Turmoil Over Taxation How did Britain try to ease the growing tensions? What ways did colonist react to new taxes? How do these events lead to the Revolutionary War?
Review French & Indian War –What do we know???
Review: Albany Conference Benjamin Franklin
Review Who won? Treaty of Paris –France lost a lot of Land –Spain gained land west of Mississippi, New Orleans, & Florida –British gain land east of Mississippi Who got nothing out of the deal?
Trouble on the Frontier France left after the French & Indian War –British started moving in –Natives in the Ohio Valley not happy :( Senecas, Delawares, Shawnees, Ottawas, Miamis, & Hurons British didn’t treat Natives as well as French
Trouble on the Frontier War on the Frontier –Pontiac’s War: Pontiac natives attacked troops at Fort Detroit –Short war Natives now realized that the French could not help them
Proclamation of 1763 Proclamation of 1763: British government issued a statement saying no one could move west of Appalachian mountains. –Those already west needed to move back –This really got the colonist mad
Proclamation of 1763 What do you think the reasoning behind this law is? Why do you think this would make the colonist made at Great Britain? How could this lead to the Revolutionary War?
Proclamation of 1763 Daniel Boone: –Decided to go west anyways –Fought off natives
New Taxes: Sugar Act Britain is in debt due to French and Indian War Sugar Tax: New tax on molasses (what rum is made of) Sugar Act replaced another tax that actually lower than previous tax –People still mad and tried to smuggle it in
New Taxes: Stamp Act Stamp Act: tax on new duties on legal documents wills, diplomas, and marriage papers & also taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards
New Taxes: Stamp Act People mad –people threw rocks at officials –Even tarred and feathered the agents! –Destroyed homes of officials Shouldn’t people help pay for the French & Indian war? Above, a tax collector is tied to a pole by an unruly crowd. A British loyalist is secured at bottom of pole
New Taxes: Stamp Act THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE MAD!!! No Taxation Without Representation! –This went against the Magna Carta What would be said in the Magna Carta about this?
New Tax: Stamp Act Magna Carta: limited king’s power Then there was the Glorious Revolution, what happened then?
New Tax: Stamp Act English Bill of Rights: –Must have consent from parliament to collect taxes –Can’t interfere with the right to free speech and debate in Parliament –Maintain an army in peacetime –Protestant could have arms for their defense –The government couldn’t require bail or administer cruel punishment for those accused or convicted of crimes –Declare that laws made by Parliament should be obey- King couldn’t override
New Tax: Stamp Act Can we think of any instances where these rules were followed or not followed over the past units
What are some different ways to protest? Non-violent ways!
Ways to Protest Petition Boycott Finally Parliament replied (canceled the law)
Townshend Acts A new way to tax named after Charles Townshend Taxed –Glass –Paper –Paint –Lead –tea
Townshend Acts New way to collect taxes –Too many people smuggling things Had to have writs of assistance: legal document that shows the ship cargo was inspected Colonist are getting mad
Think.... Think... Think... Mr. Bighead - Tensions Between the Colonists and the BritishMr. Bighead - Tensions Between the Colonists and the British Do you think it’s right that colonist got protection during the French and Indian war and yet aren’t paying the bill? Is there a better way of asking for money?
Work Cited dex.htmlhttp:// dex.html s108/revolution.htmhttp://legacy.owensboro.kctcs.edu/mmaltby/hi s108/revolution.htm %20Boone%20Was%20A%20Man.htmhttp:// %20Boone%20Was%20A%20Man.htm