Building Stronger Communities 24 th October 2013 Lochee Ward Annual Update
Local Community Plan Progress Completed actions (51%) On schedule (43%) Behind schedule (6%)
Some Key Achievements Open space Audit Completed Regeneration Forum funding children’s work Regeneration Forum funding youth work Community Engagement (Festivals/Gala’s, Family Gathering, Door Knocking Programme) Capacity Building (Regeneration Forum, Parent & Toddlers Groups, Lochee Boxing Club) Partnership Working (Family Splash, Early Years Network, Lochee Pathfinder, Open Space/Play) Lochee Parish Church Drop-in café – continuing to grow and been extended to 3 days per week Community Networks are getting stronger
New Developments Opening of new Camperdown/St. Clements School and Nursery Plans being drawn up for a new school and community centre/library in Menzieshill Progress of Lochee Physical Masterplan (new Farmfoods open, new car parks, designs for public open space and potential new housing development) Stack Leisure Park redevelopment picking up pace Potential for a social enterprise childcare facility on site at St. Mary’s Infant School Progress with access to school playing fields outside school hours Community Food Growing project at Lansdowne Court being developed Next phase of major improvements to multi-storeys and low-rise at Kirk Street
New Development cont’d Creation of new Lochee Learning Partnership Progress with play improvements at South Road Park Progress with a MUGA at the Stack Leisure Park Potential for a new drop-in café on Saturday afternoons in St. Mary’s RC Church New Lochee Kinship group formed New singing group created “The Lochee Linties”
Main Issues/Challenges Welfare Reform – impact on poverty/wellbeing, sanctions and pressure on Job Shops Substance Misuse – tackling stigma, creating a community supportive of recovery Foodbank – encouraging others to contribute and making links to community food growing Finding solutions to parking problems in Menzieshill Keeping track of what is going on in the Lochee Ward!!!!