Lansdowne Middle School The journey continues…
Who we are… Shelby Small Starting 6 th year at LMS 7 th /8 th grade math Team Leader Member of UDL PLC- part 2 Shelby Small Starting 6 th year at LMS 7 th /8 th grade math Team Leader Member of UDL PLC- part 2
Who we are… Carrie Reeve Starting 11 th year at LMS Grades 6-8 Physical Education/Health Department Chair Member of UDL PLC- part 1 Carrie Reeve Starting 11 th year at LMS Grades 6-8 Physical Education/Health Department Chair Member of UDL PLC- part 1
K.W.L. about Lansdowne What do you know about Lansdowne? What do you want to know about Lansdowne? What do you know about Lansdowne? What do you want to know about Lansdowne?
*674 students in 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grades *Student demographics-40 Asian, 218 African American, *107 Hispanic, 22 Two or More Races, 287 White *115 students who receive special education services *115 students who receive ELL services *573 FARMS(85%) (free and reduced meals)-Title I Attendance is 93.5% Lansdowne Middle School
Successes Support from outside CAST grant for TU Presidential Scholarship Grant- Spring 2014 Teacher Buy-in Interest allowed a second PLC to start In-house Summer Institute- Summer 2013
More successes Encouraged cross-curricular discussions and planning Opportunity to see peers teach and provide feedback Increasing comfort level of “outsiders” in the classroom Summer Program Project based Driven by UDL principles
Summer Program Advertisement Summer Bridge Academy
Challenges TIME Push-back from some teachers Disconnect between teachers, administration, central office New initiatives -Curriculum, PARCC, Evaluation System, Asst. Sup Changing the mindset of the kids- not giving them the answers Teaching non content skills- self regulation, self check, self reflection
So what is Student Centered Learning On one color post it note- Things the teacher does On one color post it note- Things the student does If you walked into a student centered class what would it look like? What would the physical space look like? What would kids be doing? What would teacher be doing?
What are challenges with student centered learning?
Informal Walk Through Tool
Physical Space The floor operates and an a “fifth wall” and a plane for conducting instruction. This grid was used for a learning activity that incorporated “planned movement.” Technology work stations allows for use of flexible technology tools.
Physical Space
Visual Reminders
You are not the master of the universe… Student Centered Environment
What’s next for LMS Continue two established PLC’s PLC members to work with other interested staff members Opportunities to observe other schools Video reflection of lessons Presenting at content PD days Keep growing and searching for new ways to implement UDL Cross curricular planning