1 British Action The French and Indian War- Britain depletes its treasury fighting a war to secure the boundaries of colonial America. Colonial Reaction.


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Presentation transcript:

1 British Action The French and Indian War- Britain depletes its treasury fighting a war to secure the boundaries of colonial America. Colonial Reaction American militias fight along side the British to defeat France and their native American allies winning control of North America. The Road to Revolution

2 British Action Navigation Act- To increase revenue Britain directed that all trade remain within the British empire. Colonial Reaction Colonists begin smuggling foreign goods and use foreign ships. British Action The French and Indian War- Britain depletes its treasury fighting a war to secure the boundaries of colonial America. Colonial Reaction American militias fight along side the British to defeat France and their native American allies winning control of North America.

3 British Action Proclamation Act of British Ignore colonial land claims in the Ohio River Valley, Reserving these lands for Native Americans in order to keep peace. Colonial Reaction Colonist ignore restrictions and become angry. British Action Navigation Act- To increase revenue Britain directed that all trade remain within the British empire. Colonial Reaction Colonists begin smuggling foreign goods and use foreign ships.

4 British Action Proclamation Act of British Ignore colonial land claims in the Ohio River Valley, Reserving these lands for Native Americans in order to keep peace. Colonial Reaction Colonist ignore restrictions and become angry. British Action Navigation Act- To increase revenue Britain directed that all trade remain within the British empire. Colonial Reaction Colonist begin smuggling foreign goods and use foreign ships. British Action Sugar Act- Lowers the tax on sugar In order to discourage smuggling. Colonial Reaction Colonists continue smuggling

5 British Action Vice Admiralty Courts- Took away the right to jury trials in smuggling cases. Colonial Reaction Colonists are angry that their rights as English citizens are being denied. British Action Quebec Act- Gave lands north of the Ohio River to Quebec, ignoring colonists land claims and investments. Colonial Reaction Growing Anger

6 British Action Stamp Act- Placed a tax on all Printed goods in the colonies. Colonial Reaction Sons of Liberty started In Boston, violent riots directed at British officials, boycotting of British goods, Stamp Act Congress meets.

7 British Action Repeal the Stamp Act British Action Stamp Act- Placed a tax on all Printed goods in the colonies. Colonial Reaction Sons of Liberty started In Boston, violent riots directed at British officials, Boycotting of British goods, Stamp Act Congress meets. Colonial Reaction Colonists celebrate their resistance has proved effective.

8 British Action Repeal the Stamp Act British Action Stamp Act- Placed a tax on all printed goods in the colonies Colonial Reaction Sons of Liberty started In Boston, violent riots directed at British officials, boycotting of British goods, Stamp Act Congress meets Colonial Reaction Colonists celebrate their resistance has proved effective British Action Declaratory Act- States that Britain has the right to make all decisions regarding the colonies. Colonial Reaction Colonists complain about the loss of their tradition of self rule.

9 British Action Townshend Acts- Placed a tax on imported goods such as glass tea paper and lead. Colonial Reaction Colonists sign non-importation agreement, boycott British goods, Daughters of Liberty created to encourage the use of home made Goods.

10 British Action Townshend Acts- Placed a tax on imported goods such as glass tea paper and lead. Colonial Reaction Colonists sign non-importation agreement, boycott British goods, Daughters of Liberty created to encourage the use of home made Goods. British Action Repeal the Townshend Act Colonial Reaction Colonist celebrate the success of their protests.

11 British Action Townshend Acts- Placed a tax on imported goods such as glass tea paper and lead. Colonial Reaction Colonists sign non-importation agreement, boycott British goods, Daughters of Liberty created to encourage the use of home made Goods. British Action Repeal the Townshend Act Colonial Reaction Colonist celebrate the success Of their protests. British Action Tea Act- Gave the British East India Tea Co. an unfavorable advantage allowing the company to by pass colonial merchants, reducing the price of tea in order to encourage people to drink the cheaper British Tea. Colonial Reaction Angry over England’s intervention In America’s trade, boycotts British Tea, Son’s of liberty dump tea into Boston Harbor. (Boston Tea Party.

12 British Action Coercive Acts- Closed Boston Harbor and outlawed town meetings In Boston until the tea was paid for. Colonial Reaction Other colonies support Massachusetts through smuggling. Militias units stockpile munitions and Increase in numbers. British Action Tea Act- Gave the British East India Tea Co. an unfavorable advantage allowing the company to by pass colonial merchants, reducing the price of tea in order to encourage people to drink the cheaper British Tea. Colonial Reaction Angry over England’s intervention In America’s trade, boycotts British Tea, Son’s of liberty dump tea into Boston Harbor. (Boston Tea Party.