Causes of the Revolutionary War
1) People were Independent! -Did not want people living across the ocean telling them how they had to live!
2) French and Indian War Debt -England made the American Colonies pay for the debt incurred by the French Indian War -Colonist felt that was not their responsibility
3) No Taxation without Representation! -Americans felt that they should be able to have someone represent them in the British Parliament if they were going to get taxed!
4) Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine -Wrote literature (ex. Common Sense) encouraging Americans to rebel -Felt the Colonies should be free
5) TAXES -Stamp Act, Townshed Act, Sugar Act -Britain taxed most things to Colonists used to make money! Colonist started to go on strike against items taxed or tried to get it illegally to avoid tax.
6) Lexington and Concord -”The shot heard round the world” -British heard there was a gunpowder stockpile and went to get it from Colonists -No one knows who fired first! (Both sides say the other guy did it!)
References - ushistory/causesrevwar.htm -