WHO? EXAMPLES: Who committed the crime? Who’s the victim? Who witnessed? Who is investigating the incident? Who cares?* (Who does the story effect?)
WHAT? EXAMPLES: What happened? What caused it? What can be done to help? What will happen because of the incident? What matters most?
WHERE? EXAMPLES: Where did it happen? (specific location) Where should viewers go or not go? (severe weather) Where are you reporting from?
WHEN? EXAMPLES: When did it happen? When did it end? When will it end? When will we know more?
WHY? EXAMPLES: Why did it happen? Why did they do it? Why do we care?
HOW? EXAMPLES: How did it happen? How can we help? How could it have been prevented? How will it be resolved? How many?
LIVE SHOT #1 What you know: A small plane has crashed in San Diego. It landed in a field across from Canyon Crest Academy. It’s 3:30pm right now on a Saturday. A news conference is being held at CCA in the parking lot where the media are gathered. News Conference Interview: William Lansdowne, San Diego Police Chief