (462) trees total ($11550) Tree transplant job (29) trees total ($7250) Tree removal job of (143) trees total ($28600) YTD revenue: ($47400) Year 1 Year 1: Tree broker sale of (434) trees total ($10850) Tree transplant job (26) trees total ($6500) Tree removal jobs (134) trees total ($26800) YTD revenue: ($44150)
Start-Up Cash Requirement Overhead $40,000 Equipment Operations Budget $20,000 Total Cash Needed $60,000
Financing Sources Partners’ Investments - $40,500 Bobbie Investment - $13,500 Todd Investment - $13,500 Chris Investment - $13,500 10 yr. Bank Loan - $20,000 Total Start-up Capital - $60,500
Income Projections 1 st Year – $2614 Net Loss 2nd Year - $ Net Income 3 rd Year - $13,107 Net Income
Sustainable Growth 1 st Mover Advantage Marketing Expertise Low Overhead Costs Transition from Advertising to Word-of- Mouth Low Wages Expense