Colonial Resistance and Rebellion Chapter 2.1
Review Mercantilism French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763 Navigation Act French and Indian War Proclamation of 1763
Tensions Rise During the French and Indian War Britain's national debt doubles 1761 Writ of Assistance. General search warrant allowing British officials to search colonial ships and buildings for smuggled goods. Most colonists worked from their homes.
Sugar Act of 1774 Stop smuggling Violators will be tried in vice-admiralty courts.
Stamp Act of 1765 Pay to have a stamp on any document and printed item. Wills, newspapers, and playing cards Affected colonists directly March, 1765 Stamp Act repealed.
Sons of Liberty Sons of Liberty Formed October 1765 in NY, Philadelphia, and Boston Some of their leaders included Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Paul Revere.
Samuel Adams
Townshend Acts of 1767 Taxed all goods that were imported into the colony from Britain. Lead, glass, paint, and paper. Tea? Sons of Liberty led another boycott. Too expensive to enforce! Raised 295 pounds in taxes. Cost 170,000 to enforce.
Tea Act of 1773 East India Company almost bankrupt. Lord North Grants the company the right to sell tea to colonist free of tax. Colonial tea seller were still charged tax. Cut colonial tea merchants out of trade. Lord North assumed colonist would just go along with the cheaper tea. WRONG!
Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party March 5, 1770 a mob is fired on outside of the Boston Custom House Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty dump 18,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor.
Intolerable Acts 1774 King George III was furious Quartering Act: Troops live in Colonial homes General Thomas Gage closes Boston harbor puts the city under Martial Law Response: First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia.
Lexington and Concord 700 British troops leave Boston and head for Concord. Led By General Thomas Gage Sent to seize stockpiled firearms and gunpowder in Concord Dawn April 19, 1775 Troops reached Lexington (5mi. From Concord) Paul Revere.
The Battle of Bunker Hill May 1775 Second Continental Congress George Washington June 17, 1775 the British send 2,400 troops to take “Bunker Hill” Colonist 450 dead British 1,000 dead
John Locke Life Liberty And property “the pursuit of happiness”
Thomas Paine Common Sense
Declaration Of Independence June 7, 1776 Continental Congress agrees to brake from Britain Thomas Jefferson is asked to prepare the final draft July 4, 1776 Congress adopted the Declaration of Intemperance