No Taxation Without Representation Ms. Elias Chapter 5, Lesson 1 No Taxation Without Representation
Proclamation of 1763 revenue writ of assistance resolution effigy Chapter 5, Lesson 1 (pg.119) Proclamation of 1763 revenue writ of assistance resolution effigy boycott repeal boycott, repeal
After the French and Indian War The British controlled more territory Britain needed new revenue (income $$) to pay for the salary of the troops. Britain had A LOT OF DEBT! As a result, Britain issues new taxes on the colonies.
Activity Read “Dealing with Great Britain” Complete the Proclamation of 1763 Organizer (see the board) Turn to page 119 and complete Geography Connection: The Proclamation of 1763 Questions #1 and #2
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Proclamation of 1763 Click on an Act to find out more information.
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Sugar Act 1764 Click on an Act to find out more information.
The Smuggling Problem To avoid taxes—colonists practice smuggling. Passes laws to stop smuggling—writs of assistance: documents allowed officers to search anywhere for smuggled goods, including people’s home! Sugar smuggling was a HUGE problem. So to stop colonial smuggling—the British lower the taxes on molasses (sugar) coming form the Caribbean.
The Road to Revolution Sugar Act = Britain hoped that lowering the tax on sugar would convinced colonists to pay that “low” tax instead of smuggling sugar. Sugar Act 1764 However, the tax also allowed officers to size goods from “accused” colonial smugglers without going to court. Sugar and molasses
Colonists’ Reaction Anger!!! Violated their rights as “British citizens.” Argued that they had their right to a trial by jury and be viewed as “innocent until proven guilty.”
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Stamp Act, 1765 Sugar Act 1764 Click on an Act to find out more information.
Stamp Act 1765 Puts a legal tax on legal documents such as wills and marriage papers, newspapers, and playing cards.
Colonial Reaction Virginia's House of Burgesses—passes a resolution (a formal expression of opinion): We (colony of Virginia) have the “sole right to lay taxes!” Stamp Act Congress—only colonial assemblies can tax the colonies. Colonists boycott (refuse to buy) British goods.
Boycott was successful—Britain had to repeal (cancel) the Stamp Act! Sam Adams’ Sons of Liberty (a group of colonists) took to the streets and burned effigies (stuffed figurines) made to look like unpopular tax collectors Boycott was successful—Britain had to repeal (cancel) the Stamp Act!
What does the coffin represents? (#1) Activity: STAMP ACT REACTION What does the coffin represents? (#1) What does the figurine made of straw represents? (#2) What do you think this angry protestor (#3) is about to do? Why were the colonists angry about the Stamp Act?
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Stamp Act, 1765 Sugar Act 1764 Townshend Acts, 1767 Click on an Act to find out more information.
Townshend Act 1767 Parliament passes this law which taxes imported goods, such as glass, paint, paper, and tea. Tax paid before the goods arrive at the colonies.
Colonists’ Reaction “No taxation without Representation” By now ALL taxes angered the colonists! Colonists boycott all British goods. Daughters of Liberty (women group) protested by asking colonists to wear homemade fabric rather than buying English fabric and other goods!
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Intolerable Acts, 1774 Stamp Act, 1765 Sugar Act 1764 Townshend Acts, 1767 Click on an Act to find out more information.
Activity: Colonial Conversation Write a conversation between two colonists who disagree over Britain taxing the colonists to help pay off its debts from the French and Indian War. One Colonist must AGREE with the 3 taxes The other colonist DISAGREE with the 3 taxes. You must include the following: Include the 3 tax Acts (Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Act) Explain why you agree and disagree with the tax. Have a conversation—like a play, or like you are texting someone!
Activity Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts Group Work: Propaganda Poster Pretend you are a British colonists in the 13 colonies. Create a poster in which you protest against one of the three British Polices. The poster should include: A reaction phrase An image which
Intolerable Acts 1774 Four laws passed to punish Massachusetts. Boston Harbor closed until they pay tea tax. Only one town meeting per year. Officials charged with crime will be tried in England. Quartering Act (British troops can stay in homes.) Colonial Reaction=stop importing these goods, form 1st Cont. Congress, draft decl. of rights
The Road to Revolution Taxes! Proclamation of 1763 Intolerable Acts, 1774 Stamp Act, 1765 Sugar Act 1764 Townshend Acts, 1767 Click on an Act to find out more information.