Welcome to Massachusetts The state of the First Battle of the American Revolution Battle of Lexington and Concord 5 th Grade Sandra Alvarez Imperial Teaching American History June 2011
California Standard 5.6 Students understand the course and consequences of the American Revolution Students understand the course and consequences of the American Revolution
Lesson Objective The students will describe the first battle of the American Revolution and create an informational travel brochure. The students will describe the first battle of the American Revolution and create an informational travel brochure.
Activate Prior Knowledge Identify the Causes and Effects of the American Revolution Britain and the colonist disagreed and could not get along anymore because: Britain and the colonist disagreed and could not get along anymore because: 1. Britain needed money 2. Britain passes Stamp Act 3. Britain passes Townshend Acts 4. Colonist boycott British goods
Vocabulary Patriot: a colonist who opposed British rule Militia: a group of ordinary people who train for battle
Vocabulary Minutemen: Militia with special training. They had to be ready for battle at a minute’s notice. Commander: The office in charge of an army
Vocabulary Petition: A written request from a number of people.
Pair-Share Students will tell their partner the definition of one of the words from the vocabulary list. Checking for Understanding In your own words describe or explain one of the vocabulary words listed.
Guided Practice Pair-Share Tell your partner about the Battle of Lexington and Concord where colonist and British soldiers fought in battle on April 19, Tell your partner about the Battle of Lexington and Concord where colonist and British soldiers fought in battle on April 19, Check for Understanding How did the Battle of Lexington and Concord begin? How did the Battle of Lexington and Concord begin?
Guided Practice Questioning Use White Boards to display responses. Use White Boards to display responses. Which side had more casualties at Lexington? Which side had more casualties at Lexington? A. British soldiers B. colonists A. British soldiers B. colonists What was the “shot heard round the world? What was the “shot heard round the world? A. As the minutemen turned to go, someone fired a shot. A. As the minutemen turned to go, someone fired a shot. B. No one knows whether the shot came from a British soldier or a colonist. B. No one knows whether the shot came from a British soldier or a colonist. Pair-Share Critical Thinking Discussion Pair-Share Critical Thinking Discussion How do you think colonists and militiamen felt when they heard the news of the events at Lexington and Concord? How do you think colonists and militiamen felt when they heard the news of the events at Lexington and Concord?
Closure The Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts was the beginning of the war to free colonists from British rule. The Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts was the beginning of the war to free colonists from British rule.
Assessment Travel Brochure Project Students will produce an informational Travel Brochure for the state of Massachusetts. The Brochure should invite travelers to learn and explore about Lexington and Concord. The information should contain facts about the Battle of Lexington and Concord. Demonstrate organization of ideas and acquired content. Graphics and pictures accompanying text. Presentation and attractiveness of the final project displaying well-organized information. Editing and Proofreading Use internet sources, textbooks, travel guides,
Information to be incorporated with Brochure Brochure Sections Front Flap Title cover, Name of the state, State shape, Introductory patriot slogan, Student name, class & period, Date Inside Left Flap Information concerning the Battle of Lexington and Concord, demographics about the time period, state facts, economy Inside Right Flap Famous battle site locations, weather, education Back Flap Sources cited, Where to find more information
Bibliography History-Social Science United States History Teacher’s Edition, 2007, Houghton Mifflin, Sacramento, Ca., pp
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