Spotsylvania County Public-Private Transportation Act Spotsylvania County Infrastructure, LLC (SCI) June 2008
County executed a Comprehensive Agreement with SCI on October 9, 2007 Current Board recommends improvements to the following: 1. Massaponax Church Road Improvements 2. Harrison - Kingswood - Beauclaire Intersection 3. Massaponax Church Road - Rte 17 Intersection 4. Mine - Hardwood - Campbell Intersection 5. Mine - Lansdowne Intersection 6. Smith Station - Piedmont Intersection
Location of each improvement Intersection level of service Existing level of service Proposed level of service Anticipated Completion Cost Inclusions/ Qualifications/ Assumptions
Signalized Intersections Level of Service Criteria for Signalized Intersections is Controlled by Delay per Vehicle (sec/veh): ▪ LOS A - Less than 10 second delay per vehicle ▪ LOS B - 10 to 20 sec/veh ▪ LOS C - 20 to 35 sec/veh ▪ LOS D - 35 to 55 sec/veh ▪ LOS E - 55 to 80 sec/veh ▪ LOS F - Greater than 80 sec/veh Unsignalized Intersections Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections is Controlled by Delay per Vehicle (sec/veh): ▪ LOS A - Less than 10 second delay per vehicle ▪ LOS B - 10 to 15 sec/veh ▪ LOS C - 15 to 25 sec/veh ▪ LOS D - 25 to 35 sec/veh ▪ LOS E - 35 to 50 sec/veh ▪ LOS F - Greater than 50 sec/veh
Massaponax Church Road Improvements - From 0.24 mile South of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) to 0.74 mile south of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) - widen to an improved 2-lane road, with 12-foot wide travel lanes, shoulders, and improved drainage.
Summer 2010
Assumes Start Date of October 9, 2009 and Completion in 2010 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Harrison - Kingswood - Beauclaire Intersection - Install eastbound and westbound left turn lanes on Harrison Road, westbound right turn lane to Kingswood; install north and southbound left turn lanes on Beauclaire and Kingswood; install traffic signal, asphalt overlay and new pavement marking. Church access to remain unchanged until ultimate widening of Harrison (raised median).
AM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) C16.8B14.3 PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) C16.4B14.8
Spring 2009
Assumes Start Date of August 12, 2008 and Completion in 2009 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Massaponax Church Road / Rte 17 Intersection - Modify existing flashing mast arm traffic signal to a fully functional traffic signal, including eastbound flashing warning light. Install left turn lane for northbound Massaponax Church Road.
AM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) C23.7B13.2 PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) D27.6B12.3
Summer 2009
Assumes Start Date of February 4, 2009 and Completion in 2009 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Mine-Hardwood-Campbell Intersection – Install eastbound and westbound left turn lanes on Mine Road; eastbound right turn lane to Campbell Drive. Install left turn lane and right/through lane on northbound Campbell Drive. Install southbound right turn lane and left/through lane on Hardwood Lane. Install traffic signal, asphalt overlay and new pavement marking.
AM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) D26.3B18.8 PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) D27.2B16.9
Spring 2010
Assumes Start Date of June 30, 2009 and Completion in 2010 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Mine-Lansdowne Intersection - Install left turn lane on eastbound Mine Road and a right turn lane in the westbound direction. Install a southbound left turn lane on Lansdowne at the intersection with Mine Road. Install traffic signal, asphalt overlay and new pavement marking.
AM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) C15.7B12.7 PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) F54.4A9.8
Spring 2010 Massaponax Church Road Improvements - From 0.24 mile South of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) to 0.74 mile south of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) - widen to an improved 2-lane road, with 12-foot wide travel lanes, shoulders, and improved drainage.
$1,514, Massaponax Church Road Improvements - From 0.24 mile South of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) to 0.74 mile south of US Route 17 (Mills Drive) - widen to an improved 2-lane road, with 12-foot wide travel lanes, shoulders, and improved drainage.
Assumes Start Date of July 21, 2009 and Completion in 2010 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Smith Station-Piedmont Intersection – Install eastbound left turn lane and westbound right turn lane on Smith Station. Install left and right turn lanes on Piedmont. Install traffic signal, asphalt overlay and new pavement marking.
AM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) B13.7A9.2 PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS Exsting Condtion (2007) Unsignalized Design Year (2010) Signalized LOSDelay (sec/veh)LOSDelay (sec/veh) D32.8B14.4
Spring 2010
Assumes Start Date of August 24, 2009 and Completion in 2010 ROW Values based on 2006 Tax Assessments with escalator for fair market value Scope and Price Includes ROW and Utility Administration Includes Allowances for Actual Costs for ROW and Utilities Includes Phase II Environmental and Arch./Cultural Studies Excludes Phase III Environmental and Arch./Cultural Costs Excludes Hazardous Materials
Obtain Board Approval for Final Design (Soonest June 2008) Hold Location and Design Public Hearing Present Citizen Comments and Public Hearing Plans to Board of Supervisors Resolution of Public Necessity Passed – Public Hearing Plans – Limits of Right of Way, Permanent & Temporary Easements Appraisals – Determine Value of “Taking” and “Damages” Title Search – Determine Owners and Lenders Meet with Property Owners – Walk Property, Share Appraisal Reports & Title Search Results Relocation Assistance for “Full Acquisitions” Closing and Compensation A Careful and Deliberate Process