Master Trust Presentation NAEA/ARLA MASTER TRUST Presented by: Steve Goddard Date: 13 May 2014
Introductions Steve Goddard Managing Director, Goddard Perry Consulting Over 30 years experience in Pensions Joined Goddard Perry 1993 Major shareholder of Group Developing Master Trusts since 2007 SALVUS platform Founder member of Master Trust Association
Agenda for today Background to auto enrolment How does it effect you ? Need to have a plan The NFOPP Master Trust Solution Administration that focuses on the Member Strait Logics – the “Assessment Tool” (Middleware) Investment that focuses on strength, value and flexibility for the member – Trustee supervision Charging structure = a great package for Members The right solution for NFOPP members !
Background State pensions simply not sufficient Need to provide for retirement Basic state pension currently £ per week! State second pension S2P but many self employed! Auto Enrolment is here !
Why save? Age 32 State Pension Age 67 5% investment return £25,000 salary assumed 2% rise in salaries ContributionProjected Fund 2% (1% & 1%)£53,014 6% (3% & 3%)£159,041 10% (5% & 5%)£265,069
How does it effect you ? Two employees and you must act ! Staging date – the necessity to take action Daily fines by the Pension Regulator (tPR) for NON compliance
Need to plan ! When is your staging date? Who will be your pension provider? How will you assess workers? Access to AE “middleware” ? Existing arrangements (if any !) may not work…your current provider may decline AE members and /or not provide “middleware”
8 The NFOPP Master Trust Solution A Master Trust for “non-associated” employers NAEA/ARLA “Sub-Trust” for you to join Guaranteed acceptance Simple documentation Corporate Trustee compliance & governance Administration by HS Admin A “one stop” shop solution Member focused
Trustee that focuses on members needs.. Blake Lapthorn Pension Trustees Ltd is the Corporate Trustee Trusteeship conducted by experienced pension professionals Director appointed for ongoing supervision Board meets once a month to review all cases. Master risk register, which is reviewed at each meeting tPR returns and tPR pension levy’s
10 All services from one location HS Admin 100% owned by Goddard Perry Group £2.5bn assets under management - £1m - £900m Dedicated administrator for NFOPP Master Trust Over 60 staff Administration that focuses on the member…
11 The member’s experience… Member joining pack & fact-sheet NAEA/ARLA helpdesk provided by HS Admin NAEA/ARLA branded website – fund information & projection tools Telephone opt-out service Annual Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations (SMPIs) - issued as at 31 st December Transfers in - allowed Transfers out – allowed (no penalty on transfer) Full options at retirement – counselling service (GPC)
Architecture Auto Enrolment – Integration and work flow Quality and Security Strait Logics supply the “Assessment Tool”
Staging Dates and re-enrolment Management Information and Status Payroll Reference Periods Master Trust Pension Contributions Levels Data Upload Assessment and Reporting Communication Auto Enrolment Technology
14 Conventional life-style available (DWP approved) Equities when younger then Bonds/Fixed interest BlackRock Aquila are fund investment managers Daily dealing and free switching Daily valuations for members with online access Straight Through Processing (STP) Investment that focuses on strength, value and flexibility for the member…
15 Default Investment Fund
16 Charging structure A “bundled” charge is applied to cover: Administration, AE Assessment, Trusteeship, Accounts, tPR levy & maintaining agreed investments and strategies The charge for NAEA/ARLA is as follows: Annual Management Charge (AMC) of 0.65% per annum There are no member specific charges other than AMC
17 Key Messages NAEA/ARLA Master Trust specifically designed with Goddard Perry Speed, simplicity and flexibility to adapt to your requirements Focus on the members and their experience Full use of technology AE Middleware Competitive charges HS project manage take-on/installation at no extra charge Robust administration with over 25 Years experience
18 THANK YOU MASTER TRUST TEAM Steve Ken Ashton- Graham Hickling Sanjay Goddard Perry Consulting Ltd Corinthian House 17 Lansdowne Road Croydon Surrey CR0 2BXT: