Western Kenya Integrated Ecosystem Management Project Patrick Gicheru LouVerchot Louis Gachimbi A.M. Karuku Samuel Ombaga Frida Maina Wachira Kaguogo
Application Description Western Kenya Nzoia (12,000 Km 2 ) Yala (2,500 Km 2 ) (good data on one of the 100 Km 2 blocks) Nyando (4000 Km 2 ) (Good data one of the blocks 100 Km 2 blocks) –Impact focal areas and control focal areas within 10 X 10 Kmblocks –8000 to famillies Production systems –Katuk Odeyo Maize livestock –Kakamega Mixed crop livestock systems
Indicators Socio-economic Household Income Poverty Food security (amount of calories per person) Bio-Physical Carbon sequestration Sediment loads Soil erosion Nutrient balance Nutrient depletion Biodiversity (tree and shrub biodiversity and then other biodiversity e.g. bird)
Scenarios Better Agro forestry Practices Better Seed Varieties/breeds Better feed management practices (cut and carry livestock feeding system) Better Nutrient Management Climatic change Output Price Changes Input Cost Changes Introduction of Incentive Schemes Carbon credits Water harvesting for crop production Tenure systems
Data Good Data Available Biophysical Characterization Farming systems characterization Baseline surveys Socioeconomic baselines Biodiversity (Woody vegetation, trees and shrubs and birds) Carbon stocks To be collected Biodiversity (medicinal herbs, small mammals etc) Nutmon
Work Plan Stakeholders (KARI, ICRAF, COSOFAP, MoA, MENR, Maseno University, NGOs, CBOs, KEFRI, MoW and Farmers) Data (cleaning and updating (October/November) Modeling (November/December/January) TOA Team Backstopping –What: Modeling –When: Late November/Early December Reports & Presentations (Drafts April)