Introduction 1 This report presents the findings from an Omnibus Survey carried out by Millward Brown Lansdowne on behalf of Pro Life Campaign and Second Look Project. The purpose of the survey was to measure the opinions of the public in respect of right to life issues. The Millward Brown Lansdowne Omnibus Survey is designed to be representative of the adult population aged 18 and over living in the Republic of Ireland. Details of this particular report are as follows: SAMPLE TYPE:Those Aged 18+ Years SAMPLE SIZE:979 FIELDWORK:2 nd – 15 th May 2012 Each Omnibus survey is based on a totally new sample of 1000 adults, with interviews conducted in 64 randomly selected sampling areas throughout the Republic of Ireland. The sample is quota controlled by sex, age, social class, region and area to ensure representation of the adult population. Fieldwork is conducted by interviewers who are fully trained and experienced in the area of market research. Quality control of the highest standards are imposed at all levels of the research, including a 10% quality control check of completed interviews.
Fine Gael policy commitment: Support for 2 Base: All Respondents (Adults 18+) Q.Just prior to polling day in the 2011 General Election, Fine Gael said it was opposed to the legalisation of abortion and experimentation on human embryos. It said that Fine Gael’s representatives would bring to the proposed all-party committee a clear commitment that women in pregnancy will receive whatever treatments are necessary to safeguard their lives, and that the duty of care to preserve the life of the baby will also be upheld. Would you agree or disagree with this commitment? Disagree Agree Don’t know May 2012 (Incl. DK) GenderAgeSocial Class Region Total % Male % Female % % % % % % 65+ % ABC1 % C2DE % F%F% Dublin % Rest of Leinster % Munster % Conn/ Ulster % Agree Disagree Excluding don't knows May 2012 (excl. DK) Disagree Agree
Ethical practice at crisis pregnancy and saving the mothers life 3 Base: All Respondents (Adults 18+) Q. Current medical practice in Ireland does not allow the deliberate killing of the unborn baby, In a crisis pregnancy situation the doctor has a duty of care towards the baby when intervening to save the mother’s life. Do you consider that this ethical practice should be protected by law? GenderAgeSocial Class Region Total % Male % Female % % % % % % 65+ % ABC1 % C2DE % F%F% Dublin % Rest of Leinster % Munster % Conn/ Ulster % Yes No Excluding don't knows May 2012 (Incl. DK) May 2012 (excl. DK) Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Don’t know