Early battle that demonstrated that the colonists could fight well against the British army. Battle of Bunker Hill
Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation Statement issued by Virginia’s royal governor promising freedom to any slave who fought for the British in the American Revolution Lord Dunmore’s Proclamation
Military tactic of engaging in swift, hit-and-run attacks. Guerrilla warfare
Peace agreement that officially ended the Revolutionary War and established British recognition of the United States. Treaty of Paris of 1783
Peace request sent by the Second Continental Congress to Britain’s King George III, who rejected it. Olive Branch Petition
1777 battle that marked the greatest victory up to that point for the American forces and led to the surrender of British general Burgoyne. Battle of Saratoga
Last major battle of the American Revolution, which resulted in the surrender of British general Cornwallis. Battle of Yorktown
Colonists who chose to fight for independence. Patriots
Name given to British soldiers by the colonists because of the uniforms worn by the British. Redcoats
Members of colonial militia units who were supposed to be ready to fight on a moment’s notice. minutemen
First Continental Congress Meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia to decide how to respond to increased taxes and abuses of authority by the British government; delegates petitioned King George III, listing the freedoms they believed colonists should enjoy. First Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence Document that defined what the colonists believed to be their rights, spelled out their complaints against Britain, and declared the colonies free and independent. Declaration of Independence
Colonists who sided with Great Britain during the colonial fight for independence. Loyalists
Hired foreign soldiers. mercenaries
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that criticized monarchies and convinced many American colonists of the need to break away from Britain. Common Sense