Revolutionary Events By. Gary and Kain
The French and Indian war The French and Indian war was started in the late sixteen hundreds. Some Indians helped the French fight The British. And Some Indians helped the British to fight the French. The war lasted for ten years. the British was thirty billion dollars in debt. the British won The French's land. Then to pay the debt the British pressed the colonist to pay their taxes.
The Proclamation of 1763 The proclamation of 1763 was when British had gained land west of the Appalachian mountains. the proclamation was about to keep the colonist west of the Appalachian mountains. but the Indians were there before the colonist. but the colonist and the Indians started fighting over the land, many ignored it and moved west.
The Quartering Act The quartering act was when the colonist had to shelter the British soldiers and give them food, clothing, and a place to sleep this law was passed by parliament. The colonist were mad about the Quartering Act.
Stamp Act The stamp Act was about colonist not wanting to pay more for things they already use. Colonist showed their anger in many ways. Colonist didn’t want to pay taxes for newspapers, pamphlets, marriage licenses, and other goods. King George pressed the colonist to pay on this Act.
Boston tea party The colonist refuse to buy tea from Britain and a group of colonist dressed up as Indians and dumped ninety thousand pounds in the harbor